Toddler uses Bottle for comfort & won't give it up

If you are not willing to take her bottle away completely, how about just putting 2 or 3 ounces of milk in it at a time. This way she won't get filled up and may eat some real food. And do not refill it when she finishes it and pitches another fit. She knows the louder and longer she screams the quicker you will do what she wants. It's not the drinking out of the bottle you have to stop, it's the screaming and fits you have to put an end to. At 22 months she already knows that if she wants something and you won't give it to her all she has to do is pitch a royal fit and she will get it. Wait till she's a teenager! You are going to have your hands full!

Honestly, I don't believe you can "gently" wean a child who is having a major tantrums. Cutting down on the frequency of the bottles isn't going to change things if she throws a fit anytime she doesn't get one when she asks, and you can't make her not have a tantrum, there's nothing in your mommy magic to make her suddenly be fine with not having bottles. Therefore, the best course of action is to get rid of ALL bottles. Dont' do some or once in a while or most of the time or when she has a tantrum (every time). Tell her she is too old for a bottle, and they are causing her to behave badly. Take all the bottles down and take them right out to the trash, with her. Yes, she'll likely tantrum for a period of time, but she is already doing that and you aren't making any progress. If she knows they are there, she will keep screaming til she wears you down and she knows she can do it every time. The solution is to get rid of the bottles altogether.