Hi Jennifer
Congratulations on your twins! I am a twin!! I have a twin brother :o)
I agree with maintaining our sanity through church and our relationship with Jesus :o)
What a blessing to know we do not have to "go it alone"
It may interest you to way out your options of working at home. You would have the ability to set your own schedule and so forth.
A great resource to apply directly to companies who actually hire people to work from home is www.sohojobs.org
I would check it out. Most companies now,like to outsource their work to keep the overhead low. With www.sohojobs.org you can search these companies and apply to ones that suit your skills and interest.
I hope this helps. It is something to think about.
I get earn $1000 a month from my home office and get paid once a week from one company and once a month from another :o)
Let me know if you have questions.
Best to you~
Teri K
"Working from home thanks to sohojobs.org"