To bumper or not to bumper?

For our twins, we wove the bumpers between the crib slats - that way they were there to prevent a stray arm or leg from going through, but they weren't floppy enough for their heads to get under. my girls weren't really into climbing - if they were climbers I probably would've reconsidered :-) :-).

You've already received a lot of different opinions and suggestions, but remember that you know your kids best and IMHO this is one of those issues that you can go with your instincts on.

Enjoy your babies - they grow fast! Mine are starting first grade in a couple weeks!

I found that putting my son in a sleepsack helps stop his little legs getting stuck. He had his arm stuck this morning, but when I went in there, he pulled it out himself.


I say keep the bumpers on. My daughter is almost 2(and about to move out of her crib) and we still have them on. They provide comfort and warmth and protection from the hard wood.

I'd keep the bumpers on. My baby loves to cuddle up to her bumpers and use them to prop her legs up. Also, my neice, who will be 2 next month, got her foot caught in the slat of her crib and broke her foot a couple months ago.

I haven't read all of your responses, so I don't know what everyone else has said. However, I used the bumper in my daughter's crib for a long time. I know they say it poses a health hazard when babies become mobile, but I feel like it prevents things like legs getting stuck and them bumping their head while they are rolling around in their sleep. Isn't that why they are called bumpers? :)

I finally had to remove the bumper when my daughter started using it to climb on to get out of the crib. She never got out, but ripped the little ties off of it by standing on it.

Good luck!

We use the breathable bumpers and love them. Then I don't ever worry about my babies getting stuck in the corner and suffocating. I sleep a lot better at Night. My 3 year old is still in her crib and she still cuddles up to the corner.
They have them at Babies r us and I'm pretty sure Target and Wal-mart too. Call them ahead to make sure

Breatheable mesh bumpers have been the answer for us:

They are too flimsy to use as a step for climbing and they do a great job of keeping his arms and legs in the crib.

We never needed a bumper with my son and I felt it was safest without one, but I would use a breathable bumper for my next baby for sure:

Hi Leslie,

I "compromised" on this debate by weaving the bumper in and out of the slats (2-3 at a time). They are nice and snug that way, she can't get between it and the slats, and also she can't stick her arms or legs throught the slats because the weaved bumper is there instead. Try it!

Hi Leslie. I read that you were supposed to take the bumpers off as well. I didn't with either of my kids because even with the bumpers on they both seemed to get hurt once they were older. My daughter who is almost 2 still has the bumpers on because she is a toss and turn sleeper. So far I haven't had problems. I would say play it by ear. Also I think it all depends on the kid. My son (4yr old)sometimes jumps in the crib and plays with my daughter..he's too old and sometimes will jump between the bumper but other than that so far it's been safe for us. Good luck.

My son is 20 months old and we still use his "Breatheable Bumpers." They are mesh so he can breathe even when he jams himself up in a corner. They just help to keep his arms and legs from being caught in the crib slats. Besides, he never was able to use them as a prop to climb out of the crib - super flexible. BRU and Target carry these.

You've gotten a lot of other reponses, but I wanted to let you know that my son is 21mo, and we still use the bumpers. To be honest, I've never read that you're supposed to remove them when the baby becomes mobile. It seems kinda silly to me to take them out when the baby seems to need them most...?? However, I can understand that they "might" pose a health hazard.

To prevent my son from being able to use them to climb out (which, thank goodness, he still has never attempted), I make sure the corners are really tight, but the side/middle ties are loose and can slide easily. Hope this helps!

I too am a mother of twin girls, but they are 9 now and it does get much better.
I have 4 kids with the youngest being 18 months old and have always always used the bumper. I used it to prevent them from getting their legs caught, or bumping their heads on the sides of the cribs. As long as they can roll over and are somewhat mobile, I would put them right back into the crib. It will save bumps on the head and leg or arms from getting caught.
Need more twins advice let me know.

In this case mobile means standing as I was told by our pediatrician. Some types can be used to help climb out of a crib. If you still want a bumber as a guard against leg injury then they have mesh ones that are easier to breath through and prevent the arms and legs from sticking out. The mesh ones also do not bunch along the side as do the decorative ones so they can not be climbed.

Good luck :)

I left the bumpers on the crib for my 2 babies and both are fine. My youngest, 14 months, still has the bumpers in his crib. :)

My daughter is gonna be a year soon and I still have the bumpers on. She is my 4th child and I left them on til they were out of the crib.

I really think it's up to you. you know your child best. My son has never been the type to seriously try and climb out of his crib so I have never taken the bumper out and he is now 2 yr 9 mos. He always slept all over the place, even side to side in the crib and not having the bumper would have made that very uncomfortable for him. When he did start experimenting with climbing out of the crib (though he has never gotten anywhere near doing it) I loosened all the top ties of the bumper so he couldn't launch himself off over the side. Instead it just crushed down not giving him any leverage. In addition to that we talked to him about how he would get hurt if he tried climbing over by himself. He just happens to be the type of kid to process the info and then not do it. So, basically I think those are precautionary rules/tips but you knowing your child should be able to decide for yourself it it's really an issue at this time.

They sell mesh 'breathable' bumpers. Try Babies r Us or Google one online.

I have a 6mo son who is very active in his crib as is your daughter. I removed the bumper, and the same thing happend; his legs got stuck (brand new, safe crib). So, I put the bumper back in and I plan to leave it there for a while. My son sleeps on his side and tummy a lot, too, like your daughter. It is my understanding that once they can roll and lift their heads real well, the stomach sleeping is not as much of an issue. I just try to avoid lots of extra material in the crib (big blankets, etc) that he might not be able to move away from. Hope this helps.

I’m not sure I can express how great it is for me to be able to have a forum such as this one to ask questions and receive such thoughtful and helpful feedback. I really appreciate that you all took the time to share your advice and points-of-view on this topic – particularly because it’s pretty clear that different people have different approaches.

Honestly, I think my girls are pretty safe with the bumpers even though a number of you correctly point out that current medical advice is to remove them. However, many of you pointed me to the mesh bumpers which I was unaware of and I think I’ll order a couple of those to be on the safe side. Finally, in the interim, I’ve taken Monica J’s advice and woven the bumpers through the slats – which I actually like better because they fit much more tightly around the crib sides now.

Thank you! I look forward to returning the favor to all of you in a future post!