Hi! We are planning a homebirth with our second child. My midwife has recommended a mohel to do the circumsicion since we will not be at the hospital with an OB/surgeon. Since I am not Jewish, I do not know the proper etiquite for this...do I need to pay/tip him for his service and if so, how much? Thanks
P.S. I know that circumsicion is a hot topic, please do not send me emails about this...we have decided that this is what is best for us. Thank you
If your midwife is suggestin a mohel, ask who she has recommended in the past. If he doesn't charge for the circumcision, a nice gesture would be a donation to his temple.
I am Jewish, and my nephew was circumcised at the Chabad. Now that I think about it, I'm almost positive that he did charge a fee - just ask! Since it's a Jewish custom, I don't know if he will have you wait the traditional 8 days after the birth. I had no idea that mohels were used in non-Jewish circumcisions!
We went through a guy named Rabbi Rovinski. I used him with all three of my boys. We had money problems so he cut us a deal. We had twins the first time so we got a 2 for 1 special. :) Then two years later when I had my second son, he wasn't even going to charge me at all. Luckily I had enough money to pay him. He is a very kind man and does awesome work!
If I were you, I would talk to my pediatrician and ask for a pediatric urologist recommendation. That way you can just ask them to bill to your insurance and just pay the copay. Plus, the urologist will give your son some pain relief, while the mohel won't.
If it is Rabbi Rovinsky, he has a set fee and will let you know the fee when you set up the circ with him. He is the mohel that most homebirthers/birth center birthers/families wanting to wait on the circ. look to. I don't know of any that have tipped him, but there is a standard fee.
I think in the hospital they rec. waiting a day or two after birth b/c of the stress involved . I would call and see if you can take him a few days or so after to have the procedure done in the hospital/pediatricians office or call a pediatric urologist...and check and see if it is covered under insurance.-- Also he would get some numbing/pain medication.....
Have you called a Mohel? If one will be present a donation to his shul is customary. The Mohel will be able to tell you the recommended amount. Don't be shy about asking.
By the way, we used Rabbi Rovinsky as well. He does not live in Dallas, though, but comes in often to perform brismalah. I saw that someone else sent you his link.
Someone else mentioned pain relief...all we used was neosporin with pain relief. You can also give him tylenol if needed.
We had our third son's circ with a mohel. He came recommended from the Allen Birthing Center. We paid him $200.00 as this was the fee that he quoted us for his services. His website is www.brismilah.org. We were very pleased with his services and found the experience much better, quicker and less painfull for the little one than the traditional approach we took the first two times. Even our pediatrician mentioned what a great job he did.
May I also recommend waiting a few days (maybe 7 or 8) to do the circumcision? Scientific study has shown that the mechanisms for clotting and the ability for fighting off possible infection (due to colostrum in breastmilk if you are breastfeeding) are higher when you wait a few days and not do it right after birth. As far as the offering, google it also on www.judiasm101.com (I don't know if there is a section on the bris or not)
If you do not use a mohel, you can also have your pediatrician do it at his first well check. My friend does this when her sons turned 8 days old.
For pain relief, Emla could be prescribed prior to the event by your pediatrician and applied one hour before the circumcision is done.
I do not believe that a tip is necessary, but they do charge a fee. You may have some trouble finding a mohel to do it if you are not Jewish. If you contact a local Synagogue, they may be able to give you a reference for a Mohel who will do it. I would suggest meeting him first to discuss the fee and the procedure. Good luck!! Happy home-birthing!
We too had a home birth with our second son and used Rabbi Rovinski for circumcision. I believe our son was 1 1/2 to 2wks old when we did it. It was short and sweet, and the Rabbi was great! I would highly recommend him.
Why do you need to use a Mohel? I am Jewish and I am pretty sure that a Mohel will not preform the circumsicion. It is a very religious event! Have you considered a Ped. Urologist? They also can do it. As far as tipping, we never tipped. The Mohel charged us a certain amount. You may also want to ask your pediatrician how to handle it.
If you are using Rabbi Rovinsky, he charges $200 last I checked, but it is a voluntary fee, i.e. you pay what you can afford. He will also give you a receipt that you can submit to insurance. There is a joke that Mohels work for tips, but in this case it doesn't refer to money!
He is great... he's done all 3 of our boys and I wouldn't do it any other way. Message me privately if you have any questions.
Most Mohel's charge a price for their service and it can be rather expensive. I'm not sure if a Mohel would perform a circumsicion that is not part of a Bris. I have never heard of them doing that. If you do find one willing, the usual thing to do (as a tip) is to make a donation to the synogogue they are affiliated with. I would think that your pediatrician could also help with recommendations as to who to use for the circumsicion (which might be cheaper and may be covered by insurance). Hope this helps:)
I would ask around at the Jewish Community Center. I know they would have some knowlege of the standard practices!
Also FYI, if you need invitations or favors give me a shout.
I hope all goes smoothly with the home birth (more power to ya!)
I also know that if you do it at home, its preferred to do it at home on the 8th day because it's when the vitamin K in the baby's blood is developed to support proper clotting and healing. There may be other reasons but I know this is one scientific one. :o)
Hi KC I'm pretty sure a Mohel won't do it if your not Jewish... but your pedi. probably will, I might look into that. I do think you have to wait a few days after the birth. & I would also ask for a subcutaneous ring block, it's lidocaine injected under the skin, used before the circ. (I'm in the health field)... it is very painful if done without anestetic, there have been reports of babies going into shock, so most importantly I would find someone who can administer the local anestetic. You don't want your little baby to go through unessasry pain! it will make it much better for baby. Good luck.
We actually had Michael Rovinsky do our son's circumcision on Wednesday. We did it with him for the same reason...that we had a birth center birth so we couldn't do it in the hospital. The fee was $200 and I don't think it's normal to tip. It was just like any other medical fee. Good luck!