Thoughts on My First LeapPad

We just found a My First Leap Pad for $12. I bought it because that sounded like a good deal. It came with a My Little Mermaid book, obviously not for a little boy, but its better than nothing. I also found some online books for it, ABC's. Number Farm and Leap to the Moon. Anyone else have one of these? What books did you find were the most interesting for your kids? I'm not really looking to spend a lot on the books, the ones I found were on Amazon for $2-$4 each. I'm happy for now with what we have, but I'm sure he will grow tired of the books after some time. That's why I am looking for suggestions for future purchases.

They are the little spiral bound notebooks. I'm not sure if the My First LeapPad is compatible with any other Leap Pad books.

I had this for my first and they loved all of the books. We had the farm book that came with it and Leap to the Moon as well as a few others. I think you have to use just those but really, it is worth it. They used it until they were 5 or 6 and then I got a good deal on the Leap Pad so they had that as well. They would actually exchange between the 2 since they had to share. They loved the Scooby Doo for #2, as well as several others.

i didnt care for it because the touch pad was hard for my daughter to push the book to set the sensor off. i wouldnt buy one again. but thats just my opinion

Love it! I got books off of ebay and the thrift stores. My son will be 3 in August and he uses the book all by himself. He really likes that he is in control.

We loved ours! Here are the books that my kids liked best:
Tad's Silly Writing Fair
I Know My ABCs
There's a Wocket in My Pocket
Once Upon a Rhyme
Tad's Silly Number Farm

We bought ours when my oldest son when he got his tonsils out (age 3) and it helped tremendously when we needed him to not run around. It was also great to help him with "computer" things and it really did help teach him things.

He is now 6 and we have a 3 year old...I just asked them what their favorites are/were and here are their answers:

My First Day of School (what will I be?)
The Foot Book
Best Friends Forever (sponge bob)
Leaps Big Day (this one came with it)
Once Upon a Rhyme

The games are only compatible with My First Leap Pad.

Have Fun!

My daughter really likes hers. We got it as a hand me down from a friend and it had several books with it. She likes the Dora one a lot, but she plays with all of them. My son just turned 2 and he is really interested in trying it out too! :-)