I'm trying to understand a friend of mines son. He can be a bit of a bully. In the past few months, he has been pushing down younger kids, for no apparent reason. Maybe it is just for attention, but he usually does it when no one is looking! He does have a baby brother that t will be 1 in two weeks. This boy, btw, is 5. Hubby thinks he is being a bully because he small and wimpy. I think there might be some truth to this, especially since in the last year he has increasingly spent time with an aggressive older boy.
In any case, this boy is my 3 year olds best friend. They usually play really well together, but in the past month or so, this boy has been aggressive with my son. Today he pulled my son out of the entrance to a bounce thing, and then sat on his head. What I'm really curious about, however, is what he did about ten minutes later.
I looked over at them, and this boy was laying on my son. They were playing up until this point, my son wasn't upset this boy was on him, everything was fine. But the boy looked at me, and then he slammed my son's head into the bounce ground. My son wasn't hurt or anything, but why would the boy do this? For my attention? I have noticed that he has been hurting smaller kids in front of more adults lately. is he just seeing how we will respond and testing?