I Kacee:
Congrats hun. That sweet little girl is going to change your life. We had a problem with my Grandson,his first few weeks.He had painful gas, and also became constipated.It was so sad. They had to take him in because eventually he was unable to have a bowel movement at all.The Dr. told them, that allot of babies can't handle all the (Iron)they put in the formulas today.He said that was what was tying him up. They put him on a formula with little to no iron.If I were you, I'd keep working on breastfeeding,and use a formula with no iron.See if that helps her.The Mylicon drops are great i'm sure, but the idea is to get to the root of the problem,not mask it,or try to resolve a problem,with medication.I wish you and your darlin girl the best. Julia M
if your REALLY TRULY concerned about your baby not having gas.... DONT FEED HER FORMULA!!!!!!!!!! continue to BREASTFEED. its not to late to build your milk supply .
Choosing to breastfeed or formula feed is NOT like choosing between coke or pepsi! if you need advice on breastfeeding support, then pm me.
PLEASE -- RE-READ the response from S H she has a lot of Right-On Insights.
I agree with everything she said, especially about the Hylands Colic Tablets -- I've turned so many people on to them and they work great. Just pour the three tablets into the cap and then into the babies mouth. Try not to use your fingers if possible.
Good Luck and keep asking questions, that's how you learn.
i'd call la leche, or the hospital for some help w/ the nursing. What you eat effects gas also, so it may not be the formula. Plus, not burping may also be the problem.
Best if you can work on your milk supply and eliminate formula altogether. This site has great tips for increasing milk supply:
Congratulations on your baby! On your it's tough in the begining because everything is so new. but it gets better :)
We had the same problem with our daughter... we switched her to similac .. but soy. She was fine after that. I have also heard alot of good things about good start. GIve it a try!
Kacee - my now one year old had the same problem at the much earlier age. We tried everything and what helped her was Nestle Good Start (green can). I too breastfed but had some problems and got all kinds of help as well, but because of an earlier breast surgery, I had some challenges. So don't feel guilty about giving your child formula if you are also breastfeeding. We can only all do so much.
Good burping also helped our little one and the occasional Mylicon (as directed by her pediatrian)was a lifesaver.
Best of luck!
My granddaughter had problems digesting her formula and her pediatrician recommended Nestle's Good Start. He said it was easier for babies to digest. It might be worth considereing. She is much better since the switch.
My daughter is on Similac Sensitive for fussiness and gas. She had colic and the doctor recommended it. Enfamil has their own version too.
Hi Kacee.
Perhaps you can elaborate on what kind of struggles you are having with breastfeeding. Most "problems" do have a solution. Have you been able to meet with a lactation consultant? Also check out the La Leche League web site. There is lots of support out there for you.
My advice would be to work on getting the breastfeeding down because there is not a formula out there on the market that is going to be as gentle on her tummy as your milk.
I have breast fed all four of my children. I would love to offer additional support if you can elaborate, or you can find an abundance of info from La Leche League.
Hi Kacee,
Congratulations on your beautiful baby. Most babies get/are gassy. Just a little info, anything with iron can constipate her. Maybe it's too soon for iron...? With my daughter I used Carnation Good Start...never had any issues. With my son, I exclusively breastfed, but he too, was pretty gassy in the beginning. May I recommend laying her on her tummy on you thighs, making sure your thigh is on her tummy and lightly bounce and rock her. This helps to pass gas. Another method, place her on the couch or floor on her back and grab her calves and push her knee up into her chest. Rotate right, then left. Again it puts pressure on her tummy so she can release the gas. If things are really bad, Little Tummies gas relief does work.
I wish you all the happiness with your little one! Enjoy, it FLYS by.
COngrats on your little princess. My son too was a very gassy baby and I had SO much tourble breast feeding. For my son we used Similac Soy (it has a blue label). It seems to help him a lot plus I used gas drops. They were a life saver! Plus, anything that you eat your baby is injesting since you are breast feeding. Try to stay away from eating foods that contribute to gas. Being a new mommy is a stressful thing. I suggest that you try to just let all the small stuff go and enjoy every precious minute you have with your little girl. Before you know it she will walking and into everything (my son is 18 months old and I miss the days of just laying together and cuddling). Since you are still having trouble with breast feeding, you can always contact the lactation specialist at the hospital where you delivered. If you want, you can ask me questions as well. :) Good luck!
If you are going with the Enfamil formula then I would suggest using Enfamil Gentlease. It is made for gassy babies. Your pediatrician should have samples in the office to try out. Also you should try Mylicon or some kind of gas drops. I use Little Remedies gas drops that can be purchased at babies r us for gas and Gripe Water for hiccups. My gassy baby gets hiccups all the time. Gripe water is awesome! If you want to go with more natural stuff then I think Sprouts and Henry's carries Highlands products instead of the Little Remedies. I would also think about the fact that she could also be colic if she is crying a lot. Gripe Water will help will that and Enfamil makes formula for colic babies too. Good luck!
what always worked for my children was nestle goodstart supreme and also it takes 2 weeks for their little bodies to get used to new formula so if you're changing it more often than that, it might be why it's still continuing. Have you tried gripe water? That really helped with my daughter, you can find it at any pharmacy
I hope things are getting better then when you originally posted. I just want to mention a couple of recommendations. If, after much trying, breastfeeding is not working out, I do recommend an Organic formula. However, with whatever formula you do choose a couple tips to keep the gas to a minimum. First, start with warm water, this in itself can make a big impact. Second, stir the formula, shaking it up creates even the tiniest of bubbles that can make its way into the baby's tummy. Finally, burp your little one until a your satisfied that there aren't anymore burps left. Should the need for gas drops present itself, I highly recommend Boirons Liquid Gas drops. Best!
Hello, congratulations on your beautiful 3 week old. What a blessing. Sorry to hear your little one's gas. I know it can be pretty painful for babies. You're doing great by researching & seeking advice. I gave my daughter Nestle Good Start Supreme DHA & ARA Powder Formula - 25.7Oz from the time she was 6 months - 1 year & this worked GREAT! It's a little pricier but only by a few dollars. I've heard from 2 other friends that their babies couldn't handle Emfamil or Similac. Some babies can be quite sensitive to these formulas. Another friend told me about Infants' Mylicon Gas Relief drops. I gave them to my daughter a few times & it seemed to help. Best of luck.
Nestle/Gerber Good Start Gentle formula...it's the BEST! =) I have a 20 month old and a 3 week old and I use Avent bottles. My daughter NEVER spit up or had any problems on this formula/bottle combo. My son seems to gulp his food and I have to stop to burp him more often, so he will spit up a little bit every few feedings or so. Overall, Good Start is a little on the expensive side (Babies R Us usually has sales), but it's the best and well worth it!
My baby was not passing gas and was getting fussy day by day. I tried gas drops, bicycling his legs and tummy massage but no luck. Then tried Baby magic tea which helped him relieving his gas and got comfortable.