I am a SAHM of one 2yr old boy. You have your hands more full than I do so the TV may be a way to help you to get the essentials done (breakfast, lunch, ect.) which is completely understandable. My son however, only watches 1/2 hr to 1hr at the most per day and is usually in the am when he eats breakfast. I wouldn't beat yourself up about it, your kids sound healthy and well adjusted. You are providing a great example to them by fixing healthy meals and exercising on a regular basis. It doesn't sound like it should be a big deal, your doing a great job I am sure!
I feel your pain and concern. I have two kids, 6 & 3, who love to watch TV as much as yours do. I have recently become a working from home mom and get to see how much my 3 year old spends in front of the TV. I try my hardest to divert his attention with any type of project. I discovered that he enjoys to "cook" with me, so I invite him often to help me cook his lunch or dinner. You do so many things right and should not be so hard on yourself.
My son just turned 4 years old and is also a t.v. junkie. He watches it in the morning while getting ready for preschool and after he gets home in the afternoon, he watches mostly Disney Channel or DVD's. I wouldn't worry about it too much as long as it's educational or they learn something from it. I remember as a child that I couldn't get enough of it either. As long as they have other interests also it's not that bad. My son learns a lot from what he watches and I know because he talks about it all the time. I hope this helps.
I have three children. 9,7 and 4. Sometimes it is hard to not let them watch tv all the time but I believe as long as you guys have "outside time" and are doing games and crafts it kinda lets you have a little "me" time to if you know what I mean. Reading books is very important to it gets them ready for school. I think you are doing just fine. There are some moms out there that allow tv to watch their children and if that was the case then yes it is to much tv but 3-4 hours I think is fine. Just my opion though. Good luck!
Renee R.
I would have to agree with those that say not to worry about it too much. First, the kids get physical activity, read books (or are read to), and do other activities. It's impossible to structure enough activities in to an entire day, every day. If you want to cut a bit of that tv time out, maybe just encourage them to play by themselves and entertain themselves (legos, blocks, drawing, play doh, etc.), which should be too difficult because you've built activities in to their daily lives already.
I always said that I wouldn't let my kids watch tv; but my husband and I are in grad school, we work, and we have two young kids, so I do have to rely on tv more than I would like. I have a 3.5 year old who watches a bit of tv in the morning while we're getting breakfast, packing lunches, getting dressed, etc., then she watches while I make dinner, and sometimes while I give my one-year old a bath. Noggin is great, because it's designed for toddlers...there are no commercials, and a lot of the shows are somewhat interactive, or at least are not at all aggressive (no real conflict at all) and teach kid-values like sharing. My kids (even the one-year-old) try to help me with chores and other things, and go to bed pretty easily, and are (generally) well-behaved.
I watched too much tv growing up, probably, but my values I got from my parents. I think that's key, and you sound like a great, engaged mom who is a good role model for her kids. As they get older, I like the idea of giving them more and more responsibility around the house and for their own personal needs, and they won't have much time for tv, anyway! We'll see how that works out in my house, too. Isn't it funny how we have to adjust our parenting styles and beliefs to match our own family's needs and realities?
I don't know about anyone else but Noggin & Sprout was all I watched for the first 18mths of my daughters life. I know "they" tell you all these things of what you shouldn't let your kids do but the truth is you have to do what works best for you & your kids do many other things besides watch tv, so I wouldn't really worry to much if I was you. My daughter turned 3yrs old in December & she knows all her colors, can count to 20, knows all her shapes, all her ABC's (she can say & recognize them) she even tries to write a few of them now & she learned all this not just from us but with the help of educational tv programs. I know I watched ALOT of tv as a kid & I think I turned out fine. I'm not knocking anyone if they think kids shouldn't watch tv, but I think if you keep doing what you're doing & you know what your kids are watching, they will be just fine.
I think you are being a little hard on yourself Carrie, how do you do it all, and while pregnant with a fourth....Some days it takes so much for me to take my two year old son for a walk to the park, only child right now and I'm also a stay at home mom trying for a second. I try to not let myself feel guilty as long as I take him on outings at least 4-5 days a week. I do not think they are watching too much T.V., plus I'm sure the shows they are watching are somewhat educational right?? Either way, they get plenty of stimulation with eachother/friends/family/school. Plus, you said you do things w/them every day. When you're at home w/ them, you need for them to do something else other be at your feet while you get your necessary things for the day completed. My God, you're not a super hero...Sounds like you need some time off from being Supermom...Even if for a few hours.
I know that you have gotten alot of answers, so here is one more from a Grandma. When my daughter was little (she is almost 29) I had to work all day & Yes I did let her watch TV. She loved the shows that had music. MTV was different back then. She was very active & still is. She has great values & work ethics. I believe she learned from every aspect of her life. I now watch my 2 year old grandson during the day. He is dropped off at 7:00 am. I have TLC on for him when he gets here. He loves Hi-5 & dances to the music. We watch Wilber. This is about reading books (he loves his books). Then after breakfast, we watch Bindi The Jungle Girl. He is learning about animals & their names. He gets so excited when he can tell me which animal is on the screen. We either play outside if the weather is good or stay active inside. At least 2 days a week, we go to Monkey Playhouse (an inside playground) so he can play with other children. My point is, that if all they do is watch TV, there is a PROBLEM. Children learn from everything in their lives, including TV. It sounds like you have control over what they watch. They are also active with other things during the day. You sound like a good & loving mother. Good Luck
I know this is from a few days ago, but I'm just catching up on my emails. I have twin 6-yo boys who are now in Kindergarten, but when they were in preschool they watched a TON of TV. I always felt guilty about it, but I really disagree with the argument that they aren't learning anything - there are so many wonderful shows that teach them so much about colors, letters/numbers, reading even, and the all important how to get along with others! I only let them watch certain age-appropriate shows, not junk, but I feel if you monitor what they're watching, they can really benefit from it, and the # of hours/day doesn't matter too much (unless it's like ALL DAY). Plus, you really need that time to get your own stuff done! You simply can't be hands-on 24/7. If you're feeling too guilty about it, you can "misplace" the remote sometimes, or the batteries can "die" (remove them from the remote); or give them paper & crayons or playdoh & that'll keep 'em busy.
Carrie....Wow, it was like I was hearing myself talk. My kids do watch a lot more television than I would like them to. Sometimes it truly is the only break stay-at-home moms get and I handle it in two ways. On the days that I'm tapped out physically and emotionally, I let them watch several hours a day, but encourage them to find things to do together; (like play school or McDonald's drive-thru!) sometimes they do, sometimes they keep watching t.v. Other days I claim a "no t.v. day" and they have to help in what I'm doing or do their own chores. My bottom line is no t.v. in the morning before school. I tell them their brains will turn to mush!! Anyway, don't be so hard on yourself. It sounds like you have a healthy, happy family. We do as well and so I try to throw the guilt in the garbage. Try a "no t.v. day" and if you aren't ready to lock yourself in your bedroom closet by lunchtime, call it a great success! Remember you are in the toughest years of motherhood and marriage (yours are younger than mine and I think you sound like a fabulous mom!)
I'm a mother of a 5, 7 and 17 year old and live in Venice. I joined a MOPS group and wish I would have years ago...I love how normal it makes ME feel!
It is good that you see that. TV is indeed really bad for young kids. I have a 5 and a 2 y.o. . Since I took the TV from them they just play the whole day together. It is really DESTRUCTIVE for their development brain. It is really sad that FEW people know it. I could be on and on about it. But check the work of the WALDORF SCHOOLS. A school for the ELITE of thinkers way ahead of any game you will ever see. Make Montessori a joke. (ex-Montessori teacher speaking).
1-2 hours is a ""LOT"" of TV. Fortunately you can see with your own eyes if you just turn the it off. I saw it!!! I takes few days for them not even remember it is there. Be patient.
TV, KIDS and their full potential of imagination DON'T MATCH. And kids without imagination are clown of our society. Yes we need all kinds of people and they all should be respected. Just think which kind of adults you want then to be. Good luck on your own research...Your kids future in your hands.
Boys should get dirt and not watch TV AT THIS TIME. Have you ever wonder who makes these cartoons? Have you ever seem a gay pride flag(6 times) in the Diego's armadillo episode. I did. Sad,sad, sad....Play with them. Tell stories when you were a baby at bed time(THEY WILL LOVE IT)...Trust without TV they will play together for most of the day. Because imagination have NO limits.
You will see a lot of answers saying it is OK....But IT COULDN'T BE FAR FROM THE TRUTH.
You guys are all so wonderful. So many people came to my “rescue.” Thanks to the dozens who responded with their own situations with small children and t.v. watching. I believe the consensus is, as long as they are well-rounded, active, involved children, then a few hours of t.v. watching isn’t going to make their heads turn square (we threaten that one, sometimes). And, since I now know I am not the only one in this situation, I feel comfortable that if they do develop “issues” because of it, your kids will be right by their side. HAHAHA!! Kidding!! You guys are the best. Thanks for the advice. I hope I can return the favor one day.