
What age do babies usually start teething?

My daughter started teething at 4 months old. I have friends with children who are nine and ten months old and still dont have any teeth. I guess it different for every child.

My baby didn't actually get any teeth in until she was 6 months old, but I truly think she started the teething process around 3 months old. She would drool and chew on things in a very frantic fashion most times. She got her two bottom middle teeth at 6 months, but then didn't get any more until she was 11 months old. She got 4 top teeth all at once then.

Between 6-9 months a child will usually get their first teeth. However it is slightly genetic dependent so if you were 15months when you got your first then your child could be the same way. Good news is the longer those baby teeth stay hidden, the better off they are to have stronger adult teeth (per dentist).

My son's first tooth just broke through a few weeks ago when he was 8 months old. He has been showing signs of teething (drooling, chewing, being cranky, etc.) since he was about 3 months old. It will happen.

I heard between 4-7 months.

They can start the 'teething's symptoms (drooling, biting, etc.) as early as 3 months, but usually don't get teeth until 6-10 months! Every baby is different. Mine started the symptoms at three months, but just got her first tooth on her 9 month b-day (and boy was she cranky about it!!)

My kids both got their first teeth late, about 10-11 months. But, because they started so late, they usually were cutting two or more at the same time. I think it was easier that way, not that we mothers have any choice in the matter! LOL


It varies from child to child.
My oldest didn't have a tooth in his head until he was almost 10 months old lol. My youngest got his first tooth when he was 6 months old. My best friends little boy got his first tooth when he was only 4 months old!
So there is no certain age that a child starts teething.
I honestly thought my oldest son would have gotten his first tooth early, because by the time he was 3 months old, he was chewing anything and everything he could get his hands on, and I had to keep a bib on him because he drooled really bad! We would go through at least 6 bibs per day! But like I said, I was still getting big, toothless smiles from him until he was almost 10 months old.

Babies start teething whenever they're ready to! I know that seems like a "pat" answer but nothing you can do will hurry that along. My son was way over a year before he got his first tooth -- but he had some darn tough gums and could eat just about anything age appropriate. He lost his baby teeth behind the curve too ....

Look in your baby's mouth at the gum line. You may see a white spot and a "pooch out" where the tooth will be. Are you worried about the three month old?


Teething symptoms can precede the actual appearance of a tooth by as much as two or three months. Most babies get their first tooth around 6 months old, though when those first tiny pearly whites make their appearance can vary quite a bit from baby to baby. Some infants’ first teeth erupt as early as 2–3 months old, while others don’t get theirs until after the first birthday. In other words, there’s a wide range of normal in terms of when teething in babies starts.

Hope it helps:)

thanks everyone for keeping the advice coming. I was wondering because my 4month old acts like she is teething, she is drooling, cranky, I first thought she might be too young til I talked to other peoople who said no. She also has a white dot on the middle of her bottom gum. It’s hard for me to remember these things since my other one is nine years old, it’s really like starting all over again, lol. Thanks so much.
