People do it all the time.
So much, in fact, that some school systems are cracking down on it.
My sons current school sends home this information at the beginning of the year so everyone is clear about the rules:
"This letter serves to advise you that the court takes very seriously any violation of our State's mandatory school attendance laws. As you know, your minor child is required to attend school, and you, as the parent / guardian, also have a legal duty and responsibility to comply with same. Pursuant to Virginia Code Section 22.1-254, "every parent, guardian,
or other person in the Commonwealth having control or charge of any child who will have reached the fifth birthday before September 30 of any school year and who has not passed the eighteenth birthday shall, during the period of each year the public schools are in session.....send such child to school....."
If you or your child disregard that legal obligation, you are subject to criminal
prosecution; and these types of cases are now handled routinely in the Chesapeake Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. Recently, we have undertaken a more aggressive docketing procedure to have such cases brought before the Court in a timely manner. We view this as a serious matter and such cases are addressed with appropriate consequences, which may include confinement in the Chesapeake Juvenile Services Detention Home for juveniles or the Chesapeake City Jail for adults."
"Teachers and principals shall require students to be regular and punctual in attendance. Regular school attendance and being on time to school and
each class is important in the academic development of the students. Excessive or unexcused absence from school is harmful to such development.
Parents of students who accumulate five (5) unexcused absences are required to meet with the school administration to develop an Attendance
Improvement Plan for the student. At six (6) unexcused absences, a determination will be made if outside help sources can provide assistance. At
seven (7) unexcused absences, students will be referred to court services. (Code of Virginia 22.1-258)
To receive credit for courses using traditional class schedules, a student shall not miss more than 30 days for a full-year course and not more than
15 days for a semester course, unless extenuating circumstances, such as a long illness, that would affect the student's school attendance are
established. To receive credit for courses using the 4 x 4 block schedule, a student shall not miss more than 9 days for a course unless extenuating
circumstances are established. The principal shall be the judge of extenuating circumstances.
Sickness of a student, medical appointments, severe illness or death in the family, exposure to contagious disease, religious holidays, or extenuating
circumstances such as fire, accident, or extremely inclement weather shall be considered the only legitimate excuses for absence or tardiness unless
an exception is authorized by the principal. In all cases of absence or tardiness, the parent or guardian shall give an excuse, in writing, stating the
cause of the absence or tardiness. Absences for any reason other than those stated above must be with the advance permission of the principal
or his or her representative. Such requests must be made in writing stating the reason for and time of absence."
Notice there's an 'out' possibly for vacation by asking for advance permission from the principal.
For kindergarten and maybe grades 1 and 2, it's probably not such a big deal. Upper elementary gets more involved. Once they get to Middle school or High school - I wouldn't dream of taking my son out of school for a vacation. It's just too disruptive.