Taking a Trip

Hello Moms,

It has been a while, I hope all is well with all mothers. I am planning to take a trip some time in September to beautiful Jamaica (yeah!) and I will be travelling with a 9mth old for the first time alone. It is his first plane ride and I must say with all those negative reports out there I am worried about his flight. I was wondering if there are any tips anyone can give for travel and as far as packing what is good to carry, how much and being weight conscious any travel kits (bath products, meds. etc.) available. The trip is going to be for aprox. 2wks. Looking for some good responses. Thanks Ladies.


I took at trip with my son when he was 9 months. I carried him in the baby bjorn and took one big carry on bag with necessities (extra change of clothes/couple diapers & wipes/bottle/book/blankie/snack) I did have a little medical kit (that I never used). I did over pack a little - I was sooo nervous but all in all in turned out very good and there really was nothing to worry about. I had an isle seat one way and a window the other - the isle is good so you can get out easy to walk him if need be and if he gets real cranky or needs a diaper change you can get to the restroom easier but I found that the window was cool too because it kept him occupied to look out. I brought along his favorite book/blankie and a baggie of those gerber puffs.
Im not sure what you mean about travel packages, but there are rental car services that offer cars with baby seats, and there is a service out there that will get your luggage for you at your house and have it pre-delivered to your destination so you dont need to worry about your checked luggage. Hope this helps a little :) Jennifer

We took our son to London from Miami when he was 9 months old. I gave him a bottle on take off (giving crackers or puffs when you first get on the plane to make sure he is thirsty enough to take the bottle while you are climbing is a something I've learned to do) and made sure I had some soft toys and books to entertain him. I highly recommend the Bjorn for getting through the airport and security (it is plastic so you can wear it through security). Dress your baby in a sleeper with feet to avoid dealing with taking shoes off for security and keep your son warm on the plane. Definately all your usual diaper bag stuff (wipes, diapers, formula, bottles, foods, extra change or two of clothing, toys, books, etc.). You might want a change of clothing for you too! The diaper bag doesn't count as luggage and neither do a stroller or a car seat. BTW, if you still use an infant car seat, they fit in the overhead bin if you put it in upside down. This keeps it from getting super dirty in the hold of the airplane and allows you to have it in case you end up lucky with an extra seat near you. Don't forget to "declare" your formula and baby food to the TSA security people and pre-made formula is easiest for planes. If you have any other questions let me know, we've done 7 plane trips starting at 3 months...my son is now 16 months. Safe travels!

Yay! Jamaica is so fun! Anyway, I have flown w/my son (12 months tomorrow) three times already. The best advice is don't overload yourself with stuff to take on the plane since a flight to Jamaica isn't really that long. Make sure you have snacks and toys and sippy cups/bottles, his favorite blankie, etc. The best thing I can suggest though is a sling. I have used my sling every time we travel and I don't know what I would do w/o it. It makes walking through the airport super easy and it keeps my son contained on the plane and he falls asleep in it for a good part of the flight. I bought a cheap umbrella stroller to travel with and the other stuff I usually buy when we get there. I bring enough diapers for a few days on the plane and then buy more at my destination... may be hard in Jamaica because don't know the prices or if there is a store close to you, but if you need to pack them then count out just enough (i.e. I change my son approx 4x a day) and bring just a few more. Wipes are easy, just put enough in a wipes case... medicine put in a quart sized ziplock and take on the plane. Hope this helps.

Hi I suggest to bring a bottle of milk or water with you at the time that the airplane is landing and departing, because his ears. I travel a lot with my baby she is now 16 months old and her her first trip it was last DEcember to South America 6 hrs fly and I've never had a problem. She never cry. Keep the bottle with you!!! Good luck!!!

Hi Grace-Ann,
I firsttraveled with my daughter when she was 3 months and the second when she was a year, she did fine. I only carried the usual, 1 bottle ( which you should try and give to your baby at take off and landing,the suction helps to keep their ears from popping) and small travel size diaper needs in her diaper bag. Depending on the schedule your child is on you hould be just fine...Jamaica is a relatively short trip. Just pack what you feel comfy with and check with your airline to see what their regulations are on baby gear. Hope this helps!! Have fun

Hi Grace-Ann,

I took my son to Jamaica when he was 5 months old (his great-grandma died). I packed diapers, wipes, babyfood, and formula and ended up using almost everything. We stayed for about a week. If anything, they sell all that in Jamaica as well. One thing that is a MUST is insect repellent for the baby!!! We forgot to bring it, but thankfully my husband's aunt got some for us there (it was Johnson & Johnson's insect repellent lotion). It worked quite well. With the bath products, I bought those empty travel sized bottles and filled them with bath wash and lotion so I didn't have to bring the entire bottles. I also packed Infant Tylenol and Benadryl...just in case we needed it. Clothing-wise...I packed a lot of cotton onesies and shorts. I also dressed him in a onesie and some cotton pants for the flight (sometimes the plane is cold). We also brought a jacket for him that he used just for the flight.

As far as the flight, my pediatrician said to have him feeding from a bottle during take off and landing to help with the pressure in his ears.

Hope you have a safe flight and a great time!!!


Don't forget you need a passport for your little one (as ridiculous as that is...) At least you need to prove that you've applied for one, which is all you'll have time for if you haven't already done so! (Google US Passports for info)
As far as travel with a 9 month old... don't worry about negative reports... I found my DD did just fine when we traveled at 6, 7, 11, 19 and 21 months! (She's a pro now, and so am I!)

Take your stroller to the plane and check it at the gate. Pack as lightly as possible for carry on, but make sure you have enough diapers, formula, snacks in case flights are delayed. (Change of clothes for him, shirt for you.) I pack all of my toiletries now because of the whole security thing. (Also Google Travel with Infants for more info... I found a great website out there about travel with kids by a former stewardess!)
I usually didn't pack diapers, wipes, formula, etc... but bought them at my destination... we have always traveled inside US or Canada, though. You may find items different or very expensive in Jamaica... I am not sure about this. Johnson & Johnson has travel sizes of lotion, baby wash, etc... or you could buy mini-ones and fill them yourself. I'd take a bottle of Baby Tylenol, just in case. (Don't forget the baby sunscreen! Maybe a few pool/beach/bath toys, too.)
We have really only visited family so I only took 4-6 changes of clothing and did laundry there. Same with bottles, if you use them, pack 2 or 3 in carry on. (A few baby spoons and other eating stuff.)
Don't forget favorite blankets, toys, etc... I wanted my little one to feel as much at home with this stuff when she slept as possible.
I'm sure I forgot stuff...
Enjoy your trip. Traveling with little ones isn't as bad as people say. You'll find many people will go out of their way to be helpful!


We just returned from a vacation with our 2 year old. I packed his clothes by outfits in ziploc bags. It was great. I just grabbed a bag each morning and it had his shirt, shorts, and socks, etc. The big bonus to this is that putting them in the ziploc bags and squeezing the air out condensed them and gave me a lot more room.

Secondly, I brought huggies bath wipes instead of his soap and these were very handy. (I'd use them at least once before you go to make sure he doesn't have a reaction to the soap in them.) Warning - if you are flying out of Orlando, I declared his water in the sippy cup and they wouldn't let me take it. Get there early so you can buy any necessities in the airport once you are through security. I agree with all of the other responses too.

Definitely carry on an extra shirt for you too. Have a great trip.

Hi, my name is Anabel, i have a 4yr old .Her first trip on an airplane was when she was 6mth old...if the baby gets fuzzy its probably, well most of time is an earache becuz of the change of the altitude.try a pacifer or chewing on something.try to keep the baby awake as much as possible,for the baby to go to sleep during the flight.Also very important dont forget to take water for the baby. try to keep all the baby stuff to take onboard,ex:milk,toys,clothes,diapers,water and of course if the baby is under some kind of meds take them with u not on the checked luggage.Have a great trip! Good Luck!

I fly with my son annually and we took our first trip when he was about 8 months old. He is now 5, and having been on at least 7 plane trips with him, he is now a well-mannered experienced traveler who loves planes and does really well in airports.
The liquid restrictions onboard planes does vary for traveling parents with infants. I would still recommend putting certain toiletries like shampoo in your checked bag but a parent is allowed baby bottles and children's medication at slightly larger volumes. Check the Transportation Safety Administration website to be sure but some of those restrictions have been laxed.
I will also say that I flew last month and had forgotten to pack away a couple of liquid items, but no one pulled out my hand carry to perform a hand search.
My hand carry is packed with all his favorites - toys, blanket, stuffed animal, books and games. Snacks of course, and beverages, plus a bottle of Children's Tylenol and Motrin just in case. An extra change of clothes, and all the other necessities.
A beverage at takeoff and at landing will help with the ear-popping.
I think the trick is to keep them happy, pace yourself properly and be flexible. My son always immediately picks up on my stress, which makes him worried and irritable. But when I'm happy and easy going, he is usually more comfortable. Plus I keep close tabs on whether he's happy, or hot, or hunger or if he needs something right away to keep him content.
If you didn't buy your ticket already, try to time your flight when it would be nap time. That always works like a charm. And if you have a layover, try to find a schedule with enough of a gap, so that if you do have to cross terminals, you'll have time to do so, while also accomplishing diaper changes and feeding time, and anything else like that.
Airports can be a great adventure - lots of fun sights, different noises, different people.
Just take everything in stride. I have found that most people, especially airport employees, are very helpful to parents and so they are usually very accommodating and understanding. And since I work hard to keep my child content, then he doesn't end up being that screaming, annoying kid that everyone on the flight hates. I can't tell you how many times, I'll have passengers say to me, as they're departing, that my son was so good and that they didn't realize or they forget that there was a young child on board.
I can't think of anything else at the moment, but if you have specific questions, please feel free to message me. Like I said, I've taken my 5-year-old on more than 7 plane trips (including 2 cross country trips) and have rarely had a problem.
Good luck and bon voyage!