We received a hand-me-down older model Graco from a family member before my son was born. We recently changed the batteries, and its no longer swinging. The music is still playing at the right speed, which makes me think that its not the batteries.
My son LOVES the swing, as it is often the only way he'll be entertained/sleep during the day. Any recommendations for a reliable swing? Thank you!
I like the take-along swings. I have the aquarium one and it worked wonderful when my son used it. Its also very convienient because you can bring it wherever you go-it folds up and is easy to transport.
We love the Aquarium cradle swing by Fisher Price. I tried to buy one for my brother's baby and they said it is temporarily out of stock... so I am not sure if it is still being made.
You can probably get a new motor from Graco cheaper than a new swing but if you can find a used one it will save you some. We have the FisherPrice Cradle Starlight Papsan that can be used with batteries or plug into the wall. We like the option not use batteries especially since our utilities are included in our rent.
I got the Fischer Price Rainforest swing... it plugs into the wall OR uses batteries. I love it sooooooooo much and so does my daughter. check craigs list for a used one if price is an issue, but i got mine brand new between 70 & 80 (i can't remember off hand).
Our daughter LOVED her Fisher Price Aquarium swing, the Rainforest one is the same just with a different theme. It swings front to back and side to side, with music and/or lights.
It was an excellent investment new, but I see them use all the time on Craigslist and at Once Upon a Child for half the price.
Thank you everyone for your responses! I went online at Graco to check to see if I could fix the issue myself. Turns out, the real issue was his blanket was hanging down and creating too much ‘drag.’ So as long as I keep the blanket up, he’s fine.
I ended up purchasing the Fisher Price Rainforest travel swing, which he is still getting used to. The mobile right in front of his face was a bit much, so I keep that off to the side and he’s happy for a bit.
Thank you everyone!