I'm a first-time godmother (and very proud) and I wanted to get my goddaughter something special for her christening. I will likely get her a savings bond...but I was also thinking of a nice blanket with her name on it. For my own kids - the god parents did the baby blanket thing...or nice cross to hang over their bedroom door. Just curious if you ladies have any other ideas that I haven't thought of yet.
Thanks! Hope everyone had a safe 4th of July!
What about a really nice, illustrated children's bible? I'm a sucker for books and I think it would be a perfect christening gift! It will be cherished for years to come.
In specialty stores they sell this christening headband that turns into your wedding garder. My daughter has one it comes with a beautiful saying and it is something that she will have when she gets married. Very beautiful. My mother bought it at cribs to teens in monroeville. I bought one for my god daughter at Purple frogs in beaver. Both stores are childrens specialty shops.
Hi Krista, Can I suggest the book titled "God made me so I must be special." It is a wonderful book that one of my girls recieved as a baptism gift from her godmother and she still treasures it today. Another traditional precious gift is one of a cross necklass blessed by the pastor/preist that conducts the ceremony. Just make sure that you buy one that is not too big or too small so that she will be able to enjoy it and treasure it for years. Best wishes.
We started our goddaughter on a set of crystal goblets as her parents aren't particularly religious, but did want her baptized. We do one goblet per milestone birthday/event, and hope to finish off the set for her when she gets married or buys her first home. We did get her a small cross on a necklace for her 1st birthday.
Our family is a tad bit more religious, and my daughter's godfather got her the blanket, and her godmother did a silver cross in an engraved jewelry box with her name and date of the christening on it. Her godmother also does saving bonds for her and we really appreciate it as my own godparents helped me pay for college that way!
My sister bought my daughter a beautiful cross necklace. Of couse it's not something she can wear right now (although I did put it on her for the christening), I keep it in her jewelry box for when she gets older. After the christening, the priest blessed the necklace and also a bible from my mother.
My sister (who is also my daughter's godmother) gave her a cross jewelry box made out of wood that was wood burned with her name, the date of the baptism, and the god parents on it. Inside was a beautiful sterling silver cross necklace with a sapphire in the middle. My daughter loves it, she keeps her jewelry in it. That was a great gift. Everyone loved it.
My daughter just got the BEST gift for her baptism a week ago. It's from Things Remembered and on the outside it looks like a hard bible, but when you open it inside is a gorgeous rosery. The front of the "bible" is engraved with her first and middle name and the date of her baptism. I plan on getting one for my cousins baby when she is baptized.
A stor called Things Remembered has beautiful gifts. I have bought from there on multiple occasions. They carry blankets, bracelets, frames and other things. They have stores in malls but also have a website. Take a look, I love this store b/c you can personalize almost anything.
Depending on your budget - a piece of jewelry that can be added on to through the years. It may seem silly to give a baby a charm bracelet - so the first charm could be put on a necklace and then as she grow - the charm could be put on a bracelet.
They also have necklaces that you add a pearl to for each year.
Forget diamonds - they may be a girl's best friend... but they are too pricey!
I love the savings bond idea, but I steer clear of baby blankets as gifts. The main reason I do is that we received several beautiful ones (even personalized) for our boys that are now in the attic - I just don't know what else to do with them now that they're not babies anymore.
I would lean toward something that she will use and think of you. How about starting a charm bracelet for her - then you can add on for future milestones. I've given my nieces sterling silver bracelets and continue to give them charms for birthdays, holy communion, etc. Most of the bracelets allow you to hook the clasp to any link, so they can wear them even when their wrists are small. These are just my opinions, but I hope they help :)
It depends on how much you want to spend, but for all my godchildren I give them a sterling silver rattle from Tiffany's. They have all different kinds and choices. They are not cheap, probably a little over $100 but they are very nice and they can be engraved.
My son's godmother, gave him a beautiful personalized wooden photo album that I loved and a savings bond. I also think Things Remembered has some great selections for very nice gifts, my son got a few gifts from there for his baptism and I loved all of them.
Hi Krista - Some godmother gifts I have given besides money, is for girls a keepsake baby bracelet or baby chain with a small cross (when they get older they can put it on a larger chain. For boys you can also do the cross or a holy pin that he can wear. Good Luck!
I love this pink striped christening gift for girls from www.ivyrosegifts.com/chrisrec.html They have great choices for boys as well. A little different than your average choice ... they make great keepsakes too.