Sudden Stuttering

I don't know what is going on in your situation but had never been around anyone who stuttered before my sister's little boy. Let me tell you the story and then you may think of something in your own house that you aren't aware of.
My sister's little boy apparently wanted to be left handed. His dad was a high school quarter back and dreamed of his son to do the same except for some reason he thought that if he was left handed, he wouldn't be able to be one or at least a good one. So his dad tried to change him. Everytime he would use his fork, his dad would take it out of his left hand and put it in his right hand. Anytime he used his left hand, his dad would change it for him. Pretty soon he started stuttering. My sister took him to a speech therapist who immediately picked up on the problem and her husband quit doing that and finally accepted that his son will be who he is, not who he wanted him to be. Pretty soon the stuttering stopped and today he is just fine. He is 22 yrs old and very intellegent with no stuttering.
I am not saying that is going on in your house hold but what my point is: who ever would have thought that would make a child stutter. Maybe with this info you may find some weird reason that you never would have dreamed of, that is making him do that.
I hope he gets straightened out quickly before it gets too bad.
Good luck to you.

Is he in a preschool or mother's day out program where he is around other kids? If so, he could be picking it up from another kid in the class. When my sister was little, she had that trouble. She picked up the problem of confusing the 'l' and 'w' sounds because there was a child in her preschool who had speech trouble. With a little bit of speech therapy, she unlearned the problem very quickly.

Check out Feingold is a 30yr old non-profit organization whose purpose is to inform the public about petroleum-based artificial ingredients in our food supply. These harmful additives cause ADD, ADHD, OCD, and many other emotional and physical side effects including STUTTERING. It is worth a try and your sweet little boy will be healthier on an all-natural diet too. Good luck.

Sudden onset of stuttering is sometimes associated with a diagnosis of PANDAS which is a neurological disorder associated with untreated strep infections. There is a specific titer or blood test that a pediatrician can draw to detect this.

Thank you for all of your responses. We are watching our DS closely after an examination with a SLP. We are going back to check again in 6mths for a follow-up. After evaluating his specific stuttering pattern and language level, she thinks it is just a phase. We will see. Thank you for all of your wonderful responses.