As a child I was a social outcast, a nerd. I was overweight, had horrible acne, bad perm, oversized, thick glasses. I was a mess. I was a complete introvert but managed to have a few friends. One became my best friend and was very loyal to me. She moved away when we were in highschool but as adults we still talk every few months.
I was depressed a lot during the teen years. Once I lost the weight, my skin cleared up, and I got contacts, I felt slightly more confident. My reputation for being a nerd followed me into high school as I could not lose that classification. Kids don't forget it and form clicks.
In college things changed. I met a lot of people, joined a sorority and felt happier. However, I still felt socially awkward. I wasn't the girl other girls went to for advice, help. Nobody really needed me. Friends told me I was fun when I was drunk. That's the only time I relaxed. My now husband was my best friend.
We moved to Florida a few years ago. No family around. Rarely talk to old friends except on Facebook. As
As an adult, I still feel extremely uncomfortable in social situations. I don't feel this way with men, only women. If I have to be in a group with a bunch of women my age, I feel a social phobia. I over analyze everything to the point where it's like sensory overload. I force myself to relax if I feel this way, but not sure if it helps. A bunch of social daisy scout events are coming up that I almost sure I'm expected to go to with my daughter. We are both quiet and I think other women feel it because I'm not exactly the type that other women pal around with. I can get in a few words here and there with other women but most times it's exhausting. I don't want to be the quiet mom with no friends. But maybe this is not my crowd. Should I go to these events and suffer through it?Beg my mother in law to come with me so I don't feel so out of place?
My social issue is such a problem that I almost want to take my daughter out of scouts next year so I don't have to deal with the social phobia. I won't do that if she is enjoying it and having fun
Any suggestions? I know some of you have said "go to a counselor." It's a consideration. Sometimes I wish we could move back to NJ where all our friends are. I don't always want to be here, but my husband's job is here so it's a forget it.
I think this runs in my family. My mom doesn't like group situations and is usually better one on one with people. My Dad was terribly shy. My Aunt claims she is lonely often.