I'm pregnant with my first and plan on having a natural childbirth. I've heard doula's are awesome to have and am not sure if I should. My partner is very supportive, he has a 10yr old, so he's been through it before. My mom plans on being there (if she can) and she's had 6 kids all natural births. Would a doula be more than I need, or do you think one would still be worth the cost?
If so does anyone have recomendations, or should I ask my doctor? And what should I expect to pay?
Hi Fonta,
I am a doula and I always recommend women to hire a doula, especially if they want to give birth naturally.
Your mom is a valuable addition to the birth team, but because she is your mom, she is going to be emotionally involved and you can't compare that with a professional support person.
Also a doula helps you to prepare in such a way that you maximize your success for a fulfilling birth experience. I have been a doula for 10 years and supported more than 250 couples. Doulas research has proven to cut medical interventions substantially.
I also do pregnancy massage, yoga and post partum support services. Feel free to call me for a free consultation.
AZ BirthConnection
623- 225 7276
Hi Fonta,
You should ABSOLUTELY get a doula for your first pregnancy. Of course, I am a doula, so I am a little biased...LOL! But, seriously, doula's have a lot of information that can help you make informed decisions about how YOU and YOUR PARTNER want YOUR birth to go. I myself had a doula with my first pregnancy, though my husband already had a 10 year old son, and my mother had had natural childbirth (weird similarities, huh). My doula was very helpful in giving my very supportive husband and mother breaks so that got round the clock support during labor, from people refreshed and in the best rested frame of mind. Having a doula is what made me decide to become a doula and childbirth educator myself. As far as pay goes, it ranges depending on experience and the area of the country that you live in. In Arizona, an average range for labor doula's is between $300 and $500 for the birth. Costs usually include pre-labor consultations, labor, delivery, and a post-labor visit. Costs can go higher if childbirth education/training classes are provided. There are also post-delivery doulas who provide care after the baby is born. The cost is usually around $30 or so an hour. Post-delivery doulas can provide household help, and other types of baby care assistance, as agreed upon by the two parties. I know this is a little long winded, but I wanted to be thorough. I would be more than happy to answer any other questions "off board" if you would like. Also, if you go to the "local business review" section on mamasource, you can see some reviews for my own doula business...Spirited Births, that some of my past clients have posted.
-Sunny Lee Savage, OTR/L
Childbirth Educator/Doula
Flagstaff Healing Arts, LLC
Spirited Births Doula Services
Because it is your first, I will do for you what was done for me. I personally am very grateful I had my first child in a hospital with an epidural. The process is painful, in my case, it was excruciating. With my first I was not given an epidural until I was 4cm dilated. I had my second in Los Angeles at Cedars Sinai and the minute my water broke, my doctor gave me an epidural. The baby came easily, with absolutely no pain. With my first I was told they couldn't give an epidural until I was 4 cm dilated. And the pain up until the epidural was intense. My doctor with my second child said I could have the epidural anytime I wanted it. I don't tell you this to scare you ( I had a second child so obviously was willing to do it again) but with the epidural it was a dream come true. Doula sounds all well and good, but I chose comfort and I'm glad I did! Perhaps I had more pain with my first because I was 40 when I had her. Maybe it will be a very easy process for you. Who knows? I just preferred a hospital setting. Everyone's different, so take the feedback you get from this site and you'll know what to do in the end! Congratulations!
YES! YES! YES! Get a doula! They are fantastic. I had my son 5 months ago and we had a doula. She knew great techniques to relieve pain and was so wonderful even after 18 hours of labor. My son was 8 pounds 12 ounces and because of her breathing and pushing tips I only had to push 3 times! What I learned in our birthing classes that the hospital does was useless. Doulas are very experianced and know so much more then they can teach you in a birthing class. My husband was so grateful to her too, I cannot say enough good things about having a doula-they are amazing and I strongly recommend getting one.
I would totally recommend it! I've had one hospital birth, my first,and 3 homebirths. Having a doula support you really gives you the freedom to concentrate on your birth rather than all the medical stuff. A doula is someone who will know how you want your birth to be, can be the liason for you (if you wish) especially since your husband will probably want to focus more on you and your child than the nurses, etc. She will know a ton of ways to help you relax and be as comfortable as possble.
My midwife will also work as a doula. Her name is Robin Sharpeles-Ray. Her number is 623.205.3212. She would be happy to answer any questions.
I had a doula with my second child's birth. My mom and husband were there with me but having the doula was worth it! She helped with different positions to ease the labor pains and she had all sorts of tricks to keep things running smoothly so I could avoid drugs. (With the first baby sometimes that is harder.) I got a doula in training which cost at least half of the normal cost. I don't remember exactly how much I paid but there are women trying to get their needed hours in and so they have a reduced rate. Try calling around to find a woman who needs their hours but is not "official". Good luck, Kristen
Hello, Yes I would also recommend it. I had one with my second son. My husband was with me with both births, but the doula really got me through the pregnancy. One of my best friends is actually a doula and if you are interested I can give you her info. You can get all the pricing info and such from her.
My situation was slightly different. It was the first pregnancy for both my husband and myself and no one else would be at the hospital. I found the doula experience to be fantastic. Since she was there throughout the entire labor and delivery, I had a sense of consistency that I would not have had with the nurses' shift changes. She gave my husband reassurance and her presence allowed him to feel free to step outside and breathe in the early stages. After a very long labor I wound up with a c-section and she was not allowed in the room for that. But she made sure my husband brought the camera in and because of her reminders we have the first photos of my son in the hospital. I am confident my husband would not have been aware enough to do that without her. She also moved all our belongings from the delivery room to our other hospital room and stayed by my side in recovery. She met with us several times before the birth and answered questions and was always available by phone. I found her help to be invaluable.
As I said, our situation was different from yours. If your mother is planning on being there, great. Especially if you have a good relationship.
If you are interested in a doula, check out www.adobedoulas.com. We interviewed several doulas and ended up hiring Bobbi Su - she was fantastic. I think they are all good, just find one who meshes with your personality and with whom you feel comfortable. I think it's fair to say their pricing ranges from $300-600 dependent upon their experience.
Good luck!
I could call around and find some doulas and talk to them about what they can offer that your other suport can not or does not know. This is a very personal decseion. I did not have one with my first and I think it was pretty hard on my husband because he was unsure of what to do or how to help. However with this baby I really do want a doula to help take some of the pressure off of my husband. Also talk to your husband about what he wants and how he can help you. My main thought get all the information you can.
Hi Fonta-
I had a completely natural birth and did not have a doula. In fact, none of my friends who have had natural births had a doula present... but I have heard from some people that they loved having one.
I know in Tucson you can expect to pay a couple hundred for a doula... it's probably that way in all the cities. I think a doula would be worth it if your partner and mom are not comfortable actually coaching you through the labor. Labor is very difficult and doulas have a lot of experience keeping women calm and feeling secure. You are welcome to email me if you have questions about natural birth.
I wish I would have had a Doula for my first two babies. I did not know about them. I ended up getting a C-section when I really didn't know that there were options. A Doula could have educated me on turning a Breech baby, having a Breech birth, etc...
This is why I became a doula I really have a strong desire to help those first time moms, to help educate them on their options to make sure that they understand that THEY are in charge and at ANY time they can fire their doctor, nurse, and even myself.
I do not take anyones place in the Delivery room because I myself had 5 people in my room, I think you can never have enough GOOD support. I think it is good to have someone there that is NOT emotionally attatched and that can take a step back, let you know your options, so you and your husband can make a informed decision. A;so, to give the husband a BREAK, doulas are for daddys and grandparents too!!
Here are some websites: azdoulas.com, supportedbirthaz.com, dona.org, adobedoulas.com. Most doulas will let you make payments and some doulas are FREE, depending on how much experience they have.
Happy Birthing!
Shannon Tuke
Doula, CCBE
Hi, I had a great experience with natural child birth and used a wonderful doula (Kim Burks). I also took Pam England's Birthing from Within class, which really prepared me to let my body lead me through labor and the birth of my son. I was very fortunate to have an amazing, complication-free birth, but still feel I (and my husband) benefited from Kim's presence.
Doulas really supplement the role of family members and partners during labor and delivery; they don't replace them. Partners seem to really like not having to know everything to help you and appreciate the suggestions a doula can give them, especially during very long or complicated deliveries.
The cost varies by doula and typically includes pre- and post-delivery visits.
I'm not sure what a doula is, but you're very brave for attempting a natural birth. I couldn't stand it. I started feeling pains on a Mon around 2pm. Went to the hospital 12 hours later and hadn't dialated at all since my appt the previous week.(1cm) They sent me home. pains became worse, didn't sleep for two night. We were back at the hospital 12 hours later. Still nothing more (still at 1cm and 100%, since Thursday) They sent me home again. Let me tell you, back labor is BAD!! Like a dull butchers knife being slowly pushed and pulled in the small of your back. Some times with a slight twist... Went back to the hospital 12 hours later. I'm now at 2cm... They chose to finally admit me, maybe because my body was to tense from the pain to dialate. Mind you I hadn't slept since I started feeling the pains. They aksed if I wanted the epideral. DUH! no brainer, I took it! So from 6am till 1:30pm I slept off and on. and dialated to 10 plus. by 2:30 we had a new member all cleaned up and quiet.
So I am very impressed that you are willing to try natural. That takes a lot. And I respect you for it. Good luck.
I had an all natural birth!!! I had my baby girl at home with a midwife and doula. It was the best experince EVER!!! Go to www.sunrisemidwifery.com Jude was AMWAZING!!! She is a midwife as well as a doula. Hope things work out for ya