I am interested in beginning a "Frugal Mommy Group" and wanted to know if others were interested. It would meet in the Arlington area. Scheduling would depend upon members' availabilty (once/ week; twice/ month; etc.)
I have investigated other group "sites" and found that they charge a fee (defeats the purpose...). I thought that I could simply put the word out and start one myself. Why not?
The purpose of the group would be to meet up and share money-saving tips, best buys of the week, web-site bargains, "trade days" (barter goods and services; for example, I have craft supplies that I no longer use and would trade for "new" items), or any other creative ideas! We could provide updates about upcoming, inexpensive events for the family.
My husband and I are devoted to living "debt-free" lives. I would love to be to encourage others to meet their financial goals. I would love to present "budget" samples, etc. Whatever the group needed...
Children would be welcome, as I and others are stay-at-home mommies. I simply feel that we can all help each other out!
Thank you!
Hi, I own two websites, frimp.net and moochmuch.com, both totally free, and dedicated to just the purposes you want your group for. The word frimp is actually a combination of the words frugal and scrimp, and it is a site where you can list the items you either want to sell or give away. You can list as many things as you want, for as long as you want, and it's still free. Although you can sell your items nationwide, our focus is on local exchanges, to save shipping costs. The other website is moochmuch.com, and it's purpose is to allow people to list things they have available for "friends" (people you absolutely trust to treat your stuff well, and return it when they say they will) to borrow. The site reminds people who has borrowed their stuff, what they have borrowed, and when it all needs to be returned. Moochmuch is also completely free. In addition to all this, I, too, am a SAHM and on a budget. I have years of experience with budgets, menus, etc., so I understand where you are coming from. I am interested in joining your group, so let me know the particulars, please. Hope this helps!
Sounds GREAT. Only thing is I live in Bedford so not sure how far away Arlington is. I'm definately interested though so keep me in mind.
I would love to.
I'm in Grapevine....what part of Arlington are you in?
I would be interested. I live in Keller. I would love to hear other people's money saving tips and bargains. i think that's a great idea. We do our best to budget, but can always use other advice and help. I can always use more encouragement. We took Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey over the summer and have been working to follow his skills.
What a great idea! I, too am interested. I live in the N/E Ft. Worth/Keller area. My husband and I took the Crown Financial classes and really enjoyed them, but we could use some ideas about budgeting with an irregular income. Let me know what you decide.
I would be interested. I live in North Arlington.
I would love to join. Please email me at chalcedony1213@gmail.com to contact me. We could start a local yahoo group too it is free to use and we could let people join who live in the area.
I am interested, I am in GP... really close to Arlington.
I would be greatly interested. I live in South Arlington. Look forwarding to hearing more.