Seeking Local Mom Owned Business Networking Group

I'm looking to join a business networking/leads group and want to join one that is made up of moms (mom-owned businesses). Any recommendations for the South Bay area?

That's a great idea. The Chamber of Commerce has some great networking events but being a single mom myself I can't make it to most of them in the evenings or the breakfasts. I don't know of any other groups. I will stay tuned here and see if anyone has any ideas.

Hi Gina,
I belong to a group called Focus, a professional women's group. You can check out our website: for information about membership, members, etc. I invite you to attend a meeting assuming you're not in a business that competes with any current members. We meet at Fresh Choice on Hamilton and Bascom in San Jose, Thursdays 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM. The first meeting for guests in free.
You might also check into EWomen. They hold meetings monthly and allow competing businesses to participate. They also have a website, just put ewomen in your search and it will pop up. I've not attended their events, but I have many business associates who do.


I think this group is what you are looking for:


I am in a networking club affiliated with Look us up on the internet ; click on LOCAL CLUB DIRECTORY, then CALIFORNIA-NORTHERN, then SAN JOSE WOMEN'S. You can read a little about each member and contact our director, Margie, if you are interested in visiting. We meet every Wednesday morning in Campbell; mostly moms...all women...all dynamic and dedicated !

Donna Cotner, DDS