Seeking Funny Pregnancy Books

Hi! I just found out I am expecting. This is our third child. I am so excited and want to read some great books about pregnancy, birth, or just funny ones like "The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy". If you have any that you have enjoyed, please share their titles! Thanks so much!!!

The Tao of Poop by Vivian Glyck is hilarious. While it's not specifically geared towards pregnancy, I think you'd enjoy it.

There's also Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy.

Congrats! :)


I was going to suggest Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy as well.

Congrats on #3!

I really like the Jenny McCarthy book. Can't remember the title, but her pregnancy one and baby one were pretty funny!

I agree with the other responces Jenny's Belly laughs is the best pregnancy book for anyone! I have bought this book for all my friends when they found out the great news. Best of luck!

YOU HAVE to read this!! I just gave it to my friend who is pregnant with her first...Belly Laughs by Jenny McCartney...

Also, Porn for new moms.

Sippy cups aren't for Chardonay. It's hilarious.

Belly Laughs and Baby laughs by Jenny McCarthy. hilarious, honest and a quick read.
