Seeking advice on my current financial situation

Hello Moms,

Well I am seeking advice, input, help with my current situation. I was recently laid off for a company that I worked my butt off for. And unemployment benefits haven't kicked in yet. My husband was also laid off and has exhausted all his benefits and has nothing left. We have tried looking for work in every way possible but no such luck. We have gone to agencies, newspaper, online, networking and nothing as of yet. We recycle our cans and bottles, save our pennies and when there is enough we take them to the store for cash. We tried to get rid of stuff in our house that we thought we really didn't need for yard sale but we do not have that much to get rid of. I have gone to the end of my rope and applied for aid. It was not the way I wanted to go but I had no choice. We have 3 young children that depend on us and we have to do and try the best for them. We are drowning in bills, trying to keep food on the table and are finding it difficult to scape for the money for our rent for the first that is fast approaching. All that I am asking is that if any of you have any ideas or methods that you currently use at home to keep your fort/home together please let me know any advice would be deeply appreciated..

P.S. We also go to church and pray to god that our situation gets better.

Thank you all for any advice.

Well, what type of experience and skills do you have? That would be an important thing to know to be able to make recommendations for finding a job. What interests do you have?

I am a recruiter and if you send me your resume, I may be able to lead you in the right direction. I would be more than happy to try and help.

Hi Monique,
Sending hugs your way. I feel like we are one check or emergency away from your situation. Sigh.

Anyway! I've been checking out They post part-time jobs. Perhaps you can find an hourly job that will help tide you over while you and hubby search for something better.

Good luck to you! You will find something-just keep moving forward. Keep your eyes open to the opportunities God puts before you and grab them! :)


Hi Monique,

You mentioned that you attend church, do they have a food pantry? Have you tried your local food bank for food too? There's a program called, 'Angel Food Minstries' and they sell a box of food (good for a family of 4 for up to a week) @ $30.00 a box. Their site:

As for work, look at this site: It's a site that lists all school districts in CA. And since you live in the Ontario area, look at Chaffey Joint Union high school district or Ontario-Montclair. Fontana usually has a lot of openings. School districts hire subs. in various areas, not only for teachers. Or you may be able to find a PT/FT job for yourself or your husband. Also, check out the junior colleges for employment. I've been working @ a school district for years and my husband works for the Chaffey high school district.

I hope your situation gets better! And remember God always provides =)

Hi Monique:
I'm sorry to hear you and your hubby have fallen on hard times.Woww Haven't we all been there one time or another?I know I have.Your getting some caring responses from other mothers here.We all know, what it is to fall behind.It seems like you'll never catch up.I bet cha,if every mother on here sent you 5 or 10 bucks,you could make your rent!I don't know how or if we could do something like that,but I could skip desert one night to help : ) Monique,The church you attend,is there to help also. Please don't feel to proud to talk to your pastor.These are hard times right now, people losing their homes,gas prices out of being sent over seas! There are still people out there that understand,that have been there,and who care. Keep your chin up Monique.(This to will pass) Julia

Hi Monique, keep praying, God does answer prayers. I don't know where you are located, but if you are hear in San Diego, your husband can apply a Pacific eagle it is a Security job on the bases, it pays 22.00 and hour, when we went through what you are now goung througj i opened up my own daycare, and it helped, I have now had my business for 11 years. julie

You are valuable no matter what your financial situation is. They aren't inter-related. Life is a financial rollercoaster. Financial matters can press like impending doom. If you love each other you will make it through because love finds resources. Watch out for media mantras that suggest you are valuable only if you have a certain house, a certain job, a certain body shape. It's all just a bunch of garbage. Self reliance is a noble goal, and (as you are doing) that includes being able to rely on yourself to ask for help when you need it. Keep the courage to be creative. Everything you learn now that helps you to survive and then flourish again will be valuable information that can help others in the future. Remember the power that is in you. Do you have a flexible vision of sorts in mind for the outcome you and your spouse desire?

Life at the top of the financial food chain is about as valuable to one spiritually as the Emperor's New Clothes were to the Emperor who could not discern he was being tricked by clever advertisers. In other words, don't waste any time mourning not being able to keep up with the Jones'. In fact, if you end up in a simple trailer park or even temporarily living in a tent, but you love each other and you stay together, it is valuable and honorable. You will find what matters most to your children is that you love each other. You will be teaching them that the lowest dip on the roller coaster of finances too can be emotionally safe and a fascinating memory to look back on.

I am so sorry to hear your situation. I feel your pain cause i have been in those shoes and it is not nice. but it is only a growing experience for everyone. You can do it, through God all things are possible!
Have you thought about WIC (women, infant, children). They provide food for families that are in need. There is a office in Santa Anna and i think mission Viejo. You can look online or call WIC (call 411) You can get milk, eggs, cheese, tuna, carrots, cereal, juice, peanut butter, beans, and more through this program. We did it for a while until we did not qualify anymore.
You can also look into Healthy families insurance for your children. Contact the state (medi-cal) for more information. I know it can be embarrassing but it is there for people who need it. Healthy families is just like regular insurance but you pay like 20 a month for blue cross ppo, hmo, etc. i would look into it.
let me know if i can help you in any way.
Good luck and may God bless you and your family!

I have a friend that had luck finding a job on Craigslist. I have also heard from another friend that the restaurant industry is booming right now (go figure), maybe you or your husband could think about a job waiting tables. My friend, a waitress was able to get her husband a job and he had no experience.

Hi Monique!
Check out this website ,they help people with food when things are tight. You can also check with other churches in your area and also your own church may have a benevolent fund to help with expenses for rent, fuel, utilities, etc... I hope this helps my good thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...


Hi Monique,

Check out a nonprofit organization for you and your husband called Working Wardrobes, they help you to find a job, and will also help to "outfit" you for your new career - it is a wonderful organization.

Also, please let us know what your job skills are, what kind of positions you've held, etc. That will help us to make recommendations.

You might be interested in what I do. I show others how they can make an income by working from home! I am a stay at home mom with 5 and 3 year olds. I LOVE that I can earn a income while I continue to stay home with my kids. And, becasue of it I am able to be with my kids, contirbute to the finances, and free ourselves from the stress of living paycheck-to-paycheck. I am so thankful for it. THe BEST part of it is I help others earn additional income by teaching them how to do exactly what I do. It is a simpe, duplicatable system and I have been able to help many others. We have a great "team" of girls and we all work our businesses together. Often time this "way to bring in additional income" can often quckly become a manin source of income.

I would be happy to tell you about obligation. My job is to share with others that this company and opportunity exists and let them decide how they would like to benefit from it.

Visit my website at for more info. Below my intro letter on the home page is a link to a quick recodring that explains exactly what the business is. It is NOT sales!! So, do yourself a favor and listen so you know WHAT it is...then we can chat and I can answer your questions...and then you can decide if it is a fit or not.

I look forward to hopefully speaking...feel free to email me directly through my site or here at Mamasource!

I am a stay at home mom of 2 kids, under the age of 3! I could never imagine leaving my kids with someone else, but when my husband and I decided it was time to bring in more income, I had to find a way to work without the expense of daycare or high gas prices & long commutes! I finally found an incredible company that has blessed my family in so many ways! I get to spend quality time with my family and help financially while being at home! I am so passionate about what I do, and I love to help others be home with their family too! Check out my site & request info. at

Hi Monique, I just read about your problem that you posted in June. I hope things are looking up for you and your family, what a hard situation. I wanted to give you a little info on how I make some extra money. I started with Southern Living At HOME in Jan. It has really helped out with our monthly bills. It's not something that replaces full time income (although I have meat some women that make increadable money doing it) for me it helps out with the groceries, gas, or clothes for the kids. Extra money never hurts, right? So anyway you can email me if you would like more info [email protected] there is also a website.
Hope this helps.

Well I wanted to thank all the moms that responded to my post. I am truely grateful to all of you. As for my situation it remains the same but my husband and I have not given up hope. We are still looking but thank you for your input.
Thanks to all and god bless!