Hello everyone- This is my first request. My son is just 3 months old today. I've had some issues with him in the last week. He just started sleeping 8 hours at night. our routine in the evening is wonderful! However, latley when I go to feed him he goes straight leg and starts screaming and then crying. I think oh my gosh what am I doing? I them comfort him by standing up and walking around and he calms down. If I sit down while holding him he starts crying again. Last night I made sure his diaper was clean he had just eaten about 20 min before and everything seemed fine and then he started crying again. I guess I'm wondering if it's still his diagestive system becasue it's not fully develped yet or if he knows it's comforting to be walked around and know this so he cries???? any suggestions would be great. I also know some babies just need to get frustration out. But how long do you let them cry. and is it good to do that everyday?
he may have gas bubbles....when you feed him, make sure he is burping good. you can also try gas bubble medicine like mylicon (sold in the baby dept or by the pharmacy). you can also try bike pedaling his legs to get the bubbles out or lay him on his tummy for a while as the pressure sometimes helps work it out too.
Could be reflux if he does better sitting upright with feeding and especially after feeding. If his extreme fussiness is mostly centered around feeding and shortly after, I'd ask your doctor about reflux....
I was thinking it could be reflux, my son who is 14 months old now had reflux until about 5 months old. He needed to be in a more upright position and after the feeding he needed to sit up for awhile.
Good luck,
Usually the straight leg thing at that age does mean abdominal pain. Are you breastfeeding? That would help some. If not, though, don't worry as the phase with poor digestion usually is only from 3 months to 6 months or so. You may need to walk with him more during this time. Also, laying him on his left side will help, or holding him in your arms on his tummy 9so the pressure of your hands presses on his tummy. Also gently massaging his lower tummy in a circular motion (clockwise if you are facing him.) I am a mom of 3, youngest being 6 months is now past it. You will pass this phase soon! Good luck!
The greatest book a mom could ever read is "The Happiest Baby on the Block" by Dr. Harvey Karp. The book has lots of great suggestions on how to calm a screaming baby.
It sounds to me like it could be positional and for whatever reason that feeding position causes him some discomfort. Have you ever been to a chiropractor? Let me tell you, my babies responded SO well to chiropractic care. He may just need a little alignment. Good Luck.
Is he crying because he's hungry or tired? Our daughter (8 months old) will seem perfectly happy but as soon as I sit in the rocking chair she will start crying. I always nurse her in the chair and usually sleep comes after nursing. I don't know why she does this. But she calms down as soon as she is able to latch on. I think she is frustrated that I can't get the breast out faster and sitting the the chair reminds her how hungry she is (no distractions).
It sounds like acid reflux. Straightening of the legs and arching the back are sure signs. Both my kids have/had that, and you're right, it's because of a not-quite-developed digestive system. You can get Zantac from your doctor for it. It takes a week or two to really get the full affect, but don't give up! It helps!!
I agree with some of the others that this sounds a lot like acid reflux. My 4 month old has reflux and had all of the same symptoms. We were really hesitant to put her on Zantac but it truly works and eases the pain for her. Our pediatrician explained to us that even if she isn't spitting up all the time, the acid can still be coming up and going right back down which in turn burns the esophogus both when it goes up and down. I'd take her in to the clinic.
HI Sarah, maybe you should bring you little guy to the chiropractor. My baby would do the same thing cry ALL the time. Maybe his back is out. My Doctor said it was Acid reflux, we tried mylicon and RX Acid reducer and all the formula you can think of but nothing worked then a savior (my friend Tiff) told me to bring him to the chiro OMG he was a new boy! best thing I ever did! Good luck!... Missy Proud mama or a 10 year old girl and a 15 month boy!! :)
it sounds like gas maybe. I didnt' see what you are feeding him. I was on similac with iron- and the iron really messed with my sons digestive system and he would scream in the same manner you are describing. So I took him off the iron, and he did fine.
He may be getting gassy, I would try milacon (I think I spelled that wrong) but they're gas drops and that may settle his tummy. Good luck:-)
No,a 3 month old does not cry to get frustration out. He cries because he is frustrated his request isn't being meet. It would be cruel to just let him cry.
Are you breastfeeding? If so there may be something in your diet bothering him, have you been eating anything different lately? If you cut down on dairy, beans, onions and other gassy foods you may notice a change. Most babies are slightly dairy sensitive even if its just coming through your breast milk.
Do you have a sling or wrap you could carry him in? This would comfort him immensely and make it easier for you to move around as well.
At 2 months my son developed an ear-piercing scream that unnerved me and no matter what I did he contininued to cry so I made sure he was clean, full and safe in his crib and let him scream it out - as painful as it was for me. Even when he was 2 or 3 years old he would wake up from his naps screaming and nothing I did made him stop - except letting him scream it out. He continued this scream until he wasn't taking naps anymore. He is 7 now and happy and healthy. I placed him in his crib and made sure he was not hungry or wet because the screaming got on my nerves and that was they only way I could cope with it. If this is your first child let me give you this one piece of advice: It is okay to not be perfect. You were not created perfect and you are going to make a lot mistakes. Give yourself grace to fail so that you can get up and try again and again. Your son's screaming is not a reflection of your parenting some children just need to release frustration and that apears to be your son's way.
Just to be sure, I'd take him in and have his ears checked for an infection too. My baby started doing this at 12 weeks when I went to feed her becasue both her ears were infected.
Sounds like you've got a little high-maintenance guy on your hands. You must be exhausted. It doesn't last forever--but it could if you do not indulge his needs/wants (same thing at that age). Hold him as much as he wants, it's the best thing to do. Do you have a good baby sling for wearing him? Let me know if you need one. I remember my girls as babies didn't ever want me to sit down while wearing or holding them. It was exhausting but I indulged them as much as possible. I think they like the feeling of being suspended and protected from falling at the same time...indulging their demands and not letting them cry at all is really the best thing for them because you will have a one year-old in seven months who isn't whiny and clingy and he will be all set to move into his next phases of development. I don't believe at all that any babies have to get frustrations out--how could it be good for them to be frustrated?--that's what the terrible two's are for (ha ha ha). Helping the new life you've got in your care become secure in this big, wonderful and scary world is, in my opinion, the best coping tool you can provide your child in their first year.
is he formula fed? if so you might have a constipation issue. constipation is not the lack of pooping it is the difficulty and pain when passing or having to pass stool. it really sounds like he is in pain, and you should take him to the doctor, perhaps even at a feeding time so the doctor can take a look at exactly what is happening...
be assured that your son is NOT MANIPULATING YOU!!!! babies do NOT understand how to do this, and they dont have a reason to. babies up to around a year old DO NOT DO THINGS TO GET THEIR WAY they do things when they have a need. your baby is in pain. figure this out, dont ignore him! its very important to trust yourself and not think that your baby is out to get you or something. dont let him cry it out - that is detrimental to your relationship. check www.askdrsears.com for info on the cry it out method.
no, it is not good to let a baby cry unless you are at your wits end.
it really sounds like your baby has a definate pain and you need to take care of him, not worry you are being used. typically when babies eat it stimulates passing stool.
good luck )
Definitely acid reflux. Get him to the doctor. They will give him some meds and instructions for positioning. I elevated the crib mattress. They make those crib wedges. Wonderful things. You also need to keep him upright after you feed for about a half hour. The first thing you need to do is get him on some medicine to get that little guy's upper digestive tract healed and feeling better.
Hope this helps,
Hi Sarah,
Whenever my kids did this they had an ear infection. I would get a doctors appt. My kids would also wake up more frequently at night or from naps when they had an ear infection.
Good luck,