Sam's club formula and diapers

My mother in law and sister in law have a membership to sam's club and want to buy diapers from ther but i prefer Luvs and they said they do not sell them there they sell huggies, pampers and sam's brand. I do not like huggies adn was wondering about the sam's brand. Also formula i like the target brand has anyone had issues or concerns with the sam's brand of powdered formula.

I think the Sam's Club formula is great and saves a ton of money. The diapers are okay for the day, but mostly I buy pampers for home and at night.

formula is formula and is all regulated by the FDA so it's not like it's going to hurt your baby or not have the proper nutrition in it.

Diapers is totally a preference.

I have noticed with my own child to pick ONE brand and stick with it. I would sometimes buy a differnt brand of formula or diapers (for financial issues) and she didn't adjust well at all. Her bottom liked pampers because she was so use to it that other brands irritated her skin very badly. Also they get very use to their formula and switching around can change their bowl movements or irritate their tummy's. It's all in your personal preference but try and stick to one brand. I don't think you need to buy the most exspensive brand or anything there are plenty of generic or store brands that work just fine.

If you are on such a tight budget... you should consider breastfeeding. ITs free, and you won't have to stock up on anything.

Well, I have never used the Sams Brand Diapers, but I used Target brand. I have found that the generic ones don't hold as much. However, for younger infants I would think they would be fine.

I personally don't think that the Huggies or Pampers from Sams Club are a good deal. They use to be about 2 yrs ago, but not anymore.

As for the formula, I wouldn't stock up to much. They baby may not be able to take a certain brand, but it is worth a try. When I have my baby, I will be using the generic Target. If if take the Enfamil or Similac and compare the ingredients to the generic, they are the same.

Good luck and congrats!!!

I have three kids. My first wore Huggies because they had the fabric tab and the plastic ones on some diapers irritated her skin. My second wore Huggies and then I tried Sam's. She is two years old and complained about them. I think they worked just fine, but they may have sagged on her a bit. My youngest, age 1, wears Sam's brand diapers and they are working out great. So, like some of the others have said, I think it is all about preference. I think they are worth trying if it will save you some money.
We did not use Sam's brand formula but did buy our Similac there since it was cheaper. I have heard though that the generics are just as good as the others.

I have a Sam's club membership and it is great. It saves me a lot of money! It is only $33 for a box of 216 Pamper Swaddlers! That is really cheap considering how many you get! I believe generics are just fine for formula and I have heard good things from people who use it! I can't use it unfortunately, because my son has acid reflux! Good Luck! I wish I would have a Sam's membership when my first son was born! I could have saved a lot of money!

Hi Aimee:

I've had no problems with the diapers from Sam's Club. You might want to check - they have a pretty generous return policy and I wonder if they'd let you return a box sans 1 diaper if you find they don't work for you... Just a thought.


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I know people who use Sam's formula & diapers & love them. All you can do is try it. Good luck!

the sams diapers are just bells or whistles, but work good. you can tell they are a little less fancy then pampers (dont stretch as much, no smell, not as soft), but they are a ton cheaper.

i never used the generic didnt like it and stuck it out for the more expensive simalac. lets you sign up for a welcome package and sends coupons every month.

Look at the ingredients. I think Sam's brand is close or the same to the Target brand. Also, I found that I did not save much money per diaper by purchasing at Sam's club. You really need to do the math to figure out if it is a good deal.

My husband and I started our daughter on Enfimil and switched to Sam's Club Soy. We have not had any problems. She is a gassy baby, but she was like that when I was nursing and on Enfimil too. I checked all the nutritional facts on it and there is really no difference between Enfimil and Member's Mark (Sam's brand). Both have the lipils DHA and ARA. The biggest difference is the price. Member's Mark sells for $19.99 for a 3lb can. I haven't used the diapers yet as the Sam's Club brand only comes in sizes 3, 4, 5. My little one is only 6 weeks old so it will be a while before she will fit into those. We found that their name brand diapers, although sold in bulk, aren't really any better of a deal than the generic or even the Luv's sold at Target and Walmart. Although their wipes are a good deal. I like the Huggies Shea Butter ones and I got a box of 528 plus a container to put them in for $13.58. Hope this helps. Oh I forgot, if you go to this website they will send you a free sample.

I use the Sam's brand of formula and it is a great deal. My son doesn't seem to have any problems with it. It lasts a long time. We also get our diapers and wipes there and the Pampers and Huggies are a great deal. You get about 80 more diapers for the same price as buying two packages of diapers from a regular store. Pampers Swaddlers are the best for little babies. They hardly leak. I haven't tried the Sam's ones, but maybe I will at least for daycare. I wasn't really happy with the Sam's wipes though. I like the Huggies ones from there a lot better and they are a pretty good deal too. Good luck with your new baby!

When my daughter was born 2 years ago, the pampers and huggies at Sam's were only $29. Now they are $33, so I recently tried the Sam's brand and they have been alright. They have sagged a little when full. Compared to the other store brands and Top Care, Sam's aren't as great. The store brands were a little thicker. As far as formula goes, I wouldn't know anything. I breastfed my daughter. It definitely is the cheapest way to go!

when our twin girls were born, we were on an extremely tight budget (I had been unemployed for 5 months, my husband worked at a coffee shop), so I breastfed to save money - it costs about $2000 to formula feed a baby in the first year.
if you think breastfeeding might be for you - free food for baby!! - contact your local la leche league. you can find meetings in your area through their website.
good luck!

Hi, I don't have experience with the Sam's formula, but I really like the Sam's Club diapers. I also hate huggies because they leak (so do the target brand), I've had good luck with pampers, but being on a tight budget as well I've tried different generic diapers. I find that the Sam's club diapers are comparable to Pampers and have been really happy with them. They are a good price and you get a lot at a time. I also recommend their baby wipes. It's a huge box and it seems like you never run out for like $20. They are packaged 80 at a time, it comes in handy. hope this helps!

I have used both and have been very satisfied. I also used the Luvs before we had a membership with the first child and with our second we had the membership. We love the diapers and have had no problems with either formula or diapers. Sams Club diapers (Members Mark I think is what they are called) you get more diapers in the box. I geta box of size 3 and there are 200 in a box for I think its $24-$26 and I think if you get the other name brands that they sell there its less diapers by like 20 - 30 a box and more money by like $8-$12. Good Luck hope you have success with them. Amy

I buy my Luvs from Walmart which is owned by the same company as Sam's. It's under 20 bucks for 108 Luvs. Walmarts brand formula is Parents Choice which I used with both of my daughters and never had a problem.

I did not get an opportunity to try out sams clubs diapers nor their formula b/c my daughter was on thickened formula and as far as diapers I was using Pampers at first b/c at that time they had the preemie diapers, then they started putting aloe in the lining and my daughter broke out. Then I used either Huggies or Luvs. One thing that really helped me out was that I had a cousin pass away and his mom gave me somewhere around 6 packages of diapers. Sam's also carries Enfamil formula too, if that is an option for you.

I did find them to be cheaper on Pull-ups (when you don't have any coupons) and for the diaper wipes! I have not heard of anyone having problems with them but I am sure that someone did not have a good experience.

I happen to work at a Sam's, however I work in the Bakery so sometimes I don't know about products that work or don't work. Some of their clothing is fantastic, if you can catch the markdowns on the kids clothes. I have had no issues with any clothes I purchased there so far.

I would like to clarify something, Wal-Mart stores are for your main stream shoppers with low prices and Sam's Clubs are in bulk b/c they are warehouses to offer low prices for people with businesses. Both of them were created by Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart. And the paychecks given to Sam's Clubs employees have Wal-Mart on them. And Wal-Marts were created before Sam's Clubs.

We are able to use the Sam's club diapers on our youngest but my daughter got diaper rash from them so we had to go back to Pampers/Huggies for her. I LOVE their wipes though because they come in the plastic packs like the others but they have their own little snap top right on the pack so no more using the wipe boxes and having them disappear inside :o)
I've never tried the formula but you might want to look into getting WIC if you qualify for it. You would be surprised how high the income can be and still get it. I get it for my foster kids and it's nice to not have to pay for formula. I consider it getting some of MY tax money back because my DH's business pays a ton in taxes every year.
Congrats on the new baby,