Pregnancy test

Does anyone know how soon you can take a pregnancy test?

EPT says 5 days after your missed period, but I do know that after "the night/day" it takes 2 weeks roughly for you to actual be pregnant.

With my second son I took my pregnancy test two weeks after he was conceived. My 3 tests that I took all came out positive, the doctors 2 tests that he took came out negitive, but after a couple of hours showed positive. My doctor told me that if you are having the symptoms of being pregnant then a pregnancy test should be able to pick up the hormone that shows you are pregnant. But, I think that everyone is different when it comes to that. But, in my opinion you can take a pregnancy test a lot sooner that just 5 days before your monthly cycle.

I think there is one called early response and you can take it as soon as 5 days after your missed period

With my second child, I took EPT two days before I was supposed to start my period, it turned out positive.

You can get a blood test that will measure hcg in your blood much earlier then a urine test. You can take the early response tests but they might not capture a pregnancy earlier then 4 weeks.

Good luck with whatever you are hoping for!

I would take it as soon as you "feel" pregnant. If it is positive then you know for sure and if it is negative try again in a couple of weeks or again if you miss a period.

Janna, I think it's different for everyone. I do know that the pregnancy tests at Dollar Tree are the most sensitive.

I battled with infertility so I had done a lot of research on different tests & how soon they would pick up on the pregnancy hormone. I couldn't believe that their brand was the most sensitive but it is. And, I got the positive result from it that I wanted. :)

I hope you get the outcome you want.


I am not positive but I think 14 to 28 days after "THE" night. God bless and all the best to you.

14 days after you ovulate. However, I did not test positive until another week. But usually it's 14 days

You can take a pregnancy test a day after you miss your period. They are the "early" pregnancy tests and everyone carries them and I believe that walmart and target market their own brands as well. They may be cheaper. Best of luck to you!



Home pregnancy tests measure the HCG hormone that women start producing one week after conception and levels continue to double throughout the first trimester.

Although some women have a high HCG and can get a positive result sooner, most women can take a pregnancy test as early as the first day of a missed period, except for "First Response" brand, which you can take a few days earlier and may get an accurate result if your hormone level is high. (But if not, you could get a false negative like I did with baby #3.)

It is best to take the test first thing in the morning when your urine is concentrated, you are more likely to get an accurate result and less likely to run back to the store for another test to be sure.

Don't think that a more expensive test means more accurate results. I have always had an accurate result with the generic grocery store version and have had 2 false negatives - one with EPT and one with First Response; both more expensive.

I have taken a lot of these and have learned to wait a little (until I am sure my period is really late) before taking a test because they are expensive ($7-$20.) Going to the doctor's office for a blood test is even more expensive unless your insurance company pays 100%.

Hope you get the result you are hoping for!

Different tests say different things, but generally its the first day of your missed period.

Hi Janna,
The answer to your question depends on your pregnancy test. The following website explains what I am talking about,
Please note that there is a link of another site at the bottom of the page that links you to another we site that gives further information on the subject.
I wish you well, take care,
Doula and Mother of 2 Boys ages 12 and 16 years

once u miss a period u should be able to i always took my the day after i was late

The home test usly you can take them 6 weeks after you think you are PG. The best thing to do is go to the doctor they can tell you in just a couple of weeks. Me I am strange I just knew when my 2nd was conseved. I walked out of the bathroom and told my babys daddy you did it now, he looked at me in a strange way and said what did I do I told him you just waite 9 monthes and you will know what I'm talking about. he didn't beleave me and we went to take a test in a few weeks from me telling him that and he pardion the expresson shit his pants and asked me how did I know that. I just felt it. Sandy.

You can take it as soon as three days after your missed period.

"First Response" worked for me the First Day I missed my cycle.

From my experience I took the First response 5 day sooner test and got a false negative result. 2 days latter took EPT and got a positive result. Make sure that if you test negative that you act like you are pregnant at least for a week and re test one week after the first test. Or every 2 days if you can afford it. You may have gotten a false negative because you hcg levels are not high enough.
Good Luck!!!!

My favorite brand is EPT. I got a false negative test result last Sunday, which was two days after my first missed period. I just tested too soon. Four days later I got a positive result. My advice is that if you have symptoms of pregnancy and have recently taken a test that was negative, take another test in few days. My earliest symptom was dizziness when I stood up from my desk at the office. I thought it would be nausea, but it turns out dizziness can hit you pretty early as well. Best of luck and hope that all turns out well for you.