pregnancy and travel

Hey Mamas -
I am currently 24 weeks pregnant, high-risk only based on the fact that I had an unexplained stillborn 4 years ago. I am out of work per doctor's orders. I have plans to go out of state twice during the rest of my pregnancy... for my brother's girlfriend's baby shower (I'll be 29 weeks, 13 hr drive)... and the same brother's graduation from Basic Training (I'll be 32 weeks, 7 hr drive).
What I am asking is how did you travel during your pregnancy? Did the lable "high-risk" make you unable to travel? What precautions did you take?
Any and all advice would be lovely... Thanks ladies :)

Per doctor's orders, I wasn't allowed to travel past my 30th week and I wasn't high-risk. If you are going to travel, be very careful about sitting in the car for long periods of time. Being pregnant you are more prone to blood clots in your legs which can be fatal to both you and the baby. If you do go and drive make lots of stops and make sure you keep good circulation. If you do talk to your doctor I can't imagine him/her saying it's okay to travel.

I'd discuss with your caregiver, one stillborn (depending on how far along you were) seems a bit much to classify as high risk. Of course, I've used a midwide for years, so I could be out of touch with what OBs are doing these days.

Keep hydrated. Take a lot of breaks and walk around to keep your circulation moving. Pack your own snacks and eat little meals throughout. Take your time.

Inform your midwife/OB of your plans--you never know where they might have a colleague. Know your insurance coverage outside your state. It might be worth getting a copy of your prenatal medical record to take along with you.

I traveled all throughout my pregnancy, mostly flying but a couple of long drives too. It isn't all that comfortable past 30 weeks, but it is doable. I took my last flight around 28 weeks and delivered at 37.5

As a mom who was High Risk. I had 3 losses as well. I would NOT travel at all. I missed my sister's college graduation and many events but my doctor would not approve any travel. I ended up having to be hospitalized with my last 2 daughters b/c of pre-term labor.

I know that these are two very special and important events but I believe that your health and your child's health are most important and you should stay at home close to your doctor and if necessary your hospital. Not to scare you but if the Dr doesn't want you working you shouldn't be traveling

I would discuss it with your doctor, but I took a flight to Disney World then walked around the parks for a week when I was 7 and a half months pregnant in the middle of June. I didn't have any problems, and while it wasn't the best Disney vacation I've ever had, I would have been devastated had I missed it. If your doctor thinks you should be fine, then I would go. There should be a hospital near where you are, which means if nothing else, you will have care if you need it! Good luck! :)

I was high-risk during my pregnancy because I was carrying multiples . I flew on a plane at 27 weeks to Dallas (so, at 27 weeks I already had about 6.5 pounds of baby in me). I continually asked my doctor if I was cleared to go. At that point I was seeing him every two weeks, and I saw him the morning of my flight and was still given the okay. I also made sure I had a place lined up just in case I needed to see someone while in Texas. I had no issues at all while I traveled.

I was high risk ( over 35 ) and I flew at 32 weeks. It was incredibly unpleasant and exhausting, but it didn't do me any real harm. Make sure if you drive you stop every few hours to walk around for about 15 minutes to keep circulation and such going

I drove a 16 hour drive when I was about 6 to 7 months pregnant. I was not high risk but did have a head cold. It was a miserable trip. On the way out I did not drive at all and frequently stretched my legs. On the way in I drove half the drive and I was miserable. I was so sore and tight that it took at least a week to get back to normal including massage. I still had a good time but I was frequenlty worried of the consequences of the trip and I was not high risk.

I would take a break every two hours to walk around for at least 10 minutes and drink plenty of water to make sure you were not dehydrated.

I remember something happening on the way home, maybe some cramping or something, I called my doctor and they thought it could be dehydration.

I was high risk and I was not allowed to travel at all. I agree with some of the other ladies that if you can't work then you can't travel. 13 hours in a car is a long time for anyone and since you are pregnant there would probably be lots of stops to pee and stretch your legs to prevent blood clots. Yes your events are probably something you don't want to miss but do you really want to take the chance? If your doctor does say it's ok then make sure you have all your insurance info, know how it will cover you if you will be out of state, and know where the closet hospital is. Personally even if my doctor said ok I probably wouldn't go just because I would be way too worried.

No one can answer this but your doctor. When it gets time to travel go see your doctor and get cleared for the trip. If the doctor says it's a risk then stay home. Simple as that. None of us know your medical condition so trust your doctor. If you don't trust your doctor then find a new one.

I think this is a question for your doc. If the doc says you are good to go then everything is fine.

I have a friend that is 6.5 months pregnant and just flew to Scotland and Spain. I was shocked her doc said it was ok but it was.

If doc clears you I would make sure to take lots of stops to stretch your legs and keep your blood flow good.

First thing - talk with your doctor about all of this.
Second, if you're given the go's some advice...
Plan to stop more than you would normally. You're going to need to get out of the car (pee, of course) and move a bit. Your likely to start swelling in your legs etc. especially the later trip. Drink lots of water for this reason and try to elevate your legs in the car as much as you can.

Bring a pillow or whatever you feel you'll need for your back - support or otherwise as well.
Eat well (travel usually means fast-food/junk) but try to get fruit and veg in there. Pack snacks like grapes and carrots and trail mix.

I got a copy of all of my medical records from my OB's office too. Just in-case something happened and I had to deliver at my destination.

Hope this is helpful.

Most importantly get your Dr's "permission".

I drove from Memphis to San Diego and back! I was labeled high risk due to age and prior miscarrages, though I did already have 3 children.

I had a friend who was high risk, took a two hour flight and lost her baby.

If your doctor is concerned you may want to factor that in. Talk to your doctor about travel and see what he/she says. I understand you wanting to attend these events. If your doc advises no travel, ask yourself how you will feel if you travel and loose the baby.

Ask your doctor.
If you shouldn't your brother will certainly understand if you send a present for the shower,etc.
best, k

The movement of the car will be good for the baby! The more movement the baby receives, the better for them. No or little movement makes a baby high risk for issues later on. Enjoy yourself and take a prenatal yoga class to get relaxing hormones in your body.