i recently used a Digital Preg test, the test came out not pregnant but when the test strip was ejected it had two blue lines, one was very light but there, the next day i got my period but for only two days, then 5 days later i took another digital test which didnt read but the inside again had the two blue lines. i was reading the pamphlet and it said to disregard the test strip that is inserted inside the dig test. has anyone had the same or similar experience and have you actually been pregenant.?
Dear Jecholaih,
I wouldn"t buy those expensive pregnancy tests. They are pretty much all the same. Two lines on any pregnancy test I've used (including where I work) means pregnancy even if the test line is really light. A blood test can confirm pregnancy.. Go to Walmart and get the cheap tests. I swear they work the same. They do work better though if you urine is more concentrated like the first thing in the morning. Hope this helps.
Just buy a regular pregnancy test, EPT, store brand, whatever. You don't need the expensive digital ones.
I used the digital test with both my children and the test stick had two lines on it when I was pregnant. I would buy another one and see, but that's what happened in my case.
When taking a digital test, you should never read the lines and always look at the "pregnant" or "not pregnant" display. The lines will almost always appear on the test strip w/ digitals whether you are pregnant or not. I would agree with the other women and say just get a regular test and see what that says. Visit this website to learn about it:
Good luck! :)
I would get a regular test. ( NOt Digital) It sounds like you could be pregnant. I had a period early on inboth of my pregnancies.
my suggestion to you is to go buy a totally different type of pregnancy test. I am 10 weeks pregnant, and I took 3 pregnancy tests, all of which were negative before i finally had a positive. sometimes, a woman just knows. if you buy the test that shows one line for negative, and two lines for positive, remember that ANY second line, no matter how light or faint, means a positive. as for your "period", this could have been implantation bleeding which usually happens around the same time that your period would come and lasts up to a couple of days (i spotted for 2 days), not uncommon in pregnancy. good luck and keep us updated!
my sister always thinks she's pregnant too, sometimes twice a month, even while she has her period. maybe you need to seek some counseling. it seems like you already have your hands full with 3 kids and one of them being an infant. and stop wasting your money on those expenisve test. i went to a free clinic and found out i was pregnant with my first 2 and used a dollar store test to find out with my third. if you are anything like my sister, which you sound like you are, you are probably taking these tests way too early. just be patient and wait until your period is late my friend. and as for the "2 day period" it probably is your period and you shouold be happy you dont have a 7-10 day period like i am having right now! with bad cramps, bloating and moodiness. sorry if any of thios advice hurts your feeling, but sometimes woman fake these things all the time for attentiopn from their families. i bet your family gives you tons of attention during your pregnancies and always helps with your 3 kids, and thats why you want another one. do whats best for you i guess, just dont steal anyones thunder in the process!
a doula client of mine did have this happen. although i woudl disreguard the test strip as the kit says, I would also pay attention to what signals your body is telling you. the hormones in your system may not be strong enough to be read yet. and stress alone can cause you to have a period like you did. I would retest in another week or so. ept is usually fairly accurate. If you have more questions you can check out my website www.palmbeachdoula.com or email me at [email protected]
I don't have any personal experience with this but I wanted to invite to a message board full of wonderful ladies that have been there and can offer you advise. It's a parenting website. Here is the link if you are interested http://forums.parenthood.com/index.php
Here is the link to the pregnancy forum directly http://forums.parenthood.com/viewforum.php?f=26
I wish you luck and I am sure someone there can help you
try another brand... I found out about my son with a Target brand EPT. I used the brand name too. I don't know if I'd trust the digital tests... with my luck it'd come up like a magic 8 ball- "ask again later"...
Also, go to your doctor. That way there's no question. There are also clinics that do free pregnancy tests... if that's a concern.
I bought 4 of the clear blue digital pregnancy tests. 2 wouldn't read, one said not pregnant and the last one said pregnant. I don't recommend them, next time I think I "might be" I will be using the old fashion one line or two.
Go get tested at your doctor's office. I used that one too and it said the same thing, I wasn't pregnant. Well after a week of no period, I went to the doctor and yes I was pregnant. I don't think that test works very well, actually none of the over the counter ones worked for me. They all said no when I actually was. And the bleeding for a couple of days was probably just "break through bleeding". You might want to call your doctor. Good luck
I would go to a doctor to get checked to verify the accuracy or to one of those clinics that offers free tests. I use to get inconclusive results like yours. the results were caused because my body had high levels of prolactin, which is a hormone present during pregnancy. I would always get the second blue line but it would be very faint. I was never pregnant when I took those tests and the clinics were able to tell that right away. Good luck
Just as a side note tip about pregnancy tests - they sell them at the dollar store and they are every bit as effective/good as the ones you get for a lot more money in other stores. You can get 10 of them to keep testing for the price of one from the drug store.
I used the first response tests and they seem to work, but they'll still give those "huh?" results sometimes. In the beginning, the level of hormone they're testing for isn't very high. The suggestion to go to the free clinic would be good, but most free clinics also use the same stick tests that you buy in the stores. The best way to find out is to go to the doctor and get a blood test done. Or just wait a week longer and try again with another home test. Digital ones don't seem to be very good quality yet. Maybe the technology isn't where it needs to be for that to be effective.
Well I preg! verified this month. waiting for sonogram to find out if i def got preg in july or august… i think it was JULY!!