I am looking for work from home opportunity does anyone have any advice on home base business with pre-paid legal services?I am having trouble deciding on trying it out,the main problem is the membership fee and the start up cost.I am looking to make money....any advice?
Hi Diana,
I think it's great that a busy mom of FOUR is looking for an opportunity from HOME!
I would recommend finding out about the attrition rate of customers in ANY business you are looking at getting involved with.
In an economy like we have now, I would recommend being part of a company that is a necessity.............because people are cutting back in every area that they can.
If you'd like an honest, reliable income, and want to check out something great, let me know. I don't know a whole lot about the company you are asking about, but I do know that it is a service that is not anything that anyone I know uses or would be interested in spending their money on right now.
www.HelpingMomsMakeMORE.com is my site and we have an opportunity like no other!
We encourage moms to find something that will be a good fit for them though, so if the legal arena excites you, then go fot it!
It sounds like you really want to look at your options though.
Let me know.
Hi Diana,
With anything you want to check out the company and also ask yourself some questions about how you will earn the money and how much time is involved, especially when you have to be flexible. I recommend going to the DSA and the DSWA websites for information. They are the Direct Selling Association and the Direct Sales Womens Alliance.
You want to find a company that contributes to whatever you are passionate about because there WILL be times that are down and if you love what you are doing then riding out the lows will be easier. I chose natural based skin and bath products because of what it did for my family when we started using them. I totally believe in the company and the value of what I sell. It is also a consumable, people use it, run out, need to buy more.
Finding something that you love is the most important thing in direct sales.
How you earn your money
Training and support
What are you responsible for, have to pay for out of your pocket. This might not apply for Pre Paid Legal but it sure does with the party plans and the MLMs. What does the paperwork that you pass out cost? Hostess gifts? Software? Website? Lots of things women don't check out beforehand.
I have been in direct sales for many years so send me a personal email if you have anymore questions:o)
HI Diana!!
I think this is a good solid company, but like all programs of this type, there is a certain amount of stuff you are going to have to put into it... This particular company does not charge you for promotional materials and such. When you sign up one person, they send you a package of stuff to sign up 5 more, so eventually, you'll have forms and such flowing out your ears...
Pre Paid Legal Services is something every married person and parent should have and definitely should look into. This program includes a free will for anyone who is a member, which can cost up to $1000 depending on where you go and how many assets you have. Not to mention the peace of mind of knowing if something happens to you that you have left a document to stand for you and let the authorities know who you want to raise your children. What would happen if you were sued by someone? These days, you are more likely to get sued or need to go to court for something than you are to need to spend the night in the hospital. We would never consider living life without health insurance, but we go on blindly without legal insurance, unaware until it is too late that being drug into court or going to court for whatever reason could (and often does) cost a fortune.
The above sales pitch got me interested, so interested in fact that I signed up. I was excited about the prospect of making money an easy way... However, this program needs to be matched with your personality. They are considerably more interested in selling the selling opportunity than the legal program they offer, which I don't understand because the product they offer is superior. The protection is amazing, and the coverage is very complete. The way they expect you to make the program work is not one that suits my personality, because their idea is that you would hand out a CD to people you know or have recently met at the grocery store or whereever, track where the CD has been, and get the CD back from the person, along with a second chance to talk to them about (read: pressure them into) the program.
I can tell you, I'm very glad to be their customer. I think everyone should be a customer of some kind of pre paid legal situation. Because of that, I thought it was a good investment. I'm generally not willing to trick my friends into coming to meetings at my home where I would hijack the night and show them the video, and so on... SO, I have not been successful with this business at all. I will tell you that it's a product I'm glad to have, that I believe everyone needs, and that I wouldn't have a problem selling to anyone I know who asked me about it. But, I'm not very big on bringing it up so I don't sell very many of these.
If your personality is one that suits being able to do this kind of work, then I believe you can be very successful with this company. If not, then I imagine, like me, that you might not be all that successful with this company...
Have a great day!
I do a home based busines here and just moved here a few good ones are Gold Canyon Candles,
Tastefully Simple
Wine is another ( don't have contact in front of me but can give you some advice or pass you to the people i know that do it.
. If you have any question just email at @yahoo">getlitt@yahoo. moved here 2 weeks ago.
Hi Diana,
I am an associate with Pre Paid Legal. Right now it is $49 to become an associate. (until the end of Sept. It has been as much as $249 and has been $99 for most of the time I have been an associate (since the end of March).
I would be very happy to discuss it with you and I will be very honest about the time commitment and the compensation.
Please call me at your convenience.
(310) 722 -1134
P.S. I love what Sarah had to say about the company (which I didn't get to read until I had sent my response).
The product and services speak for themselves and the company is a New York Stock Exchange company that has been around for over 35 years. Anyway, I look forward to talking with you. All the best.
I have Pre-Paid Legal Services and like them. However, as a business, I'm not sure it's the best thing for a mom. You need something easy to "sell" and consumable. For the startup value, Mary Kay was the way for me. Been in business for almost 8 years and it pays all my own bills. If you would like to hear more, I would be happy to share with you!