Poop on diaper covers? What am I doing wrong?

What am I doing wrong? Every time 3 month old poops, it gets on the sides of the diaper covers (or more) and I have to wash the covers. I don't think we have ever survived a poop sans cleaning. I use a diaper service and get the infant 3-fold. I fold 'em up and stick them in the cover. I tried using snappies, didn't help and snappies seemed to get the covers wet (just folding and laying does seem to avoid wetness). Is this just a something that goes with the territory?
Related -- How best to get poop out of diaper covers? Including wool

I think this is a common problem, everyone I know who uses cloth just washes the cover after every poopy diaper. I don't know anyone who uses a service, though, so you might try calling your company to see if they have any suggestions.

To get the poop out, run the covers in a cold rinse before washing them in hot water. If there are any stains, set the cover out in the sun - sunshine does an amazing job of getting out poop stains!

Hi Stacey,

First, thank you for using cloth with your baby. It's an easy way to teach children from the get-go about being environmentally-aware.

I own and operate a diaper service in Maine (BuzzieBee.com) and in doing so often teach new parents how to cloth diaper their babies. I also wash many, many, many diapers and covers each week!

As for keeping the covers clean while in use, try this diaper fold which we call "the poop pocket". It may not work for the very runny ones but should help keep most of it off the covers. Hold the diaper the long way inside the cover, fold the two front end inward, creating a narrow front, leaving the backside wide. This should create a pocket for the backside to contain what comes out.

For laundering, I recommend Charlie's Soap. The powder is great as you only need 1 tablespoon per load. They also make a liquid cleaner which comes in a spray bottle and is wonderful at getting stains out or for preventing stains from setting.

Best of luck - again, thanks for going cloth!

Hi Stacey,

As Jen said you can create the poop pocket in the covers to help with the poop on covers.

Another option is to use a snappi with a jelly roll. Using the jelly roll creates gussets to help contain the poop.

What kinds of covers are you using? Bummis Super Whisper Wraps are hard to clean up once they've been pooped on. In our store, most families with Newborns/and or breastfed infant poop prefer the Thirsties Diaper Covers or the Bummis Super Brite Covers. These covers have the laminated (slick part) on the inside and can be easily wiped down with a wash cloth or run under the sink for easy clean up. Also, they have very little staining (except on the edges).

Now that we're having some beautiful weather here in Boston, after you've washed your covers, put them to dry in the sun. On your porch, outside, even just in a sunny spot near the window in your home will work wonders for the stains. It will work wonders on the stains and the sun is a natural disinfectant.

Feel free to stop by Diaper Lab anytime, and Laura or I can give you a hands on tutorial with your little one.

Good Luck!


Diaper Lab
201-A Highland Avenue
Somerville, MA 02143
617.623.2848 store
[email protected]

I don't think my two children ever had a poop without getting it on the covers. I only used nylon covers that would rinse right out in the sink or tub. They'd wipe dry with a towel and be ready to use again if need be. I'd run them through the washer a few times a week. They are the kind that secure in front with velcro and fit snugly in the legs. A few even had drawstring waists to make a perfect fit.
I didn't like the wool covers. They were more difficult to clean. Although the wool cleaners that they make just for diaper covers worked the best. I just felt like my little one always smelled like a wet sheep!

With my third baby I am switching to compostable diapers. We compost anyway, so I am going to set up another compost area and see how it goes. NO waste and more convenience.



Eventually the consistency will change and you won't get poop everywhere (I think it is when you introduce solids). Someone mentioned Thirsties and those were my favorite covers (although we currently use prowraps because someone gave us a bunch - didn't like bummies or the other ones with the cute prints).

We wash all of our own diapers and just throw everything in the wash together on a medium heat setting with a gentle soap. And I agree with the other posters, sun is the best bleach - it is amazing at getting poop stains out.

It sounds like you may want to invest in some more covers so at least you aren't running out.

I have no advice on the wool covers, they never quite made sense to me.

Oh and soon your baby will likely start pooping less often so it won't be so big of a deal even if it is messy.

Good luck.