Play Group for Lawton-Ft. Sill, OK

I was just wondering if anyone had a play group. I have a little boy who would love to play.. He needs to interact with other children his age. Thanks

Hi Shari,
I have a lil boy that is 19 months. I have been looking for a play group also. Maybe we should start one. It is the spring time and after all this rain we can take them to the park and stuff. Let me know what you think. You can email me. [email protected]

I've got the website addresses to playgroups. Send me a PM please. =)

They have playgroups at the library Monday through Thursday. I believe they are either from 9-10 am or 10-11 am. They are free there. Tumble Time on Gore has a playgroup on Thursdays at 11 am (I think that is the right time) and it costs $5. Hope this helps.

Hey Shari, I don't know of any play groups but the mall downtown has a play area by JC Penny's I sometimes take my daughter there. SHe4 is 21 months and has a great time.

Hi Shari,
I belong to a play group called Lawton Military Wives and Children. We do play dates at local parks, restraunts, and even some of our houses. I've only attended one play date so far, but everyone seems really nice and the kids had so much fun. Check it out. Hope this helps.

Hi i'm stephanie, married to Chris. My son is 15 months old. His name is Xavier. My husband is also in the army at ft. sill. I am in a playgroup, that I can introduce you to. I actually would rather find some close friends that have kids that could play together. I found out that even though the playgroups are meant for the kids, there can still be some caddiness and cliques. There are a lot of playgroups in Lawton so you just gotta go to a few and find one that is comfortable for you.