Passing Down Clothes from Older Child to Younger Child

My two daughters are almost exactly 3 years apart, one born in May and one in June. I have been lucky enough to pass down the clothes from my older one and have been doing the season switch into the next size. My youngest one is starting to become interested in potty training and was just wondering what other moms think about passing down underwear between siblings when they are young. I'm talking about under the age of 9-10. I kept every bit of clothing from my first girl and have planned on passing down everything to the younger one but I just don't know about underwear. I figure as long as it is clean and stain free it would be okay. What do you think?

I'm sure it's fine, but personally, I think I'd go out and spend the $10 on a bunch of pairs of underwear at Target.

I think it's totally okay. My 2 year old got his 5 year old brother's underwear when he potty trained. They are now 3 and 5 and wear the same underwear--they're almost the same size.

It would probably be fine, but it might make the potty training go better if she were able to go pick out her own special underwear.

Ehh, my 1st son and soon to be 2nd son will be, like yours, almost exactly 4 years apart. I thought about the underwear thing, and I decided to get new for my 2nd. I even feel that way about socks kinda too. I just feel like I wouldn't want to share underwear with my sister. Granted if in a terrible bind, I may if i HAD to, but i'd probably just go commando instead.

I have kept my daughters for my younger daughters , planning to use it while she potty trains , after that I will get her her own underwear.

You know, I was like you and thought nothing of it.....until my husband said that was really gross :) I don't even put them in the goodwill pile - I just throw them away.

I think as long as they are young, it should be ok. But, personally, I would just buy the new ones. I also agree that it would probably be a neat 'treat' to be able to pick out special 'potty training' underwear... :)

As long as it's clean.
I always bleach undies, colored or not, and passed them right down.

Underwear is the one piece of clothing that I DON'T pass down....

I don't understand why passing down underwear is gross, assuming it's been washed. I can't think of anything that could happen when using hand me down underwear. I'd probably not use it if it were stained just for the aesthetics but it would still be quite usable. I bet, that after washing the new underwear a few times you won't be able to tell the difference between the "new" and the "used." That is if the used has been washed appropriately.

I've noticed that many use too much detergent and fail to sort colors and end up with gray clothes. If that's the case I'd buy new panties so that she could have bright and cheerful underwear.

I wore my daughter's clean panties when a snow storm kept me there for several days. I don't know what's gross about that. Our vaginal area is one of the cleanest parts of our bodies. Our excretions are healthy and germ free. Even our urine and feces is sterile until it sits in the air for awhile. Wash the panties and they are clean.

non issue. Pass 'em down.

I think it's fine, but it's one thing that is really cheap to buy new. We are on a tight budget and it's the one article of clothing I would just pay for.

Perhaps she could have her own brand new underwear.

Sounds like my sons--I'm super cheap--really cheap--

But, I decided that the baby should have his own new underwear--especially as he begins potty training. It's not so much because I think they are aren't clean. It just seemed like Cars underwear won't be cool then and it just seemed like the right thing for us. I actually threw the old underwear out because I knew I would reuse them if they are in the house--it's just my style. My mom was the youngest and has always impressed upon me that the youngest needs some things that are her/his own (if you can afford it). Just my thoughts.

Years and years ago my older sister and I were organizing childhood photos of ourselves. On the back of the photos of her was notated her age, the year, and sometimes little explanations of the photo '"___ at the zoo", etc. Unfortunately, most of mine had no notations.

So, to figure out how old I was in the photos, we compared clothing - Oh, look, sister was 2.5 in the photo wearing a dress with a duck on the pocket - I must be 2.5 in my photo wearing a dress with a duck on the pocket. LOL

I have no idea if we passed down underwear - but I know we did pass down nightclothes. I think you could go either way on this one - pass them down, or by new, inexpensive ones.

I think I would opt for new undies to make the whole "big girl pantie" potting training experience more exciting.

Good Luck and God Bless

Ok so this is such a contradiction but I cloth diaper and I plan on using them on the next, but I won't ever share underwear. I know, I know. But I think she would be more excited to potty train if she got to pick them out. Soooo . . . I say get her new ones.

I passed down to my younger son because it helped with training (lots of clean undies to use) and I also try to be green. Less buying of new and more recycling of used is a good thing, and not just because of the money.

The only thing I am careful about handing down are shoes (tennis shoes specifically) because they do mold to the foot and the support breaks down and that can cause problems.. I pass down dress shoes because my kids never really wear them much.

I don't see a problem with passing them down. I mean, if they are worn out, of course, you'd toss them. But if they are in good shape, then why not? I too have kids almost exactly 3 yrs apart. But one is a girl and one is a boy.. so pretty much everything gets passed on to someone ELSE. I have passed down some of my daughter's undies to another little girl's family that we know. (I asked first if they would be offended or if they would want them). I had bought her a LOT of undies... the packages are big (and sometimes have extra "bonus" pairs in them). And sometimes I would buy her some b/c the big ones (full cut style, lol) showed too much with the lower waist on some of the clothing these days. So some of her undies were VERY gently worn. They were clean. And I'd even venture to guess that some had NEVER been worn... since she doesn't like pink. And just TRY to buy a package of girls panties with no pink ones in them!
My son on the other hand, the elastic was shot in every pair he ever outgrew. haha I use those for dust rags. :)

I also save all of my older daughter's clothes for my little one, except for underwear and shoes. I feel that everyone deserves new undies and shoes. That is just my opinion!