Opinion of Sam's club diapers

I was wondering if anyone has tried the Sam's Club generic diapers. If so, how are they?

I 'discovered' Sams' diapers when my oldest was 2. So I tried them from newborn when I had my second child - they work great, even with newborn poops. They aren't quite as pretty as the name brands, but they work fine on my kids (and they are so much cheaper!)

We were wondering the same thing. Let us know what you hear from the other moms if you don't mind. Thanks in advance.


I have heard from other mother's who have used them that they are good. My son seems to pee through everything. We have managed to us Kroger brand for during the day (still use Pampers at night).

I have never tried sams club diapers though a friend of mine has and he said they worked great for his little girl. I have tried parents choice diapers from walmart and they work just as well as pampers for a lot less money.

I've been using Sam's Club (Smiles) diapers and love them! My daughter has gone through about 5 boxes of them (about 152 diapers/box), and I have absolutely no complaints. I don't think we've had a leak since I switched! They are much, much cheaper than Pampers, Huggies, and even Luvs. They don't come in newborn, or sizes 1-2 at our Sam's, but they do come in sizes 3 and up. You have to have a Sam's Club membership, but for my family, it is very worth it. They also have the cheapest formula I've found- Member's Mark, and our pediatrician says it's just as good as Enfamil and Similac. They also have Huggies and Member's Mark wipes in bulk, and they are good prices as well.