This is my 3rd question in a week, I apologize if its annoying, I am just at a loss, And want advice from non judgmental people.
So as I posted before I am 39, Just found out I am pregnant. Not planned. Literally one time un protected. I have an 11 yr old daughter whom I suffered the worst post partum anxiety and depression of my life. That is the reason I never had another child. The thought of going through that again paralyzed me. I had been on paxil ever since, And like in my last post my OB had me stop cold turkey and switch to Zoloft. Thankfully I think the worst of the with drawl is behind me. BUT now I am consumed with massive panic!!! OMG I am CONSUMED with panic attacks. Crying non stop. I am feeling like I do not want this. I hate myself for feeling that way.
I have called my OB, My PC and every phychiatric doctor in my area, None taking new patients. Nor my OB or PC had a resource for me either.
I do not understand how I am going to get through this. I hate myself for not being this strong women who can have a child for my husband. My husband is annoyed with me, And I understand. I am scared to DEATH this is going to get worse, I need to be a mother for my daughter. Why is this happening to me, Why do I have this anxiety?
PLEASE help me and share any stories or advice you have. I am scared I do not want this baby. UGHHH I hate myself for even saying that. What is wrong with me? Thanks in advance!!!!