Need plumber

Hi ladies,

Can you recommend a good plumber who charges reasonable rates? I live in Rowlett.


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We use Classic Plumbing. Very good, reliable. After tomorrow I can give you more info because they are coming out to install 2 gas water heaters at my house.

I am paying roughly $1700 plus tax for 2 top of the line (50 gal) water heaters with great warranties.

Yes, I know I can go cheaper at Home Depot, etc but I believe you get what you pay for. I like quality and I will pay for quality.


Everyone in our Moms group uses a guy named Leo. He does really great work and is very reasonable. He works for a large company and picks up work on the side.

You can reach him on his cell phone is 214-883-5593. He's at work and might have to call you back. He's doing side jobs in the evening or on weekends.
Hope this helps!

My daughter-in-laws "new" man is a licensed plumber, is very reasonable (he has done a lot of work for many of my friends) and very thorough and will not try to screw you over. His name is Callem and you can reach him at 214-325-4799 if that is not a good number you can reach her(her name is Mary) at 214-530-6265. Just tell her Toni gave you the number. Good Luck!

Hi Nina, I have a friend who ownes has a plumbing business
It is called first choice plumbing. His name is James. Im not sure where his office is located..

I live in Rockwall and highly recommend Masters Touch Plumbing. I have used them several times and feel they are very reliable and trustworthy. The owner Bob Cruse has been out to work here at least two times. Not sure if it matters to you, but it is a christian owned company. Money is always a tight thing for us,so I would have to say they have never seemed to be expensive. I am actually going to have to call them soon to come replace a leaking faucet Good luck! I hope everything works out for you.

McBride Plumbing in Arlington TX are one of the best, most honest plumbing companies I know. Andy came out and fixed a spicket that was leaking in my wall. He did a great job and even charged me less in the end than his original estimate. Very professional work. Works great now! His number is 817-798-8992 or They serve the entire DFW metroplex!