What to do with disrespectful teen? I have a 15 year old DD that I don't know what to do about when it comes to her disrespect of me and her mouth. She is a good kid in all other areas but this one. All weekend I have been sick with bronchitis. I have a 9 month old baby this is also sick. My husband had to work today so it is just me. My daughter is suppose to go to a dance practice for her dance team at school this evening. She wanted one of her friends to come over and practice beforehand. I told her that her friend would have to have her mom drive her over here because I don't want to be running around all day. I also told her to tell her friend that we are a sicky household this weekend and her mom might not want her to come over. So, my daughter comes to get my cell phone. She has her own but likes to use mine. I told her I did not know where it was and to use the home phone. She doesn't want to do that because she wants to text. I tell her its probably in my purse. She looks in my purse but does not see it so I told her to check the car. She comes back in and says its not there. I told her its probably in the bottom of my purse then. She says, well great I will have to dump out your purse to find it. I said do not dump everything out. Reach in there and feel for it. She does not do that and dumps everything out on the kitchen table all the while telling me how disorganized I am and how I can't keep up with anything. My phone was not in there. So I go look in the car and lo and behold it is on the seat. She said, well I didn't look on the seat I just looked in the cup holder. For the record I am organized and I do keep up with my stuff. I have 3 kids so my purse is kind of a free for all at times but beside that I am very organized. I told her I am very sick and could care less where my cell phone was this weekend. I also told her that I did not appreciate her dumping out my purse when I specifically told her not to do that. She used her famous line that she uses quite often: "well, I did not hear you."
I then went on to tell her that she was being disrespectful and that is not going to tell me I am disorganized and that I should keep up with my stuff. She said, well if you would listen to me. Another one of her famous lines.
She proceeds to go back to her room. I told her that her chores need to be done before her friend comes over. She says to me, I know Mom geez.
I told her not to talk to me like that or her friend would not be coming over. I then walk back into the living room and get the baby to take and change her diaper. When I walk back to the bedrooms she has shut the door that separates all the bedrooms from the rest of the house. I open and the door and said please do not close this door during the day. It prevents the heat from getting to that part of the house and I don't want to have to open it every time I to back there.
I go back to the living room and then I need another baby shirt. I walk back to the back and she has closed the door again. I open it and I said, I told you not to close this door. And she said, well I wanted to be alone. I said you can close your bedroom door then. She said, I don't see why I can't close the hallway door. I said, because I want it open and I told you that already and you go and close it again not five minutes after I told you to leave it open. And she gave me her famous line again: well, I didn't hear you. I said yes you did you were standing right in front of me. She said, well did I respond to you, if I did not respond to you then I did not hear you. I told her then that she was being disrespectful to me again and to let her friend know she could not come over.
Any thoughts or ideas on how to nip this in the bud?