Hi everyone!
Does anyone have any good recommendations for a financial planner and/or trust lawyer? I just had my first child and my husband and I need to get our lives in order. I live in the Broomfield/Brighton area.
Thanks so much!
Hi Kim,
Kudos to you for having the foresight to plan ahead! We've just gone through/been working through some of these things too.
Cameron Morgan from A&I Financial Services is wonderful! 303-690-5070
Also for a trust lawyer, we've used Susan Goddard of Goddard & Goddard 303-292-3228
If you contact either of them, say Hi from me.
Lauren Still
I just wanted to add that when you're looking for a planner, I would recommend someone who doesn't carry a product line. Make sure they are an "independent" planner. If they only work for one company, in my opinion, they are not working for the client. They are working to gain business for that company and they get bonuses based on their results. An independent planner is not tied to any company and can use any products they see that fit for their client. Planners have different methods of earning their fees and make sure you understand their fee structure ahead of time. I would also recommend that they have a CFP certification. The financial planning organization called the FPA has a website that lists ethical planners in your area: http://www.fpanet.org/plannersearch/search.cfm?WT.svl=0 It can be a good place to start. I'd be happy to answer questions. I just really don't like it when someone is taken advantage of in this field and it does happen.
I am a financial planner with a CFP certification. I have been doing financial planning for 10 years and would be happy to help you. My first consultation is always free. I live and work in Arvada, but go to people's homes for meetings. Let me know if you're interested. As for trust/estate attorneys, I know some in Denver and Evergreen, but not in the Broomfield area.
Good Morning Kim, my husband is a partner in a financial firm and he would welcome the opportunity to visit with you and your husband. He would also be able to recommend an attorney to draft the trust paperwork.
His name is Mike and can be reached at 303-531-8855. His website is www.highpointgrp.com
Hi Kim,
I know a GREAT financial planner. Her name is DeDe Jones. She is with Innovative Financial and her website is www.innovativefinancial.biz. I have my own business and my husband is a senior exec for a Fortune 1000 company. DeDe works great with both entrpenuers as well as corporate people. She's a CPA & CFP. She is also great for busy moms as she will come to you!
Hey Kim!
I am new to mamasource and happened by your request shearly by chance. I have a wonderful financial planner for my husband and I. We have two girls (3 and 5) and Andy has set us up with an incredible system. His name is Andy Goldberg and he is with Edward Jones Investments. His office number is 303-456-0282 and he is located in Arvada (don't worry, he travels, and a lot further than Broomfield). I also know a great Estate Planning lawyer, if that is the type of 'trust' you need. He set up our wills so the girls were taken care of in case of any problems. If this is the type of lawyer you need, just shoot me an email if you are interesed.
Good job!!
Laura Uhl
[email protected]
I wish I could help. But I understand the need to get things in order. I am going through a divorce and need the same kind of help. Please, if you get some good advice or find a financial planner, please let me know!
Kim, are you a moxie mom? If so, (it's not that expensive if you aren't--$50), you get 20% off with Kurt Hofgard, who specializes in estates: http://www.estateplanning.com/hofgard. I heard him speak and he's very impressive and helpful. We also go through Edward Jones for the financial side (seems best to have a planner deal with finances and a laywer deal with your will, trusts, etc.). They have them all over the place, including in Broomfield & Brighton. Best of luck!
I don't have a financial planner to recommend, but I work at a terrific law firm (Holland & Hart) with some nationally ranked estate/trust attorneys as well as tax attorneys. I know they could recommend financial planners. My favorite estate attorney is Carol Warnick. (http://www.hollandhart.com/peopleprofile.cfm?IDName=PersonID&ID=5036) She's excellent and has a good sense of humor to boot. She set up my will and accompanying documents. You can tell her Anne Tupler recommended you.
Good luck.
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Hi Kim,
May be a little late to answer but I know a great planner who specializes in this area he is connected with great trust layers and accounts the whole nine yards! His name is Vince Frabotta phone#248-321-5831...that is his cell phone(tell him Amanda sent you:) He has offices all over Southfield,Sterling Heights..etc but the nice thing about Vince is he will come right to your home!
Hope this helps,
[email protected]