Here are some fun things: Fill bowl with rice and safety pins, then blindfold the participants to see how many pins they can find in the rice. (2) Roll of toilet paper: use to measure pregnant mommy tummy, then each participant tries to guess how many squares it takes to go around the tummy. (3) Baby food test: Blindfold participant and let them guess what type of baby food in each jar. (4)Clothes pins: give each guest 4 pins upon arrival, the catch is they can NOT say the word BABY doing the entire shower or they lose a pin, and the guest with the most pins at the end of the Shower gets a special gift. (5) List things every newborn needs: Give a sheet of paper and a pencil to each guest and have them to list baby items, the person with the most in (1 minute) gets a gift. Hope I've been helpful. Have a Great time and Congrats on your bundle of JOY .............
You can: 1) Fill up a clear bottle/container with baby items & see who memorizes the most items after only looking at it for a few seconds. 2) Have a roll of toilet paper & have each guest take some off of the roll & pass it along - the one who has the piece that will fit around your belly is the winner. Here is also a website that has lots of ideas. Have fun!!
HI and Congratulations!
One thing that I think is really nice is to request on the invitation that instead of a card, people include a children's book with their signature and a note to the baby inside the cover. You can easily find a book for the price of a card, and that way as Evan grows up and you read to him, he can see how many people loved him before he was even born!
Good luck and lots of love,
Sherri Jones
The matching game is a big hit. There are names like doctor bill. If they turn over the match they get a 100 grand candy bar or baby girl would be sweet hearts. Every match gets a candy bar. I did this on 8x10 pieces of paper and I was on the floor truing the papers over. Which the guests love because they just sit there. The doctor would be a butterfingers that they would win. Anyways, I have the list and the name of the candy bars if you want them.E-mail me back if you are interested.
I resently had my baby shower and we had a bowl with rice and baby pins in it and you mix it together then give them 30sec to see how many they can get. Another one is get 3 diapers and get 3 small candy chocolate bars and melt them spread on each diaper and the guests have to guess what is on each diaper. Gross but fun.Bingo always fun and easy when your opening gifts. Dont forget prizes for the games also.
I got on this website and printed off some ideas.
My favorite is the rice in abowl witht he small safety pins, blindfold, and time to see how many each person can get.
Another one is everyone gets a clothespin, and whoever crosses their legs or says baby- can get their clothes pin taken by whoever sees them or hears them.
Baby word scrambles are great! And the toilet paper game sit fun too!
Good luck and have fun!
Hi Audie, Congratulations on your baby! One fun baby shower game that came to mind goes like this: You get several different types of candy and place them in separate brown paper sacks (like lunch bags). Before you tape or staple them shut you should write a hint on each bag that has to do with babies that will make the party guests guess what kind of candy is in the bag. For example, the hint could be "the doctor's bill" for a $100 Grand candy bar. Or the hint could be "baby's clothes after nursing" for Milk Duds. Hopefully you get the idea!
The other idea that really blessed me at my baby showers was the hostess brought a package of diapers and all the guests wrote (with Sharpie markers) a message on each diaper to be read later when I started to use them. The messages could be funny or encouraging. They could be written as if from baby or not. These kept blessing later after all the friends were not around and I was sleep deprived!! Make sure to use Sharpies as other kinds didn't seem to work on the cloth like cover of the diapers very well.
Enjoy your little one---They grow so fast!
The rice game with the safety pins is fun. I also have 2 more that are a big hit. The first would be to take 10 brown lunch sized bags and put a small baby item in each. Nail clippers, rattles, spoons, outlet plugs,..., usually work really well. Fold over the tops of the bags and staple. Make sure each bag is numbered from 1-10 and give each guest a paper and pen. They need to feel the bag and make a guess as to what is in it. They may not open the bag but they can feel all they like. This is usually a fun game that really breaks the ice. After that game is over, I play the Bloomer Game. You really play up the fact that there are "bloomers" in the box and whomever gets it has to wear them! You buy a corsage and wrap the box multiple times (I do 6-10 based on the amount of people attending). Then the game is played like "hot potato" where it gets passed around to the music. Once the music stops, whomever has the package in their hand has to unwrap a layer. The game keeps going until the final layer is opened. The game goes faster and faster because nobody wants to "wear the bloomers". In the end, the winner opens the box expecting the worst but gets a nice corsage of flowers "bloomers" to wear. The only time it is not fun is if it has been played before with most of the same people because they know the gag.
Congratulations on your pregnancy and good luck with your baby shower. If you think you may be interested in speaking with a doula about possibly helping while you are in labor and delivering, just give me a shout. I'd be glad to talk to you!
I have a game and you can e-mail me at [email protected] and I will send you the story. It is a story about you and your husband and the situtaion is that you are about to go into labor and your husband is busy trying to get everything ready and loaded in the car to take you to the hospital. There are plenty of directions and your guests will have to listen closely. You have three or four wrapped gifts that your guests pass according to the directions of the story. When the story ends, the guests that have the gifts, gets to keep them. This game works best if your guests sit in a circle. Another game that you may want to play is the Baby shower price is right. you will buy products of small value and then you will have your guests write down the price that the think is the closest to the price that you paid for it at the store. The person that is the closest and had the most guesses correct, then wins a door prize.
Hope that this will give you some ideas, and if you need and other suggestions, feel free to e-mail me and will be glad to share ideas.
the best baby shower game is where you blind fold the person when thier sitting down with a plate on thier lap and they have to balanes a bowl on thier head with one hand with cotton balls in it, with the other hand they take a spoon and try to get as many cotton balls on the plate as possible. but the cotton balls are so light that they can not tell if there is any on the spoon and they are being so careful not to lose any off the spoon but there is nothing on it!!!
I am making cakes for 3 different baby showers.As I am attending these showers also I wanted to give them something different as a gift. I decided to make diaper cakes for all as gifts. And as I was researching I came across these amazing websites which has a wealth of information for baby showers.Hope your shower is fun!!
Here are the websites: 1)
Hi Audie,
My daughter just had a girl & we gave her a baby shower about a month ago. It was a lot of fun. I think the most unusual fun game was to get the very small safety pins and drop about 20 into a bowl of rice. then blindfolded the guest try and find as many pins as possible in 1 minute. its harder than you think. we had 2 bowls going at a time and you only need small bowls.
The other game was baby bingo. Have premade bingo sheets made up with empty squares. As guest come in give them them a copy and tell them to fill in the squares with the baby items of their choice and to hold on to the sheet for further instructions. When it comes time to open the gifts have the guest mark off the items on their sheet as the items are opened, whoever bingos 1st wins. You can make it whatever you want, just a one line bingo, an X, ect... choice will be yours. When making the Bingo sheets don't forget the free square in the middle!.
For a door prize we filled a baby bottle with jelly beans and had everyone write at the top of their bingo sheet how many jelly beans were in the bottle and they won that game.
The shower was alot of fun.
I sell Avon so for a few months prior to the shower I started purchasing items that were on sale, nothing over $3.00 to give away as gifts and the door prize. This worked out well, the guest got good products and was very resonable for me money wise. I would be happy to show you some items that would be resonable for you in some of my books. Either way I would start shopping around now for cute little inexpensive items to use as gifts.
Also for yourself I would register at Walmart, Target, Babies R Us, in the store (and on line for those who don't like to get out and shop much). At Babies R Us they supply you with invitations, something that can help with the cost of a shower. I am not sure where you are located but there is also a store on 45n & Richey Rd. I think its called Babys 1st Furniture. They have furniture, clothes, strollers, all kinds of things. Its a very nice store, my daughter got her Baby bed from there. I beleive you can register there also.
Also hand out envelopes with your Thank You cards inside as the guest come in and have them self address them. Have a basket or something for them to drop it in when they are done. This way when your busy with your newborn that is one less thing you have to do and you will get everyones address you may not have had.
We also had everyone name as many songs as they can with the word baby in the title.
We also made a door wreath out of diapers and other little items such as baby rattles, socks, bibs ect... it was really cute. If you want pics e-mail me and I'll shoot them to you.
Good luck with your shower & have fun,
Carla Harrold
If you want to browse and check out my personal website it is:
e-mail: [email protected]
hi!! I had to rspond, because I love playing games at showers! I also have an almost 1 year old, named EVAN!! I played a game with newborn diapers and a variety of candy bars.First number your diapers 1-5. You place the slightly mashed candybars; butterfingers, 3Musketeers, Snickers, Hershey bar, KitKat. You can microwave them for a little added effect! Then fold up as if on the baby, and pass them around for everyone to open and guess what the candy is. The best part is watching some people stick their noses in the diaper to smell the candy!! I thought it was halarious. The game could be- Name that Diaper!
Split into two teams; draw a letter out of a Scrabble bag (or some other random letter). The first team to either come up with 30 legitimate names or the most names in 5 minutes is the winner.
Another game is “change the baby”…,This game is played by pairs. Each pair stands side by side with one person using only the right hand and the other person using only the left hand. Talk about having to work together.
This is a great way to find out how well people work as a team. It can be hilarious for the couple anticipating a baby’s arrival. Dress a baby doll in a diaper, preferably with pins, bodysuit, shirt, socks, and pants-you can even have them tie shoes if you’re up to a challenge.