Need a OB GYN in North Plano

Hello Ladies! I am looking for a OB GYN (male or female is ok) who helped you a lot when you had question or problem about breastfeeding. I have recurrent problem and need help. Someone gave me this name Dr Julie Davolio, have you heard about her?? I have Aetna insurance and need a doctor in my network. Please, if you know someone, let me know!
Thanks! H.

Dr. Davolio has been my OBGYN for the last 6 years. She's pretty good, but her office staff is NOT. I was high risk for about 13 weeks of my pregnancy and had TONS of questions. The nurse would NEVER return phone calls. It sometimes would take a week for a call to be returned. The office wait is also pretty bad. I've waited an hour before just to get in!! It's usually a two hour ordeal there. Dr. Davolio was on maternity leave when I delivered, so I got to see all the other doctors in her practice. Dr. Amy Mos was the best!!!! I would highly recommend her. She is extremely attentive and her nurses were amazing. She's currently accepting new patients. I am going to switch to her because she was so helpful during my pregnancy. Good luck!!!

Dr Berry Fleming is wonderful. I was on bedrest and in the hospital the last couple of months of pregnancy due to preclampsia and he was just wonderful. We did not discuss a lot about breastfeeding but I know that the knowledge is there if you need it. His nurse Jaye is AWESOME! He was referred to me by my mother who had some scares with ovarian cysts and Dr Fleming was amazing in bringing the fear factor down and was that way with me too. When things got serious he would sit down and hold my hand and look me in the eyes but he always kept me calm. I couldnt have been more pleased.

I wish you luck!

Dr. Eric Jacoby is wonderful, he is also in the same practice with Dr. Fleming. Very clean and new and excellent staff. Highly recommend.

Hi there!!

My OBGYN is AWESOME!!!! His name is Dr.Garrett Garner and he is at Plano Presby. He is SOO nice and makes you feel super comfortable! He is at Northlake OBGYN. Hope it helps!! N

I have had 3 OBs aand various fertility dr's. I cannot tell you how impressed I am with Jennifer Campbell at Presby Plano. She not only returns all her patients calls personally, she has the best bedside manor I have ever experianced. I delivered a baby stillborn last summer and she sat on my bed holding my hand. She was an incredible support and always concerned about my wellbeing. I hope you try her out. Not sure if she is on Aetna but it is worth looking into. You don't find old fashioned values in medicine very often.

My Dr. is Julie Davolio and she is wonderful!!!!
I had been through the ringer trying to find someone great and my best friend uses her. I Highly recommend her!!!

Dr. Kelli Watkins Presby Plano. She is the GREATEST! Very caring and supportive and very thorough. I have aetna too.

I know of a really great Gyno, she's located in McKinney. Her name is Dr. Shea Joyner and her office number is 214-544-6600.

Dr. Gwen Webster, Plano Healthcare for Women. I have referred 4 friends and they all love her!

Dr. Davolio is the BEST!!!! She delivered my daughter 4 1/2 years ago and is about to deliver my son next week. I was in the hospital last week with complications and she was right there taking care of me even though she delivered something like 4 or 5 babies that day! She was laughing that she couldn't believe that everybody had decided that this was the week to have their babies! Anyway, I adore Dr. Davolio and she is as much my shrink as my OB/GYN. She will take all the time you possibly need to talk to you about every possible question you have. She has never rushed me out of the office or even made me feel like she was in a hurry--which is very important to me. She has NEVER made me feel like I have a silly question and she is very open and reassuring. This is important to me as I have had 3 Dr.'s I have left because they seem to belittle my questions or make me feel uncomfortable. Dr. Davolio talked to me on the phone one night for a good 15 to 20 minutes when I was having a tearful breakdown about a medical issue. Even if my insurance ever changes, I would pay out of pocket just to stay with her.

Good luck!

Helen, I have a 10 month old son. I can't recommend my OB/GYN highly enough. I had clogged ducts during breastfeeding. His name is Dr. Chris Riegel and I he has been my OB/GYN for 6 years. His staff is also very good. He is located next door to Presbyterian Hospital on Parker. You may also want to contact the lactation specialists at that hospital depending on what your question/problem is. They were priceless for me.

I go to a Dr Jean Ferrera and think she is great. She is at 15th & Coit. Her number is 972-612-8829.

Have you considered using a lactation consultant or doula. My daughter had SO MUCH TROUBLE latching. I worked with a fantastic post pardom doula. Her name is Anne Marie and her webite is
She was so supportive and encouraging and knowledgeable. She gave me waymore personalized attention than any OB could as she even comes to your house for a few hours to help figure out the problem and help give you a plan to solve them. Either way, good luck. i know how frustrating it can be. Hang in there. It took my daughter 4 months to effectively latch but now she's a total pro!

Hi. Dr Davolio is a wonderful doctor. In fact all the doctors at Plano Women's Healthcare are awesome. I use to work in the office and am currently a patient of Dr. Arlene Jacob's in the same practice. Dr. Davolio is very caring and is really good with her patients. If I were going to recommend anyone in Plano I would recomend them. In fact, I have recommended the practice. A girl in my office is a patient there as well.
Good luck!

Have you tried to contact La Leche?

My OB is awesome. He is at Preby Hospital of Plano. Dr. Darrell Robins. Don't know about aetna ins, but his office will. His nurses are wonderful with every aspect of pregnancy and after. Presby Plano actually has the best breast-feeding consultants.

Helen, I am wondering why you want to see an OB/GYN for breastfeeding issues? A lactation consultant who has the IBCLC credentials is the "specialist" for BF problems. Some pediatricians and hospitals have IBCLCs on staff if insurance is an issue, or if you need a prescription for meds.

I was recommended too this OB GYN a few months ago by my
Ophthalmologist, which is teriffic.

Her name is Dr. Katrina L. Lee, she does have a website,, if you want too get some idea about her.

The first one I was recommended by back in June, and was not comfortable with him, so we went on vacation and my niece who is a nurse, I told her what was going on and the Dr I went too and said I was not comfortable with, she told me that I had too find someone who I feel comfortable with and would trust with my life, so while in Dr. Michelle office I asked her and she gave me her name. So I called and made an appointment. She is great, I "trust her with my life"!

I do have too say I am 68 years old, and did not think I needed too see a OB/GYN anymore, and I have been seeing "off n on" just a GP, anyway I was having problems, and told I need too see a OB/GYN, so to make a long story short, I went too one that was recommended and I was not happy with him, and never thought of a women...."look at my age"! that says it all!?! Anyway I made an appointment, she is not only a "hoot" but so down too earth and I am so comfortable with her, I took my husband as well and he was able too ask questions and get information on what is going on, just like we did 47 and 46 years ago with a daughter and then twin boys.....She is great her staff is awesome! I feel comfortable with all of them, and my life in her hands.

Try her I think you will be pleased, I spoke too several women that were there waiting too see her, and they had there baby or going too have a baby, even a husband, and they all just praised her with the pregancy and having the baby afterwards. So that who I recommend. She is at Presbyterian Plano over by the toll road. What I liked everything is there if you need too have x-rays, MRI etc, you don't have too drive all over. I am fine by the way, but will go back in July and have things checked again. Good luck. Her staff is great and you can ask them questions especially with insurance so give a hollar hope it works for you.

Yes, I would recommend her to our daughter, but she is down South now with her family. Good luck. Sue

I actually use a doctor named Christopher Riegel. He is located at 3108 Midway Rd. Suite 100 Plano, Tx. Phone #972-608-8979 (near Presbyterian Hospital of Plano). I personally think he is great! I have been seeing him for 13 years (ever since my first son was born). If you have any further questions just let me know.

Rhonda S.