A few months ago I started seeing Dr. Doreen Moser. Well, I've seen her once. I've been seeing one of her NPs and she doesn't seem to know what's going on. She is not able to give clear answers and she doesn't follow through when she tells me she will discuss something with Dr. Moser and get back with me. For two months now we have been waiting for my next cycle to start so we can try another round of meds. I have not ovulated. I have spend lots of $$ on ovulation tests and they are all negative. And I'm not a period (because I haven't ovulated?) When I asked he if we could do something to make me ovulate since it's not hapening on it's own she didn't understand what I was asking her? That seems like a simple question to me. Anyway, I want to find another doctor that has staff that I am confident in. If I had known we would have fertility issues we would have sought help a long time ago but we tried on our own first (got pregant with #1 after 5 months with no trouble, that's why we thought fertility wouldn't be an issue). So I am looking for someone who is willing to be aggressive. We are ready. Who do you love that can help me? As always mamas, thank you for your support
I am not sure where you live but Dr. James Herd at Baylor is a great OB. He is not however a fertility specialist though he did give me all the help and tests that i needed. We tried for over a year and finally got pregnant. He is very thorough and will help you with anything you need. A very good fertility doctor is Dr. Kaufman in Fort Worth. I have heard rave reviews about him. I work in the medical field so what I hear is usually accurate. I know the Doody's in the HEB area are very good too but they are also very expensive where Dr. Kaufman will work with you because he wants to help you get pregnant. I hope that helps.
Have you had your family practice doctor check your thyroid? Pregnancy and childbirth can trigger auto-immune thyroid disease and one side effect of that can be fertility problems. Since you know that neither you nor your husband had fertility issues previously, it seems this should be considered first. Undiagnosed thyroid disease can impact ovulation. Here's a good article:
You'd want to make sure that along with TSH, they measure your Free T3, Free T4 and especially thyroid antibodies, as the latter is the sign that is autoimmune.
Clomid usually works to get you to ovulate if you are not. Your regular OB/GYN should be able to prescribe it and explain the pros and cons of taking it. Then, if you're wanting to be aggressive (or at least begin the testing for any secondary infertility), call DFW Fertility Associates @ (214) 363-5965. They are affiliated with Presby's ARTS Department which is listed as one of the top 10 fertility clinics in the United States. We used Dr. Karen Lee and really liked her. Feel free to contact me with any questions about them.
Good Luck!
I went through Dr. Delbert Allen Johns as the gyn who contracts with Dr. Robert Kaufman for big fertility treatments such as IVF. The nurses with Dr. Johns are wonderful and so is Dr. Kaufman.
Dr Johns: 817-284-1152
Dr. Kaufman: http://www.fwivf.com/
Also check out this website: http://www.sart.org/index.html
If you further support because IF (infertility) is very painful to go through then check out the TTTc board on thenest.com Good luck!
Hi there! I am very sorry you are going through this. I recommend consulting with fertility experts from iyoni app, I have been using time and have been satisfied with their recommendations.