my daughter got a mp3 player and a ton of gear to go with it for christmas this year. the problem is no one in our household knows enough about them to help her download songs, pick sites to go to, etc... anyone out there got advise for the mp3 challenged? Are there any free sites? whats the easiest way to download songs for her? nPlease help, shes very anxious to use her player.
I guess the first question I have is what kind of player is it? There should be a website for it with a FAQ section and there should be a Get Started section in the manuals that come with it. There's always iTunes ($), but you should also be able to download music you have on CDs to it as well ("free"). Good luck!
Hi! If you get any helpful replies would you mind forwarding them to me? My 11yr old got one for Christmas but we can't figure it out either.
If you can let me know the model ex: Ipod, you need to have itunes software. Anything else I would need to know the model. songs re generally 99 cents each at some websites. otherwise you can copy her cds to the computer and convert them into mp3s then put them on her mp3 player.
Hello. Just wanted to let you know there is a free download service called Limewire. I have an MP3 player and the one I have came with software to instill on the computer BEFORE you hookup the player. You should have her download songs or copy songs from cd's onto the computer then use the software to move it all to the mp3 player. The one I have was very straight forward and easy to use. I have a Creative. Hope this helps. If not let me know and I could email you some more or something.
Most MP3's come with software to download, so that when you do download a song it will transfer it to that file. Limewire is a free website to download music from. All others you have to pay for. My daughter who is now 10 got a MP3 two years ago and hers came with no software. All you do is download a song, save it to MY DOCUMENTS music file and then drop and drag it to the MP3. If you have any other ? feel free to email me at is a great site and the best part is it is free and actually user friendly. With the player it all depends on what one you have, most times you just have to install the software that came with it. The other thing that is best to do is to read the manual that came with it, there is either a paper one or one when you install the player onto your computer.
Well, start simple. If you have the USB cable connected to both the computer and the MP3 player, the computer should recognize the MP3 player. Next, start with a CD of your own that she wants a song from. Once the CD is uploaded on the computer, you can transfer that file to her MP3 player. Have I lost you yet? hahaha. Downloading from sites is an additional step. If you start with this, at least she'll have some music on her player till you figure the rest out. What kind of MP3 player did she get? Sometimes they include software for downlaoding from sites. CareyB
I use a site named e Tomi Pro to download mp3 songs. I think it costs $10 a year to use the site, but I'm not quite positive. It seems to work well. Hope this helps :).
hi you should have gotten a disc for the comp to load the program on it. they should have a help feature or even should walk you through how to do everything...i recommend napster you do have a small fee to pay but she gets access to a ton of music.....hope this helps
I was very interested to see what advice you got because it seems like there is always a big cost with the free sites. I have never heard of Limewire but will check it out. I only know that what I thought was a free site "Kazaa" infested my computer with viruses. So I guess have fun but be aware there may be a cost that is damage to your computer....ok, here is the edit to my response...I just checked out Limewire and it is not free...they charge a fee...that is not free to me. Good luck.
It is not legal to download music onto your MP3 from LimeWire. Please read, this is taken from there site.
LimeWire is legal software, but it is illegal for you to use LimeWire to share copyrighted files without permission. Purchasing LimeWire PRO does not constitute a license for obtaining or distributing unauthorized files. When you download LimeWire software from, you agree to refrain from using LimeWire for the purpose of copyright infringement.