Hi Mama's!
So I am registering for a few items I need-since it is the 2nd baby I don't need much. I have always wanted the Maclaren stroller-so those of you who know which one is better and is the Maclaren any different from the newer competitors like Chicco? For me, I want to be able to adjust the height or have higher handles
I have a 2 1/2 year old Chicco and can't stand it, it is a piece of junk. Doesn't push smooth, it is like a tank. I actually threw it away when baby #1 was 5 months old and bought the BOB revolution single, and loved it. Then, when baby #2 came along, I got the BOB Revolution Dualie and love that even more.
If you go with the Chicco, you'll be getting what you pay for, a cheap piece of junk.
I have a Maclaren double travel stroller that I really like, but I'd NEVER use it daily. The BOB is far superior.
http://www.babyblingdesignco.com My car wash guy owns this company. I've seen his strollers and they are nice and better than the Maclaren I have for my daughter.
If you want higher handles, then Maclaren is the winner in that category. I have a Maclaren that I love and I also looked at the Chicco. My good friend has a Chicco. On all of the Maclarens, the handles are higher than on the Chiccos. I got the Techno which has the adjustable handle and also has a full recline. Hope this helps.
Hi Barbara,
I have an almost 4 yo daughter and am also pregnant with baby #2 (due in April). I am the type of parent who will have my daughter in a stroller until she no longer fits in it simply because if she is in the stroller, then I know she isn't running all over the place and possibly losing her. I have gone through 5 different strollers until I finally found one that I LOVE. I have a Maclearn and it is by far the best stroller that I have used. In fact, my husband and I are going to buy a duel stroller (probably the gracco) for the times when we all go out as a family, and only want to deal with one stroller, as well as an extra (single) Maclaren for when we each have a child on our own.
I've "test drove" a Chicco, and just didn't like the quality of it. It seemed less sturdy. My daughter is a big girl though ( almost 40 pounds) and I just wanted something that was lightweght and that would be easy to push my child around in. The Maclaren delivered!!!
Good luck,
I know nothing about the Chicco-but I have a Maclaren that is 7+ years old. the thing is still going strong using it w/ #3. I'd love to know how the clean the thing though-the yellow parts are pretty brown.
I went with the MacLaren and I am looking forward to using it!
Thanks you Mamas for all of your repsonses!