Looking for natural remedy for gas

Try having her lay on her belly for a little while, the gentle counter pressure on her abdomen can help the "bubble" to move. You can also try having her lie on her left side and then her right side for a few minutes at a time, it helps the air to "rise" into her descending colon. I use this all the time for myself, my kids and my patients and get lots of success, toots...whatever you want to call it :)

Silly, BUT....have her stick her bottom into the air and crouch the rest of her down low. Can be done while hanging her head off a bed and her belly on the bed or done while in fetal position with knees on the floor. Just get the bottom into the air, the higher the better!

My oldest daughter used to get terrible gas pains also, when she was very young. Her pediatrician recommended charcoal tablets and it helped tremendously. I would buy the capsules and mix in something sweet. The charcoal absorbs the toxins causing the gas pains. If I'm correct, I believe I only used the capsules 3 times, since the pain went away. You could probably get similar results from giving your daughter charred toast...burnt black. That, by the way, is excellent for any kind of stomach upset.

Hello Tracey,

You may want to try acidophilus powder. It's healthy bacteria that the gut uses for many functions. There are several kinds made just for kids, such as the one made by a company called Nature's Way. You can give it to her several times a day. It is very safe, and helpful for constipation as well.

Take care,

Tracey have you checked to see if your daughter has a milk allergy or an allergy to white flour. It is easy to check by eliminating these foods from her for at least 1 month. We witched my son to Lactaid Free milk and cheese. Today these products have been greatly improved and they really taste good It really helped my youngest. He is 26 and still allergic to milk. Good luck Carol Donnelly

My pediatrican suggested giving my little one Mylcon before she eats something that may not agree with her. My daughter suffers from acid reflux. If you believe that the dairy is the problem, try Lactaid. They make both milk and cheese products.

Good luck.

The best natural remedy to soothe a baby from gas is babies magic tea. It did great to soothe my child with gas pain.

Thanks for all the good suggestions for natural remedies such as tea! Thankfully, I am not worried about lactose intolerance. The kid is a dairy junkie! Milk, yogurt, cheese, etc. get consumed with ease and she has predictable, normal bowel movements daily, with no diarrhea or loose stools. This “gas” problem is rare but when it does occur, I’d like to be ready with some natural remedies, and now I’m better prepared for next time! All of my daughter’s dairy is organic and for that reason I would not switch her to Lactaid milk.