I have been hearing horror stories about these HUGE hard to fold & heavy strollers. I am about to register and am just overwhelmed......everyone has a different opinion....help?
I actually did buy a large 3-in-1 Evenflo stroller when my baby was born a year ago. We used it maybe 2-3 times in the last year-was such a hassle taking it in and out of the house,car,etc. I finally recently bought a lightweight stroller which we used in the airport and trips to the park. I got it for something like $19.99. The only thing is- if you want a larger umbrella, you have to pay $14 for the extra.
My sis-in-law said that her jogging stroller was a dream as it helped her lose some weight as well-though it is pricier.
I love my Peg Perego Pliko. I have the 2005 model and its sooo easy to fold and its not heavy at all. I hear that the 2006 is even easier to fold (but the 2005 is super easy as it is).
Good luck, and if you have any specific questions about the Peg, let me know.
I got the Graco MetroLite. It is 'light' compare to others. I works well so far. I have a 6.5 month old boy.
I suggest a Maclaren. I originally had a regular old Graco, but it was huge and difficult to manage. (We called it the SUV Stroller... lol)
We bought a Maclaren (you see them EVERYWHERE in Europe and especially England) and have absolutely loved it. It's great for a city mom!
You can check out their website here: http://www.maclarenbaby.com/
I recommend the Maclaren TechnoXT. It is about 11lbs & is easy to fold & store in any space. Great features too. Good luck!
My mom got us a Graco stroller when my son was born 6 years ago that had an easy button on the handle that collapsed the entire stroller and it was pretty easy to store in my sports car (at the time). Take a look at the one-hand folder pages: http://www.gracobaby.com/products/subcategory.asp?No=0&N=44+56+4294966792&act=A25
I live in the Albany Park neighborhood, and we drive a Mazda 3. I was similarly concerned as I wanted something that would fit in the trunk and be able to be hauled up the El stairs! We went with the Graco Metrolite and I couldn't be happier. The biggest beef at the time I registered & when I did my stroller "research" is that you couldn't access the basket beneath when the seat was fully reclined (which is required when you use it with the carseat). I'm not sure, but they may have changed the design due to that complaint. I did't do a lot of long haul strollering when my daugeter was still in the infant carseat, so it didn't bother me. We registered for the Snugride carseat and the stroller separately, which I thought might give gift givers more flexibility price-wise, but I believe Graco also offers it as a "system". It has worked out great for us.
Good Luck,
I loved my Graco Metrolite travel system. It was lightweight enough to get in and out of our SUV with ease, yet it was very sturdy. I still use it occasionally with my second, when we don't need the double.
I reccommend the Snap-n-Go frame with whatever infant seat you choose. (Everything by Graco is great and rated really high for safety.) Then, when the baby is older/bigger, you can invest in a nice light stroller for getting around. I did not do this, but wish I had, all of the 'travel systems' are huge and mine takes up the entire trunk...good luck.
For my newborn we have a Graco with the snap-n-go (Graco brand). It is super easy because the everything justs snaps in - either to the car base or the stroller. For when he grows out of this, we got the Peg Perego, it may be the Pliko style, it says P3 on it. Rated well on consumer reports.
Hello, Jeanette! If it's not too late... I have three children and have used multiple strollers, and I have to say that in terms of ease of use and lightweight versatility, I would recommend a Maclaren. They are a bit more expensive but they will last through other children. I got mine before my son was born. He is now five, and my 17 month-old daughter is using it. It is still in excellent condition, and I love it just as much. The strollers that come with a matching infant car seat are also really convenient because then you do not have to take your baby out of the car seat for every little errand, or try to lug around the progressively heavier seat. Hope that helps!