Looking for good digital thermometer

Does any recommend a good and reliable digial thermometer?

I love my digital Exergen temporal scanner...it's very reliable. My son was in a study at the pediatrician's office when he was an infant and I had to use the anal thermometer..so I checked with the temporal scanner as well and it was always in very good ocrrelation.

i agree the exergen temporal thermometer is great:

my kids love it and think it's a game to take their temperature - no problems and always very accurate.

it's always easier to take it by standing behind them holding their head to me and scanning them.

We have been using this one http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3505896 this week with my son. It works well. We also have this one: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2664823 and I do not think it is as accurate.

anything but an ear thermometer the ER and most doctors won't consider this an accurate temp. How old is the child if under a certain age they won't consider any temp accurate unless its rectal. They used the temporal at triage w/ our 2 year old when they took his vitals but the doctor wouldn't let us go home until they got a rectal temp on him. If you have an older child get a temporal but I would recommend a cheap cvs digital thermometer as back up they are very quick and accurate.

Consider nothing else but the Exergen temporal artery thermometer. It's unbelievably convenient. I've even been able to take my daughter's temperature in the middle of the night while she's asleep (when she was very, very sick once) - and it never even woke her up (and she's a light sleeper). It's worth the price - about $39 at WalMart. Haven't found it at CVS, etc., so make sure you go to WalMart if you don't find it at your local drugstore.

I have had great luck with my Vick's digital thermometer; it's resonably priced and quick to read the temp, and was rated very well (I actually researched them before putting on my registry). I saw one just the other day at Walgreens for around $12. You can use it oraly or rectally (which as unpleasant as it sounds gets the most accurate temp...my daughter doesn't mind, just sing or make funny faces to distract).

Like others have said get the Exergen temporal artery thermometer. It is so worth the price. My whole family uses it and it is acurate all the time. I work on the maternity floor at our hospital and this is what they use to do baby vitals. No need to undress the infants in the middle of the night, just run it over the forehead and it's all done. My kids never fuss about getting thier temps read cause it is so easy. Only takes a second to get the read.