Looking for end of year gift ideas for preschool teacher

My daughter is in a Mother's Day Out program twice a week. This is a last minute request, but do you have any ideas for an end-of-year gift for her teachers? I appreciate your help!

half-price book store gift cards

satin hands pampering set www.marykay.com/esmylozano


I got a nice keepsake box at Ross fairly cheap and had my son put a handmade card inside for a teacher gift once. You could also put a photo of your duaghter in it or anything. That was great the teacher said becauce she put all the kids little drawings and things in it and it was nice to see on the shelf.
Small colorful plants are always nice to get in my opinion.

In the past I've done a cute beach bag with flip flops or beach towel and maybe a book.

I just went out to solve the same problem. I thought of something I would like and decided to get a flowering plant (this one has big pink daisies) and put it in a nice ceramic/stone pot. They sell all sorts of flowering plants and pots that you can mix and match at Walmart or any nursery. My son has two teachers, so I got the same plant and same pot for each. I just replanted them from the plastic pot to the ceramic pot and it looks really good and only cost me about $15 for each set from Walmart. They are small enough to put on an table/counter/desk inside or outside.

As a former preschool teacher, I will say: although it is nice, you only have so much room in your home for "stuff". A giftcard to the movies and/or dinner is always nice (especially if she is married).

mardel giftcard-they can buy lots of cool stuff for them or for school.

Here is a poem I use every year for the preschool teachers where we go. I have been the homeroom mom for over seven years and now my 4 year old had his last day of school yesterday. I get a small plant and a cute pot and put this poem in the outside tied to the plant, its about helping our children grow which ties in with the plant theme. Anyhow I usually also tie on a gift card or two with it for the town square or ice cream or something! ALSO, I have done in the past is Julie's Gourmet Popcorn, in southlake, you can order online too, then put a movie gift card with it, the popcorn is awesome in cute gift bags totally cheap but really yummy and then the gift card to the movie like popcorn and a movie, or you can just get a blockbuster card too to put with it! Hope this helps, good luck as I know this time of the year is much anticipated as we love summer but hectic as we dread the end of the year activities that go along with it! :)
SAHM of two boys 7 and 4!

For teaching our children lessons,
to help them as they grow,
Let this gift remind you,
You're the best teachers we know

When God created teachers,
He gave us special friends
To help us understand His world
And truly comprehend
The beauty and the wonder
Of everything we see,
And become a better person
With each discovery.
When God created teachers,
He gave us special guides
To show us ways in which to grow
So we can all decide
How to live and how to do
What's right instead of wrong,
To lead us so that we can lead
And learn how to be strong.
Why God created teachers,
In His wisdom and His grace,
Was to help us learn to make our world
A better, wiser place.

Steel My Heart offers a 3x4 magnet that you customize for $8. Orders usually ship out next day. http://jonie.yoursmh.com
If you have any questions feel free to contact me!

I am a teacher and I like gift cards.....they are the gift of "time."

How about a massage or a pedicure certificate or just about any gift card Starbucks Barnes and Noble or check out my website for wine gifts www.wineandvacations.com. I have daughters that are teachers and they love gift cards.
Nancy Cox

My sons' class did a finger print plate. The put different color paint on their fingers and then pressed them to a white plate then added antenna and eyes with a sharpie and turned them into bugs. You can do this with the whole class or just your child. As someone who has worked with children for a long time I always remember the gifts that we made by my students. It comes from the heart and I don't feel guilty that they spent a lot of money on it.

I am a teacher and enjoy getting gift cards. My students know I love coffee, so they always get me Starbucks cards. I've gotten cards from Ulta and Target and loved them all. Most of the cards have been $5 to $10 and when I combine several cards, I can get myself treats I would not normally get.

Maybe a thank you gift basket, put home made cookies, maybe some spa stuff and a card you daughter has "made" give her a crayon and let her draw on paper. If you want to travel a little, there is a Bath and Body Works outlet in Hillsburough (sp), where you can get stuff at 70% off. Just a thought.

Is this a church run MDO program? If so, go to your local christian bookstore, and they have thousands of things to say thank you to the teacher with, and as far as I am concerned, my daughters MDO teachers are just as important in her development as any others! If not, an easy to care for plant is always a nice lasting gift, as well as a picture and handprint of your child on a totebag, or apron, or something small. I found awesome figurines at Hallmark, not expensive, with the perfect sentiment. Good Luck!

As a preschool teacher, my favorite gift has been a $5 Starbucks gift card!

Hi Amy!
Have you seen the cute products from Finders Key Purse? You can see all the cute keyfinders, purse hooks, fans, cell phone finders and luggage tags on my website - www.findkeyswithease.com. Any of these items would make a great gift!
J Miller

I would say to go take a group photo of the kids with a sign that says something like "We love you, Mrs. Smith". Go to CVS, they can print a 5X7 or 8X12 in less than an hour. Frame it... and allow the kids (or your daughter) to give it to the teacher.

Hi Amy,

I am actually a pre-school (mother's day out) teacher. I have received some really nice gifts anything from candles to books, calendars, magnets, plaques and crosses (which I collect). I know that I am just thankful that the parents appreciate the time that I spend with their children each week. I do not expect any gifts but, it is nice when one is given. Even a sweet card made by your child is something that I know I would keep for years to come.

Good luck.

I know someone that makes decorated cookies. If you want her contact info. let me know...she makes some gourmet chocolate chip cookies that are 'to die for'! The gourmet cookies could be ready within a day or so, but the decorative cookies might take her a few days.