Looking for a "work at home" job

I'm a SAHM with three kids in school, and would really like to find a "work at home" job. There are so many "work at home" jobs listings, but I'm finding that many of them you have to pay for. Is there a "work at home" job that doesn't require you to pay for, and that you can trust? Hope someone can recommend the right "work at home" job for me.

Thanks in advance for you help.

If you scan down, this is a daily question and you'll find some great info.

let me know if you find one, i'd love to have one for "my time" when i'm kid free on the weekends lol

I wish you luck as I have been searching for a while now. Most of what I find seems to be a scam, something you have to pay for or selling things, none of which is what I am looking for. You would think that there would be more opportunities but I am still looking.
Good Luck

You can start your own business, but you do have to pay. It can be as little as $39.95 to start. I have found it to be well worth the start up.

You could try this in your area. I am finding more about it as well:

about working for them:

Is there something you enjoy doing that you can do on your own? Clean houses, wash cars (LOL), sell things on eBay (my sister's friend makes $5000 a month doing this), and I teach ballet in my home to children. With the economy the way it is, I know a lot of people doing their own thing. They are thinking outside the box. Good luck to you!!

this question comes up all the time! lol. its always one of my favorites though given that i have tried just about all of it. As far as not having a "start up", that probably just wont happen. I know that sounds negative, but even working outside the home requires something. for example, having to buy special shoes, or a uniform, or office attire, etc. sometimes the start up can be $10, sometimes it can be $110. its really up to you and what you really WANT. Just make sure you are checking it all out, make sure it is legit, has a good rating with the better business bureau, and if at all possible, the fee is refundable. Even if it is only refundable for a month or 2.

unfortunately, work at home jobs are not the same as work outside the home jobs. Part of what you trade off to be able to stay home and reduce the expenses of daycare, gas for your car to drive to work, etc is that you give up hourly pay. there ARE work from home jobs, and they CAN replace an income, but i would say on average they take about 1-2 years to really replace a full time income if you are really working at it. I know you said that she is looking for online work, and that is fine, but she also needs to be realistic and understand that working ONLY online will take a little longer for her to be making a large chunk of income.

There are lots of different things she can do, but she really needs to find her own niche and what really works for her. she could sell cosmetics like mary-kay or avon (i recommend avon over mary-kay personally. there are a lot of fees, but there is no inventory and i like the products more), there is also things like pampered chef and what not, my sister answers questions for cha-cha.

I work from home and i really enjoy it, but again, its not a get rich quick thing. ive been doing it about a year and i bring in a good chunk of monthly income, but it is by no means a full time job. I enjoy it because i just help educate people on health and health is something that i really care about, especially when it comes to kids since my own kids had health issues before.

i dont know if that even sounds like something she would like, but if it is, tell her she is welcome to give me a call. My name is LeAnne and my phone number is 913-563-7963 (obviously i have nothing to hide! lol) or the website she wants to check out is http://www.PerfectWorkForMoms.com

M.O.M = Moms On a Mission. We educate families on nutrition and finances. You can see what we do at www.SolutionsForMyFamily.com. There is a monthly investment in your health required. But who knows, it might be for you.

Barbilee, M.O.M.
Family Success Coach

Working from home requires a lot of self discipline and focus. It can be done but it is not as easy as it appears. We run our company from home and we end up doing it 24/7. There is always something to do.

A post like this will bring out every MLM recruiter there is on the site. Some people do make money with MLM's, however, most figure out they are making money for the person who recruited them, not themselves. If you are into investing, selling, chasing down people to tell them how great your product is then go for it and I wish you the best.

Since you have all children in school, you would be perfect for a mom's day out program teacher/asst/sub. I've seen opportunities in our area geared toward moms.... mall conceirge staffing, retail, etc. Tutor children, work as an asst in the school with your children

Depending on your skill level, maybe you are good at office work and could work from home, telecommute from a larger company or job share with someone.

Good luck finding something that suits you.

You likely won't find a JOB at home, those are few and far between, at least ones that pay hourly. Most things that are legitimate are businesses and will require a start up fee. I do have a business that costs $29 to start, PM me if you want information.

If you are interest, I would be happy to share an opportunity that I am involve with. Information is free and there is no risk.


i know its been almost a year but im going to tell you about a website i found out about after asking other moms about work at home opportunities

its called

its awesome! this guy has tried every work at home thing possible!
he posts the ones that work and all you do is go to the websites and apply for the jobs or submit whatever you need to! its legit.


What are you interested in more or less. Most, if not all businesses require some investment. It is more a matter of how much one is willing to invest. Sometimes the investment is worth a try.

How about capitalizing from services that you already use. Moreover, you can capitalize from services that others already use. By becoming part of the team in this company you have the benefit of earning income from services that everybody uses. Take a look for yourself. www.5linx.net/L463365

If you have any questions, e mail me at becomeanowner@yahoo.com