I know in our town they have community centers that can be used for a large event like yours. There is plenty of space outside to BBQ, etc...
Hi, does the church have a community hall where you can serve cake and coffee? Don't sweat it. It is not a wedding and the babies don't even understand what is going on. The important thing is the christening, not the party. Also, you can have everyone come to the christening and just have a small gathering for the God-Parents, and immediate family at a local restaurant. Good Luck!
Why don't you ask the church if you can use their reception hall (assuming they have one). Our church was more than happy to permit us to use theirs and it saved the guests time from having to travel to another location. All you have to do is ask a few of the guests to help set-up prior to and help clean-up (perhaps a few close trusted friends could assist with those tasks)? Usually there is a kitchen attached to make it easier as well. Or you can have it catered. Most churches won't even ask you for a donation to use their hall or if they do, they expect you to set the donation amount. It's worth a try.
Enjoy your day!
Hi Janelle,
I don't know where you live but it's so expensive to do party's now. It seems no matter where you go it's up there. One suggestion would be when you make the food, if you are going to do it yourself at a hall or park, have your food cold. Hero, salads etc that would make it easier on you. I know that the VFW halls let you bring in your own food but then they charge you per head for your soda/drinks. It gets really expensive. Does your family help with making things when you have a party? I know mine does...my whole family always helps each other when there are party's and it's a great help. I don't know how you are about Chinese Buffets but I know that they usually offer a nice deal. Usually about a 4 hour time that you can be there. Most offer a separate room and in August it would be air conditioned. Not everyone loves Chinese Buffets but they are reasonable enough and they offer a wide range of choices. Good luck...let us know how you make out. Debbie
Depends where you're from. There's a great ambulance corp hall in W. Milford, NJ that's a steal to rent, only $150, but that could be hours from you LOL!
Hi Janelle
I had my sons christining at a diner. They had a special room for large parties. This particular room held 75 but check out the local diner they might accomidate more. Bonus you don't have to cook or clean up. I had 40 guest and it came to 650. Or if you have the room in a backyard, rent tents and have the local deli cater the food. I know some places have someone to hire to set up and clean up. I hope this helps.
Denise B
Hi Janelle,
Not knowing the area you live in makes it hard to suggest any places I may know of. I can guess that in August you might want to be somewhere where it is not extremely hot like by water or in air conditioning. If you feel comfortable emailing me what town or city you live in I might be able to help.
Mary Jane
Not sure where you live but I had my daughters baptism party at the Holiday Inn in Mt.Kisco NY. The food was excellent and we had actually been married there too. I forget how much it was but I remember thinking that it was the same or even less that renting a hall and then having to order the food in and alcohol. Doesn't hurt to check it out.
Not sure where you live but we had our child's dedication at Mr. Dominics on the lake. It was about $650 for 70 people. If you google mr.dominics there are various prices per person for different buffets. We were going to have it at a park and cookout etc. but as I added up the cost of all of that it came pretty close to the mr. dominics price minus all the hassle of set up and clean up.
All I can say is WOW! At the time of writing this I had 27 respomses. You Mom’s are all wonderful for offering your words of advice! I have a lot of research to do it seems! Thank you all again so much, and I will update again when I have made a decision.