Lady of America in Allen

Is anyone a member of this fitness facility or has anyone tried it out? How is their childcare?

I used to be a member of LWO in Allen. The fitness facility was fine, but my son (age 6 an very active) was bored with the childcare and did not want to go. If your children are younger, it should be fine.

Hi Melissa,
I was a member of LOA at the Sachse location for several months. I really did enjoy the facility as far as the equipment, classes and instructors. The hours are okay, I think they should stay open later, especially on Saturdays.

As far as the childcare - I had a very bad experience. I have a one year old that was naturally going through his seperation anxiety phase, so would cry when I left him. On this particular day I forgot to bring my MP3 player with me so, about 5 mins into my workout I could hear him still crying, when the door was opened. As I was reaching to open the door of the childcare room I heard yelling "Be quiet Vincent, shut-up!". My son was sobbing on the floor while that b*@#%* was sitting in a chair with her arms crossed. I was LEVID. My blood pressure was boiling; it took everything in me to not grab her by the neck and slam her against the wall.I decided not to do or say anything in the heat of the moment as my four year old daughter and several other children were in the room. Instead, I stared her down (she was beet red by this time) grabbed my children and left. When I got home I called the facility and spoke to the front desk employee and while she was very attentive and apologetic, my message either was never passed on or management never cared to call me back. In my cancellation letter I cited my childcare experience as the sole reason for cancelling - still haven't heard anything.

I'm not claiming that my experience is indicitive LOA childcare, because previous to that particular employee woking there, I never had a problem. I just wish my complaint was acknowledged and either that employee was terminated or sent to childcare training.


This is an past request but I just read it and coincidentally I just had a so so experience with LOA in Sachse.

I was very interested in joining the gym because it's very close to where I live so I went to see their equipment etc.

Things I didn't like:
-You have to fill out 4 plus pages of personal info jus to get basic information about the gym (rates etc).
-The women who showed me the gym wanted me to join right away and were EXTREMELY pushy about it.
-They noticed I was very uncomfortable but didn't back off at all.
-Because I had already filled out the personal info form they still have my e-mail and phone, thus, at least once a week I receive a call from or an e-mail from them, eventhough I've told them repeatedly that I'm not going to join. These ladies won't give up.
-The gym is not that good anyways, a huge downgrade from Bally Fitness in Plano where I used to go.

Sorry to give a negative feedback on this one but my experience wasn't pleasant at all; eventough I really wanted to join at first.
Have a great weekend.