
My daughter is currently in pre-school but registration for Kindergarten is coming up in a month and I am really on the fence about putting her ina full day Kindergarten class. She only goes to pre-school for 3 1/2 days per week and it just seems like going from that to 5 full days per week would be too much for her? Anyone have any thoughts?

I absolutely loved the full day kindergarten. My youngest learned so much more. They did have "nap" times, which helped out a lot.

my son went to school just like your daughter. i put him in all day kindergarten and he loved it. he is now in second and if i had to do it again i would.

I'm seriously considering the same for my son. He's in 4 half days per week right now, and does great. I plan to start doing some structured educational activities(homeschooling really) with his mornings, to get him ready for the switch. Perhaps you could consider that as well. There will be a small period of adjustment, but I'm sure she'll get used to it. If not, you could always switch her to a half day program.

Hi Melissa,

I am in the same situation. When my oldest was in Headstart for 2 years. He went 1/2 days mon-thrus. I put him in only 1/2 days the first 1/2 of the year, an dfor hte second half,they had a fulltime opening and then switched. I enjoyed the extra time it gace with him before he was at school all day long. I hope this helps.

My daughter started preschool this year, it's a full day m-th program and she loves it! They have a rest time after lunch, and it's not the intense full day that you think of for regular elementary school, it's geared towards the kids! Nest year will be full day kindergarten, m-f, just like the big kids. We are in Michigan also:)

Is full-day kindergarten the only option available? My son is in afternoon kindergarten, and I think that 1/2 days are a good transition from preschool schedule into full days in 1st grade.

Your kids will have many years of full days at school. Why not let them take it a little easier for a year?

Hi Melissa,

I too am running into the same situation. My daughter is in pre-school 3 days a week for only a couple of hours. Kindergarten is either full day or half day in our district.

As I am typing this to you, my daughter is making my point. I find that on the days that she is not in school as well as the afternoons after school she seems to get really bored. We do lots of things together but, I think that she needs to have different surroundings. She loves to play with the kids and talks about her teachers non stop. She seems to be thriving more from school than from being home with mom.

I think that she may be going to full day kindergarten. For as much as I may not like it, I think it will be more beneficial to her. Not to mention that her 1 yr old brother can get a break from her....LOL

Good Luck in you decision.

Hi Melissa

My DD is in K and she goes all day. Granted, I work full time so she has to. But you never mentioned how old she is? If she has a birthdate close to the cut off, I would think about waiting, but if not, I bet she is more ready then you think. My DD turned 5 on July 3, last year, and she was ready for K. Why do you think she may not be ready? Where in MI do you live, I am in MI to, in the burbs north of Detroit.


Hi Melissa,

I totally agree with you. I too am a SAHM and my daughter went to preschool only 2 mornings a week. Her school has 2 full day one 1/2 day kindergarten. I wanted to put her in a different school but my husband convienced me to try it for 3 weeks first. She loves it. She does great. I help out in the class room once a week and I am so amazed by how well they all do. I will not hesitate to put my son in the same program when he is ready. (he is now only 2) My best friends child goes to kindergarten all day every day and said that at the beginning it was an adjustment but by the 4th week they were doing great.

Hope that helps.


My daughter, McKayla, started that type of kindergarten last year. After a year of homeschooling the year before, I was just as apprehensive as you are. But luckily my son, Kiefer, is only 11 months older than her. He went to the every other day kindergarten and the next year when it was my daughters turn, they changed it to all day every day.
I was able to see just how much better the all day kindergarten is compared to just a few days a week. McKayla had learned so much more than Kiefer did and faster. It was crazy!! They are able to retain so much and catch on faster since they are there longer. I was very impressed and glad that she was able to benefit from that.
Plus, she loves school!! She came home the first day of kindergarten and asked when she could go back!! She has made so many friends and she joined girl scouts. It is so neat. The only thing we had to adjust for was her sleeping, she got tired the first week, but they gave the kids' down time at school too. After she was used to the hours it was fine.
To tell you the truth, I was the one that had a hard time with it having either one of my kids' around was hard on me. Oh, well...
I hope that I was a little bit helpful to you!! Good luck!!

Our school has the option of half day or full day and we chose to do half because we knew full day would just be too much for our son. We figured he has 12 years of full day school ahead of him, and quite frankly, I'm being a little selfish and wanting him home in the afternoon to spend time with him! This is my last opportunity to do that and I'm taking advantage of it! Whatever you decide, don't let anyone make you feel guilty though. You know what's best for your child.

There have been no studies that show that full day kindergarten is any more beneficial to children then half-day kindergarten. Many of the parents that opt for a full day kindergarten is because it cuts daycare costs. If daycare is not a problem or issue for you, I would look into a half day program for your daughter.

Depending on what school district, are you sure it is 5 full days? Most KG are 5 half days, which is really only 3 hours a day.
One suggestion would be trying out a longer day at preschool. There are some programs that will let you try some different schedules to see how she will do.
I am a Director for a KinderCare, as well as a Mom of a KG. If there are any questions I can help you with, please let me know. No pressure, just Mom to Mom, (not as a Director)


I know I am late in responding but I was faced with the same dilemma with my son. I wasn't sure if I should enroll in extended day kindergarten or not. Finally, someone said to me, what would he be doing if he was at home? Well, the answer to that was watching TV or playing video games. That's when I decided on full day. It was the best decision we ever made and I really believe it gave him an advantage when he went to first grade. My dtr who is now 3 will be doing the same thing. Good Luck to you!

My daughter is in kindergarten this year. We moved here at the beginning of the school year, and realized the cutoff dates were different for this area. We were not really ready for her to go to school either!! We were told at the beginning of the year that because she is a "young five" that she may need to repeat kindergarten next year. However at her last conference, her teacher let us know that she would most likley be placed in 1st because she is doing so well. All this was really hard on me emotionally, but it's gotten alot better as i see how much she loves going to school and how well she's doing. Just thought this might encourage you a little, good luck!!

Hi my name is Sherilyn a mother of 3 who are 17,18 and 21 years of age. I am also from Michigan, Watervliet area. My advice about kindergarten would be, God has blessed her in your care and so He must trust that you have what she needs to get a good start. My experience is that teachers are so overwhelmed with so many students as it is and children at this age need so much one on one and they just don't receive that in a big class room setting. Have you ever thought of home schooling? I wish I would of done home schooling with my children in their tender years! Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He will guide your path (decision).(Prov.3:5,6)
God Bless,

Thanks for all the great advice everyone, it’s good to know I am not the only one going through this! I guess I am going to wait until the Kindergarten roundup meeting and get more info about the full day program at that point. Thanks again!!