Jogging Strollers Suggestions

My son is almost 3yr old and I'm looking to get a jogging stroller. I'd like any advice on name brand/model. Some things I'm looking for are: comfort/ability to lay back so he can fall asleep in it if necessary, sturdy yet small wheels (dont like those huge wheels like the ones on schwinn's), large cover for sun protection, easy fold-up feature and a large undercarriage storage area. Thanks in advance! p.s. If anyone in the Las Vegas/Pahrump area is looking to sell one, I'd be happy to take a look. I'm looking for one in either blue/gray/black.

I would check out the brand "Phil and Ted". I've used a lot of strollers and that brand was my favorite. It has a front weel that swivels (a must for turns!) or locks, and it folds up like an umbrella stroller!

The top of the line is the Bob stroller----unless you're having multiple kiddos in a row--I feel the price is unjustified. I seriously recommend the one from Babies R Us that's around $100. I had a model that was InStyle--wouldn't do it again. I ran with my friend's strollers, and that was my fave, believe it or not!

Hi Claudia-
My suggestion would be to go to It is an awesome site for joggers. It is a SAHM of triplets +1 and she has so much information about strollers, this would definitely be my first and probably only stop.

My suggestions are the BOB stroller. They have a great single with plenty of space, easy fold down, recline, cushion for the baby and light/easy to push. If you would like the smaller wheels, look at the City Series by BOB. Joggermome carries all of the BOB strollers and some others. Good luck. I hope this helps.

PS. I would stay away from the Schwinn, Baby Trends, Dream Designs b/c they are a low quailty product, in my opinion.

Hi Claudia,

I own a baby shop in Southern California and we provide free stroller consultations. You are more than welcome to give me a call and I can answer any questions that you still may have after all the great responses on this site. In my opinion, the BOB stroller is a great stroller for toddlers as it has a nice tall seat as well as a room canopy that sits above the seat and offers plenty of coverage. The recline is not fantastic but plenty for a 3 year old to nap. They make the Revolution which has the swivel front wheel with the option of either 16" rear wheels or 12" and it sounds like the 12" would be the way to go for you. If you don't plan on taking it on major offroad adventures then the 12" would be perfect. If you really want to offroad with it, opt for the 16" wheels. I really think that the BOB is a lot of stroller for the money. I have joggers in my shop that cost almost twice as much as this and I really think the BOB is incredibly well made for the price. Again, if you have any questions or are on the fence about a couple of brands, feel free to give me a call as I would be more than happy to help!

Best of luck!
OC Travel Tykes

I love the Bob Revolution. I have the Duallie but the single is just as nice. I push my 3 and 5 year old in it (most days lately, just my 3yo) I use it mostly for Stroller Strides but I take it with me on all day trips as well.

My friend has her own jogging stroller business that has a lot of useful information.


I have a BOB which I love. If you are truly using this stroller for running, then you need to get the kind with the huge wheels. They are designed for running. I spent almost $300 on my BoB. It has a great canopy as well as a basket and it folds down as well. I looked at some of the cheaper versions (like Reebok and the others they sell at Babies R Us) and got on line and did some research. The BOB was highly recommended, and my daughter is almost 3 and we're still using it.

The BOB revolution is the ultimate stroller! My husband and I love it so much...we now use it not only on walks and runs...but as our everyday stroller. We even take it on vacation with us. Make sure you get the one with the wheel that can lock or unlock....makes for really easy maneuvering on pavement and sand.

I had a Graco jogger from Target (also avail. elsewhere). It was exponentially cheaper than some of the trendy ones, and more compact so it fits fairly easily in your car (if you have to you can remove the front wheel). It also comes in gray. That said, you might want to think hard before you make this investment now. Your son may not stay in a stroller much longer. I've been pretty lucky, my very busy daughter will sit in the stroller for walks most of the time, even at 3 1/2, but some kids won't do it much longer after 3. Maybe you're doing it already, but this is a good time to find activities you and your son can do together, like you riding a bike and he riding a tricycle or even a bike with training wheels. Remember that he needs exercise too!

There is absolutely nothing that compares to the BOB Revolution. Yes, it's a bit pricey, but so worth it! Turns on a dime, pushes like a dream, has plenty of storage. I also recommend the cup holder attachment and BOB diaper bag that clips to the handlebars. Happy jogging!

I would recommend the BOB jogging stroller, any model. I have the single Ironman and the double revolution. I have had the single for 4 years and the double for 1 year and love them both! I like the revolution the best bc of the swivel wheel that can lock in place if you want it too. BOB joggers are pricey but completely worth the money. There is plenty of storage, a large canopy and easy to push. Plus, both the single and double fold up easily!I suggest you go to the store with your child, have him sit in the strollers while you test them out and get a feel for them. I also suggest that you buy the cup holder accessory that goes along the handle bar - for keys, money, water . . . Good luck.

I suggest the BOB Revolution. It is our only stroller and it is the BEST! A little $$$ but worth every penny. Turns on a dime, great sun coverage, comfortable, easy to push, great storage. Good luck!

I LOVE our Bob Revolutions!

We have both the single and the duallie. I use both of these everyday for everything from going to the mall, walks, etc. We have taken them camping, to the beach, the amusement parks, travels to S. Dakota, light hikes, etc. This thing rolls over almost everything.

It has decent storage space underneath. Enough for the essentials that you will need to carry with you on your runs or everyday outings.

They recline enough for my oldest to snooze in... I think they recline about 3/4 of the way down. The shade cover is the best I have seen so far. The only part that doesn't get covered by it is their feet. Wheels are easy to remove and put back on.

I am a jog/walker and this suits me just fine. But I have read some reviews from people who competitively run Iron Man races and they say that if you are running really fast the swivel wheel, even when locked in place will jiggle some.

The best part of the whole thing is the lifetime warranty! I have had to call a couple of times because the screw that attaches the shade to the stroller on my duallie has come off (I am always hitting that specific piece on doorways) and they send it out for free in a few days. Their customer service is just awesome!

You can get really good deals on Bob strollers at REI. Usually around Labor Day and Memorial Day they have them on sale for 20% which saves you about $100. And you can have them direct ship it to your local store for free. I ordered both my strollers from their website and picked it up at my local store a couple of weeks later. You can also go to the store and test drive it. Our store let my hubby take one outside and run with my son in it in the parking lot for like half an hour.

Definitely get the handlebar console for your keys and such and maybe the rain guard/sunshade thing if you will be racking up a lot of miles with your little one in it.

We live in San Diego where everyone does a lot of outdoor activities with their kids. So I see a lot of Bobs on the street. I also see a lot of the Schwinn's (usually Dad's running on one of the many bike trails that we have around). I usually see Mom's pushing the Bobs. They also have one called the Stroller Stride Revolution that I see a lot at the parks.

Good Luck!

A lot have people have already recommended the Bob, but I really liked the Valco Baby. If your son is already 3, you don't need somthing that last forever. The Valco and Bob are both over $300. Look at how much you will be using it and how long you will be using it for. Are you planning on having more kids? If so then I would forsure get the Valco. It has an attachment seat for it so you wouldn't have to get another double later.

We have the In Step double jogging stroller (we have a 15 mo old and a 4 YO) and it's been great!! We got it last summer and it's our favorite stroller. As someone suggested be sure you get a jogger that has a swivel front wheel, much more manuverable in tight places (we take ours to all outdoor activities) my DH fought me on this feature and boy is he glad I won!

don't get Baby Trends Expedition--not much sun protection since that is important to you.

The Bob Stroller Strides was designed for walking and running and it comes with a post-partum exercise program. It also fits the Bob Revolution weather, insect, and sun shield that are sold seperately. The front wheel rotates too, which is just awesome! It comes in red which is very visible. It cuts down the worry about not being seen by motorists. It comes with reclining seats, a great built in sun shield, and sippy cup holders.