Hands down I am. By no means I'm no slob, but when it comes to our clothes, his clothes never touch the floor - they are either tossed in the hamper or hung up. My closet floor turn into my dresser on really busy days. But, when it comes to food, he can be a pig. He leaves crumbs (which is why he isn't allowed to eat anywhere but the kitchen) and has a hard time putting little things away, like the knife he used for the peanut butter or the empty bag of chips on the counter.
I am!!!!
My husband!
hahaha - I had to laugh because we just had this conversation 2 days ago. My closet can definitely be a wreck. Embarrassing but I spent a good while never actually seeing the floor on my 1/2 of the walk-in!!! He, on the other hand, has such a messy desk I cant stand it. He has papers and envelopes and little slips of papers everywhere. Every so often, I sort it out and put it in a clear box and label it. The last one has been sitting on the edge of his desk for 3 yrs!!!
We're both pretty neat and clean around the house. My wonderful husband definitely has a higher tolerance for piles of paper (bills, junk mail., etc) than I do. I LOVE to throw things out.
My car is a mess, though!! Like this morning, I was eating some celery sticks on my way into work, and I just tossed the plastic baggie on the floor like I was raised in a barn. I think it's because I ONLY use my car to drive back and forth to work--20 minutes each way--and whenever I get in the car, I think "Oh! I should clean out my car!!" And then the feeling passes by the time I arrive at my destination.
I don't like messes, but having two little kids has forced me to become comfortable with the idea of Matchbox cars all over the family room.
Me!!! I'm messy, but my husband is dirty. I leave things everywhere, but vacuum, mop and scrub. My husband tidies all week, but has never scrubbed a bath tub in his life.
Hands down....dh.
I am messier but more organized than my Husband. But I don't leave things on the floor.
My husband is 'neater.' But still, like yours, does not put away, his food/snack/crumb crap.
Well, let's put it this way. Clothes go on the bathroom floor. Onion peels, cauliflower shreds, used coffee filters...on the cabinet ABOVE the trash can. Dirty socks right in the middle of the living room floor. Water all over the bathroom after a shower.
Who does this? Well, it's not me, but I sure do have to pick up after it.
I am not a neat nick, but he is insane. He hangs up his military uniform and puts his dirty clothes in the corner and that's about the long and short of it. You should see him wash dishes. God love him, he tries, but he is the only man I have ever met that can make a mess cleaning up. He likes things picked up from the floor, but then he puts them on the tv, the counter, etc. He shaves his head and the mess he makes in the bathroom in the morning would have to be seen to be believed. It's like he had a shaving cream fight with himself! Washrag in the tub, clothes on the bathroom floor, hair, razors, toothpaste, toothbrush, deoderant, the whole shebang all over the bathroom counter......but that floor.....neat as a pin.
I am a mess.
my car is FAR messier than my husbands but in the house totally opposite! I am always cleaning up after him and the kids.. example his clothes were piled and folded neatly on the floor next to his bed and was told to put them away 3 weeks ago, now they are spread all over and putting them away is a waste of time cause they are now all dirty and need to be done again. lol
by far hubby... all ways around.
Sometimes i refer to my husband as "hurricane Matthew". Hes very clean in his hygiene but everywhere he goes comes with a storm of papers, cords, electronics, glasses of half full water, magazines, lighters, wrappers, boxes, styrafoam packing material, socks, shoes, hats, pants, belts.......etc etc...
Im a clutter hater, i love the old adage "a place for everything and everything in its place"........I watch the episodes of Hoarders in sheer amazement, I give away perfectly good stuff all the time by the box full because i feel clutter messes up my "energy flow".
He wants to be clutter free, I'm fine with the lived in look until I am ready to clean on the weekend.
We are messy in differant ways. He shoves things in any hideyhole they fit into, under the bed, in the closet, anyplace out of sight. And he stacks things. He wants the house to appear tidy. No visible clutter.
I want it clean. I would rather a pile of laundry be in front of the washer waiting it's turn than stuffed down into a basket with a towel folded on top of it, just because it looks tidier. I am more likely to leave things out until I am ready to clean them. But when I do, I do it thotoughly and put things where they go instead of just setting them on the mantle or under the coffee table.
I'm clean but messy, he's dirty but neat.
I clean under piles dust, mop, sweep, but am a collector and a homeschool mom so "stuff" is everywhere. But I can not stand dirty. .
He sees clutter and barks at us to pick it up but can't see dirt. Like the dog hair floaties.
He'll clean the dishes, but not wipe the counter and stove, I'lll rinse all the dishes until later and clean off the counters, stove and wipe the table.
We are the same. We both hang up clothes the minute they leave our bodies, we both clear our plates and put them in the dishwasher, we both are pretty much clean people. Where we diverge is I don't have the energy to always chase my kids when they are being messy. Then again he doesn't seem to have the energy to nag me when they do so perhaps we are on the same page there as well. :)