Is it okay to give a 4 month old baby Pedia-lyte

Does anyone know if it is okay to give a 4 month old baby pedia-lyte? Since yesterday my baby is gotten this crazy cough and after she is done coughing she throws-up. I was told to not give her much formula, as milk causes phlegm. So I was wondering is giving her pedia-lyte to keep her hydrated was okay? I go to the Dr. tomorrow but wanted to know about any home remedies that would be good for her.

I would call your Pediatrician's nurse and's the link to the Pedialyte website and their FAQ's. Every kid is different, I remember giving my son Pedialyte at 6 months...but, two months is a huge difference.

Good Luck!

My pediatrician told me to with my son when he was really young. I think I mixed it with a little bit of water too. Small amounts at a time! Call your doc just to be sure!

One of my little ones had a cough last week - wasn't throwing up that much but I used a humidifier in our bedroom for a week - and another humidifier in the downstairs near where she sleeps during the day. Worked out really well - usually it's the lack of humidity in the air that keeps the cough going.
Hope this helps -

Water is best! Give lots of water, that will keep the baby hydrated, and doesn't cost anything!

if you're giving her formula u should get some water like "Smart Water" that has electro-lytes....i've tasted pedia-lyte it's gross..very sugary..i would maybe water it down but she's only 4 months she needs her milk.. Bioron has homeopathic meds that work..i use their product "Chestal" for's great
do u have a vaporizer? i like to use a plug in ...called Gentle Vapors..u can get them at the pharmacy..that could help too..
good luck..poor baby..i would try to mix the pedia-lyte in some formula..

I would call your doctor's office and ask first...even if you have an appointment tomorrow. They can give you the best advice on something like this. I call my pedi about this stuff all the time and they are very helpful. My son (11 months old) recently had rotavirus (throwing up and diarrhea for about a week) and they told me to only give him a couple of teaspoons of pedialyte. Also, was it your doctor who said not to give your baby formula? This is their sole source of nutrition. I'm surprised that they would say to cut it back. Also, be very careful about giving a 4-month old too much water. There was recently a story in the news about water poisoning in infants. Babies don't need any additional water, beyond breastfeeding or formula, before the age of 10 months. It's a puzzle! I hope your baby is feeling better soon.

I don't think it is okay, but with babies this young, you should always consult with your doc. Unless it was your doc who told you not to give her formula, you should continue feeding her as normal. She could become dehydrated. Your doc should have a nurse that can relay your questions prior to your appt and help you out with this issue.

Good Luck!

Stick with breast feefing or formula.


be very careful with pedialyte. I don't think you're supposed to give it to an infant so young, but, ask your doctor first. When I gave my two-year-old daughter pedialyte for the flu, she started having blood in her urine (a lot) and I would NEVER give it to her again. Also, the package doesn't tell you that if you do decide to give it to your baby you're only supposed to give them a tablespoon or a teaspoon at a time -- I can't remember which one. Most people assume you can give them all or most of it. I never knew it could be dangerous. Also, I heard you're not really supposed to give babies under a year very much water if any?
Definitely check with the doctor. My doctors office will usually answer those questions over the phone so you might want to ask them today since your appointment isn't until tomorrow. I know how hard it is when your baby is sick and there's not much you can do to help. My little girl is almost three now. Good luck!

How about soy formula?

Absolutley! My son had lots of middle ear infections and he didnt want the milk, So he drank pleanty of pedia-lyte! In the begining I diluted it 2 oz water 2 oz pedia-lyte.

I was told by my pediatrician that giving my daughter pedialite was ok at 3 months. You might want to invest in a really good humidifier. That cleared up my daughter's congestion every time without fail.


You should check your sources re: milk causing phlegm. The latest studies show that milk in no way causes a higher production of phlegm or is related to the production of phlegm. My daughter's pediatrician has also confirmed that milk does not cause phlegm production. If she will drink formula, let her. Try to give her water, but if you are intent on giving her Pedialyte or another electrolyte drink, it should be fine. When my daughter had a stomach virus at 5-months-old, her pediatrician said Pedialyte was okay to give. The main goal is to keep them hydrated when they are ill.

Hope that helps,


Yes, absolutely! Give her about 1-2 oz. at first, and then 2-3 oz. when she has stopped throwing up for about 3-4 hours. You can gradually reintroduce the milk once she has stopped throwing up and have waited a little bit longer. Hope she feels better!

When my daughter was four months and started throwing up her pediatrician put her on pedialyte for 24 hours.
Good luck,

Dont give pedialyte

Thanks to all who gave me great advice… I’m still feeding her as normal, and thank God she is not throwing up as much. She’s still coughing really bad, but the Dr. said it’s a virus and it should go away on it’s own. I’m glad I didn’t give her any pedia-lyte she is doing just fine without it. Again THANK YOU so MUCH!!!